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Entering the Ecological Environment Inspection Workstation of Nushan Lake Nature Reserve
Time: March 28, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Nushan Lake Provincial Nature Reserve, located in Mingguang City, Anhui Province, is composed of Nushan Lake and Qili Lake. It is one of the few natural permanent freshwater lakes in Anhui Province and is listed as one of the key wetlands in the province.  

   This wetland has a vital impact on the water quality of the Huaihe River, and is of great significance in alleviating the flood control pressure on the main embankment of the lower reaches of the Huaihe River during the flood season. At the same time, it plays a very important role in maintaining ecological balance and ensuring the water supply for agricultural production and urban residents, as well as protecting endangered and precious animals and plants and their living environment, and protecting biodiversity.  


   On July 26, 2019, the ecological environment inspection workstation of Nushan Lake Nature Reserve was officially launched.  

   Since its establishment, the workstation has carried out irregular patrols, clue analysis and judgment with the Nushan Lake Nature Reserve Management Committee, towns, public security organs, land and other departments, and investigated more than 160 clues of violations and laws in the Reserve. We strengthened the inspection and supervision of ecological environment restoration, boosted the city's ecological civilization construction, demolished 13 illegal buildings, closed 26 illegal farmers, and protected 4.79 mu of wetlands.  

   Effective protection activities have effectively promoted the protection and management of Nushan Lake Wetland to a higher level, effectively improved the ecological quality and environmental carrying capacity of eastern Anhui, and laid a solid foundation for the sustainable, stable and healthy development of regional economy and society.