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He is a prosecutor and also a caring person for public welfare. What's his story?
Time: August 16, 2016 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Public prosecutor ——Miao Yong  


   Moderator: Hello, everyone. Welcome to today's Procuratorial Live Room. In Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, there is a man who is a prosecutor and has been the anti-corruption director for more than ten years; At the same time, he is also a caring person who is enthusiastic about public welfare and philanthropy. People said that he did procuratorial work with high IQ and public charity with high EQ. In 2014, he was rated as a "righteous person in China", and in 2015, he was rated as a "good person in China". Not long ago, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, he was also named "Excellent Communist Party Member" in Anhui Province. He is Miao Yong, the hero of our story today.  

    Today, Miao Yong is going to visit a special old man with the volunteers of the Love Society. The old man, Chen Kegong, 92 years old, was a veteran of the Anti Japanese War and participated in many wars and battles, including the War of Resistance.  

    Synchronic sound Miao Yong: You are tested by life and death every day. It's amazing. Commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the backbone of the nation. Sir, you are the backbone of our nation. I admire you.  

    From entering the door to sitting down and talking about family affairs to saying goodbye, Old Chen always holds Miao Yong and volunteers' hands tightly. Before leaving, the old man sent the volunteers away with the highest gift program of a soldier. Chen is always one of the veterans Miao Yong often visits. Whenever he visits these veterans, he always thinks of his father.  

     Miao Yong, the third son in his family, was deeply influenced by his father, Miao Weimin.  

    [SYNCH] Miao Yong: I remember that when I was in high school, near the college entrance examination, he said that you would take the college entrance examination soon, and then you would enter the society. You should rely on your own efforts, not on your father. I was afraid of asking others, so this sentence touched me very much at that time,  

    Miao Yong said that apart from this special talk before the college entrance examination, whenever his life came to a critical moment, his father would always give him a lot of help.  

    [SYNCH] Miao Yong: As the Director of the Anti Corruption Bureau of our hospital, I was very successful all the way. Father came to my office again before taking office. What did I say you came for? He said that he heard that you will soon become the anti-corruption director. I will write a poem for you. The fight against corruption has a long way to go. The three swords on the head of the fight against corruption should always follow the call of the party. You should always feel like walking on thin ice. If you are not careful, you should overturn the ship, enforce the law impartially and handle iron cases. Each case can stand the test. At that time, I suddenly felt that this was the "Tight Hoop Curse". Fortunately, it was delivered in a timely manner, so that after more than ten years of work in the anti-corruption post, I was able to do a good job conscientiously.  

Three years ago, Miao Weimin, Miao Yong's father, was seriously ill. The old man who was about to come to the end of his life put forward an idea that surprised Miao Yong.  

    [SYNCH] Miao Yong: He felt that he had no regrets in his life. But soon he may be gone. He said, son, what should I do? I am not reconciled.  

    Miao Weimin, his father, confessed at the end of his life Miao Yong helps him fulfill his last wish —— Take the remains and organs as the last A special party fee Donate.  

     [SYNCH] Miao Yong: At that time, everyone didn't know how to do it. When we contacted the county, the county went to the city again. Finally, when he realized his donation, we saw his deeper significance. His cornea benefited a college student at that time, and now his eyesight is also very good.  

    [Miao Yong's monologue]: In my opinion, my father is tall and strong, and has a strong image. However, his reverence for life is extremely religious, and his tenderness for the weak is so powerful. Father has a compassionate heart of great love, but also the feelings of family nostalgia. After growing up, my father became my idol unconsciously, and an idea germinated in my heart.  

    Miao Yong was greatly touched by his father's practices before and after his death. In 2013, Miao Yong and several caring people set up a love club named after his father Miao And Taihe County Remains (Organs) Donation Volunteer Service Team, Co develop social friends one thousand More than people, becoming the largest volunteer service team at the county level in Anhui Province.  

      [SYNCH] Volunteer of the Love Club: Mr. Miao is a man whom we especially admire. In order to commemorate him and carry forward his good spirit, his son will now pass on these wishes of his father to every citizen through this platform.  

    After the establishment of Love Club, Miao Yong's first resistance came from his wife.  

       [SYNCH] Miao Yong's wife: I was not happy at first. For one thing, he is also busy with his work. Can't you spare some time to do something for his family?  

    While striving for his wife's understanding, Miao Yong has made every effort to expand and develop the Miao People's Love Society. So far, nearly 100 people have signed a letter of commitment for organ donation. We helped 85 body (organ) donation volunteers to sign donation agreements, and 4 people joined the China Bone Marrow Bank, realizing 3 body (organ) donations.  

    Miao Yong always misses his father more when he has made some achievements in public welfare.  

