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NPC deputies joined hands with prosecutors to enter this primary school
Time: May 22, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

▲ Students wear red scarves for Lv Hui's representatives and prosecutors

▲ Peng Ke presides over the theme class meeting

▲ Teaching site

Minors are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. The healthy growth of minors is related to the harmony, stability and long-term development of the whole society. On May 13, the music radio of Anhui Radio and Television Station and the prosecutors of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate walked into the Fourth Primary School affiliated to Hefei Normal University to hold a class meeting themed "Guarding Tomorrow, Accompaniing You to Grow up".

Lv Hui, deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Radio Drama Department of the Music Frequency Operation Center of Anhui Radio and Television Station, Wei Daojun, deputy director of the Propaganda and Education Guidance Office of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, Tong Bo, prosecutor of the Ninth Procuratorate of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, and Cheng Canping, assistant prosecutor of the Third Procuratorate of the People's Procuratorate of Baohe District People's Procuratorate of Hefei, attended the theme class meeting. Peng Ke, the host of Anhui music radio, presided over the theme class meeting.

Anhui Radio and Television Station and Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate jointly created a radio play reflecting the protection of minors. The main creative team brought the introduction of the play to the campus to listen to the students' ideas and suggestions, and also took this opportunity to collect a more vivid and appropriate title for the play.

"My name is" Tomorrow Will Be Better ". The little hero in the play has been bullied by the Internet. This name can give her confidence and hope that she can regain confidence."

"It can be called" Hand in Hand with the Future ". The prosecutor holds the hands of the students. With the help of the prosecutor, the students in difficulty can get out of the predicament and have a better future."

"I think it can be called" Help Tomorrow ". All the children here (in the play) need help. The future of children is tomorrow."

"In" Light in the Corner ", prosecutors help children, and prosecutors are the light in the corner."

"My name is" Don't be afraid, classmate ". When facing campus bullying, students should not be afraid, but say 'no' bravely."


The theme class meeting reached a climax in the enthusiastic speeches of the students. The students who failed to speak at the scene wrote their names on the slip of paper.

"What is the Internet wolf?"

"What kind of situation is campus bullying?"

"What should I do if I encounter the Internet wolf or campus bullying?"

The new questions raised by Peng Ke, the host, have changed the atmosphere of the theme class meeting: some students immediately thought of the network violations they had encountered; Some students want to talk but stop; Some students fell into thinking

Finally, the assistant prosecutor Cheng Canping gave the answer.

Cheng Canping shows the harm and serious consequences of cyber crime to the victims by combining fresh cases. Through simple explanation, question and answer interaction and other ways, students learned about the definition, form and preventive measures of campus bullying. At the same time, it also teaches students to identify campus bullying and how to deal with it. Cheng Canping also encourages students to stand up bravely in the face of bullying, report the situation to teachers and parents in time, and jointly create a safe and harmonious campus environment.

The theme class meeting not only made the students further realize the horror of cyber crime and the harm of campus bullying, but also strengthened the awareness of civilization and discipline, improved the ability to prevent campus bullying, and established the awareness of observing disciplines and laws, and preventing crimes.