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Refine the "benefit" | Provincial excellent procuratorial culture brand ③
Time: September 8, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

[Editor's Note] Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. In order to thoroughly study and implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development and the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and to promote the construction of procuratorial culture in the province to be honest and innovative, Recently, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized the third procuratorial cultural brand selection and display activity in the procuratorial organs of the province.

Since the launch of the activity, the provincial procuratorial organs have recommended and reported 18 cultural brands, fully demonstrating the forging of excellent case handling teams, the summary of advanced working mechanisms, the refining of high-quality case stories, the continuity of red blood, the integration of party building business and other cultural brand building achievements. After selection, 9 brands were identified as excellent cultural brands of the provincial procuratorial organs.

Anhui Procuratorate has set up a special column to show the excellent procuratorial cultural brands in the province. This issue shows you: Huaibei Municipal Procuratorate strives for excellence in "benefits".

Introduction to cultural brands

Accurate focus, actively serving the overall economic and social development; Carefully handle cases, promote and lead the development of the system; Create an elite team of procuratorial public interest litigation in the new era with meticulous care... Since 2017, the office of the Procuratorate of Huaibei City, Anhui Province, has actively explored the development path of integrated promotion of party building and business, and dual integration and dual promotion, guided by the creation of the party building brand of "procuratorial public interest litigation for the people", in order to achieve the ultimate craftsmanship spirit, Efforts have been made to do a good job in procuratorial public interest litigation in the new era, which has played an important role in the judicial practice of safeguarding social public interests.

A group of meticulous public welfare prosecutors, with wisdom and technology, carefully crafted, guarded the Grand Canal ruins, martyr memorial facilities and beautiful homes, and handled a number of high-quality cases, which were honored as the second class collective merit by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, and its party building brand was awarded the "Top Ten Party Building Brands" of Huaibei municipal organs. The studio is brave in exploration and innovation, and has established the province's first public interest litigation workstation stationed in administrative organs, the first public interest litigation rapid testing laboratory, and the first smart public interest platform, effectively promoting the improvement of the mechanism. The Office of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Office of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference and the Municipal Procuratorate took the lead in countersigning the two-way connection and transformation mechanism of the NPC deputies' proposals, CPPCC proposals and procuratorial suggestions at the municipal level throughout the province.