      [SYNCH] Miao Yong: This is a treasure of the old father. He has been riding this bike to work and go to the countryside. His footprints can be said to have traveled all over the cities and countryside of Taihe.  

    As a public welfare envoy, Miao Yong has always been on the road of devoting himself to public welfare and inheriting great love, Inspired by love, in addition to the charity activities of donating remains and organs, the Charity Society is also responsible for visiting veterans, helping poor families and minor children of prisoners.  

      [SYNCH] Miao Yong: The more this situation is, the more we need to help. Not only the monthly living expenses, but also the material ones. More importantly, they should be able to help them ideologically, spiritually and even legally.  

Miao Yong, who has been engaged in procuratorial work for more than 20 years, has had a nephew without blood relationship since 2012.  

      [SYNCH] Miao Yong: Because this child is special, his father is in prison, his mother is mentally ill and lost, and his grandparents have died one after another, so he left the child behind  

    Yang Yang is in adolescence, and Miao Yong pays particular attention to the psychology and spirit of this adolescent  

        [SYNCH] Miao Yong: Before the high school entrance exam, I told him what you want to do most now? He said that he most wanted to see his father. I said that your request was not small, but if you can pass the exam, I will help you with this matter. Then, I quickly contacted the prison department and arranged for their father and son to meet. After this meeting, it will be a comfort and inspiration for the children, right? It is also an inspiration for his father,  

      Miao Yong: In the future, you should try to go out early and reform well...  

    In the high school entrance examination, Yang Yang lived up to the expectations of the public and was admitted to the best high school in Fuyang City with excellent results. Xiaohe is another prisoner's child assisted by Miao Yong  

     [SYNCH] He: At that time, they all kept it from me. I don't know. I'm afraid I will delay my study. For a week or so.  

     [SYNCH] Miao Yong: His father hit and killed one of the others while driving. Right, he is serving his sentence outside.  

A year ago, Xiao He's father was sentenced to two years in prison for a traffic accident. In the countryside, father is the backbone of a family. When his father was in prison, the family's financial resources became less and less. After his father was in prison, Xiao He and his mother depended on each other for a living and lived on their mother's meager income. When Miao Yong visited, Xiao He had just completed the college entrance examination.  

  [SYNCH] Miao Yong: Huainan Normal University. Huainan Normal University is an undergraduate, which is not easy.  

It should be a happy event to receive the admission notice, but they can't afford to pay the tuition. The embarrassed life and inferiority complex make Xiaohe feel hopeless. He had the idea of giving up school and going out to work.  

    [SYNCH] Miao Yong: I have to pay for the financial difficulties. Why? After all, I am engaged in legal work. I have a deep understanding of the loss caused to the family by the family's violation of the law. When we deal with a case, the whole family is like a collapsed heaven. You are innocent, the child is innocent. We want to help the child get out of the psychological shadow. Be stronger and more confident to face life.  

Miao Yong is like this. He cares for the minor children of the prisoners in extreme poverty, so that these special children can feel the warmth of the law.  

      [SYNCH] Miao Yong: If I give my love, I have to give my responsibility first. You should take the tuition first.  

He: Thank you.  

Miao Yong: This is a good starting point, isn't it. We must believe that no matter how big the difficulty is, we must overcome it.  

If you don't go to college, you will regret it all your life. is it?  

    Xiaohe's mother: Thank you.  

    two thousand and twelve Since, Miao Yong has made use of holidays to visit the families of 21 prisoners, set up seven family files of prisoners in extreme poverty, shot videos recording life and learning for prisoners' children and sent them to prisoners to watch, and organized minors of prisoners to visit prisons three times to provide opportunities for family reunion. Every time a minor child visits a prison, the true feelings among relatives are revealed, which makes the prisoners present weep.  

    host: When we interviewed Miao Yong, he said that charity is a cause that needs to be devoted to true feelings and love, while the law seems cold and heartless, but actually it has a warm side. As a prosecutor, while acting in accordance with the law, he also needs to pay his true feelings and love to redeem the hearts of those who have violated the law.  

     When Miao Yong was appointed as the anti-corruption director, according to the designation of Fuyang Municipal Procuratorate, Taihe County People's Court filed and investigated seven cases of bribery, including Sun Meng and Xu Hegui, two directors of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Funan County, Fuyang City.  

    Sun Meng was suspected of corruption amounting to more than 6 million yuan. This is also It is the most valuable case in the history of Taihe County Procuratorate's anti-corruption work.  

      [SYNCH] Miao Yong: Your child is excellent.  

    Suspect: I can pass the exam with my own ability, and I don't need to worry about you.  

    Miao Yong: But after something like you happened, you said that it had no impact on him. That's impossible, right. I want you to write a letter to him through various channels and lawyers.  

