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Lv Hui, deputy to the National People's Congress: joint efforts are needed to prevent juvenile delinquency
Time: Author: Wu Yihuo News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

April 29, 2024, Procuratorial Daily, page 6

"One of the Most Concerned Matters of Representative Members" Column

In order to thoroughly practice people's democracy throughout the process and better respond to the concerns of the deputies, the Procuratorial Daily will now open a column of "One Thing Most Concerned by the Delegates" to report on the procuratorial work and people's livelihood hot spots that the deputies are concerned about, and effectively transform the opinions and suggestions of the deputies into a powerful driving force for strengthening and improving procuratorial work, We will better support and serve Chinese modernization with the modernization of procuratorial work.

Original title

Representative Lv Hui: Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Needs Joint Efforts

Our reporter Wu Yihuo

Deputies to the National People's Congress Anhui Radio and Television Music Frequency Operation Center

Lv Hui, Director of Radio Drama Department

How to better protect the healthy growth of minors has always been a question for Lv Hui, a deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Radio Drama Department of the Music Frequency Operation Center of Anhui Radio and Television Station. At this year's two sessions of the National People's Congress, Lv Hui, when reviewing the report on the work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, particularly suggested that procuratorial organs should focus on the field of juvenile protection and increase the intensity of public interest litigation.

"In recent years, the juvenile delinquency rate has been rising year by year, even showing a trend of younger age, and the victims are mostly minors. When the perpetrators and victims are minors, how should all sectors of society, including the judiciary, implement the Juvenile Protection Law and the Regulations on the Protection of Minors on the Internet in a high-quality and efficient manner?" On April 23, when Lv Hui was interviewed by our reporter, Turning to the topic of juvenile protection again, "the society's attention to juvenile delinquency cannot be limited to the punishment of the crime itself, but more importantly, how to reduce the occurrence of juvenile delinquency through prevention, education and reform."

In Lv Hui's opinion, the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province has done a lot of work in promoting the comprehensive judicial protection of minors, especially in coordinating the "four major procuratorial" functions of minors, deepening the comprehensive performance of duties, and playing a good "combined fist" in the protection of minors' rights and interests. From January 2023 to March this year, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province handled a total of 1013 cases of comprehensive performance of duties. For example, the procuratorial organ of Huainan City filed a civil public interest lawsuit against a drug retail enterprise for selling prescription drugs to minors, which caused a crime. The drug retail enterprise publicly apologized to the society and undertook the relevant costs to eliminate the impact.

"The prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency is not only the responsibility of the judiciary, but also the common responsibility of the whole society. It needs to start from family, school, society and other aspects to build a comprehensive juvenile crime prevention system." Lv Hui told reporters that she was recently creating a three episode radio drama "My Answer" about the protection of minors, With the theme of "strengthening the protection of minors and preventing juvenile delinquency", the drama reveals the impact of cyberspace on the growth of adolescents through dramatic means, in order to arouse the attention of the whole society to the growth environment and mental health of minors.