    Sun Meng explained the fact that he asked for a bribe of 700000 yuan in the name of borrowing money. Finally, it was verified that the suspect Sun Meng was suspected of taking bribes of more than 6.9 million yuan,  

    Suspect: It is mainly the former development enterprises who use me to value these powers in my hands. Invite me to eat and drink every day. I have a fluke mentality, so today I embark on this criminal path.  

    host: In handling the case, Miao Yong took advantage of the situation to care for the suspect's family with true feelings while strictly enforcing the law. For more than ten years of anti-corruption work, he has hosted more than 50 major corruption and bribery cases, participated in the investigation and handling of more than 100 cases without any mistakes, saved tens of millions of yuan of economic losses for the country, and won the "Advanced Individual of the Provincial Procuratorate" and the "May 4th Youth Medal".  

    two thousand and sixteen At the beginning of the year, Miao Yong, who was promoted from the Director of Anti Corruption Department to Deputy Procurator General, received a case in which the conviction and sentence were changed due to the change of witness evidence.  

    2012 In, Gao Shilong, the suspect, bought 9 dumpers and sold them to a dozen villagers in his hometown.  

     [SYNCH] Villager A: When we bought the car, he said he bought it himself. He said he ordered the car himself.  

    Villager B: Kang Guo said that Gao Shilong borrowed his money to buy these cars.  


    However, it didn't take long for the villagers to realize that the nine cars were not bought by Gao Shilong. Gao Shilong cheated them.  

      [SYNCH] Prosecutor Li Jun: Not in the name of Gao Shilong, but in the name of Kangguo's company.  

    Villager: We were cheated. He cheated our car. We didn't even touch a screw.  

     two thousand and thirteen In October 2006, the People's Procuratorate of Taihe County prosecuted Gao Shilong for fraud. In June 2014, the first instance of Taihe County People's Court sentenced Gao Shilong to 12 years of fixed-term imprisonment. Gao Shilong refused and appealed  

      [SYNCH] Gao Shilong: I think I'm innocent. I didn't cheat everyone. In the first instance, it was found that the car was owned by Chengkang and not by me, which was not the case.  

    second instance The court found that Gao Shilong committed fraud and upheld the original sentence. Gao Shilong insists on appealing. Miao Yong and his colleagues investigated the case again according to law. At this time, the testimony of an important witness changed the direction of the whole thing.  

      [SYNCH] Prosecutor Li Jun: Jiang Yizhao had different testimony when the investigation was reopened. What he said at the beginning was that Kang did not lend money to Gao Shilong to buy a car, but what was the problem later? Kang lent the money to Gao Shilong to buy a car.  

     After verifying the change of the witness's testimony, the People's Procuratorate of Taihe County made a decision of "no prosecution if there is any doubt" in the case of Gao Shilong. However, this result has aroused strong dissatisfaction from many car buyers.  

      [SYNCH] Villager: Anyway, this evidence shows that Gao Shilong bought a good car in the past, but Kang also bought it. No matter who bought it, Gao Shilong cheated us and didn't tell us the truth. I think this case is always unreasonable. I think he must constitute a fraud.  

    Faced with the incomprehension of the masses, Miao Yong has been thinking about how to resolve the dissatisfaction of the masses. He went door to door to explain the legal provisions for the villagers, mediate and guide the injured villagers to conduct civil compensation litigation.  

      [SYNCH] Miao Yong: Clarify the whole legal process, relevant evidence and process. The second is his own actual demands, his interests, he suffered losses, and we should do everything possible to minimize these losses.  

    Through Miao Yong's efforts, the victims learned the law and finally accepted the decision of the procuratorial organ. In this process, people really felt that a prosecutor was dedicated to the people.  

      [SYNCH] Villager: If he doesn't ask, we feel hopeless. Now this case is under the control of some people, so we can rest assured. We still believe in the government (the procuratorate) and the Party.  


    To resolve conflicts with true feelings and warm others with love, Miao Yong said that what he got for this was a permanent return  

    Miao Yong's Monologue : Once, I had many times of happiness and happiness, but that feeling was fleeting. Now, when I pour my heart into others and comfort others with emotion, I feel a deep sense of happiness and happiness. Someone has asked me countless times, is it worth it? I think this is my gift.     

    Miao Yong and the members of Miao Weimin Love Society helped 47 poor students and more than 200 elderly widows and elderly party members, including 3 students supported by Miao Yong and his wife, and more than 200 elderly widows and elderly party members in need. For more than 20 years, it has continuously donated 4200 ml of blood. Every year, Miao Yong pays his own money to update the library, updating more than 1000 books in total, carrying out 62 large-scale public welfare activities, and participating more than 1500 volunteers.  

     host: The usage restrains the behavior of offenders and softens the hearts of more and more people with love. May Miao Yong and his Love Club have more and more influence and let Love warm more people. Thank you for watching today's program. Goodbye.