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Zhang Li's representative: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui procuratorial organs have been "tied together" in supervising and handling cases
Time: March 11, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On March 10, 2024, Procuratorial Daily, 6 pages, two sessions special issue

Original title

Zhang Li Representative: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui procuratorial organs Twist into "a strand of rope" in supervising and handling cases

Our reporter Yang Lujia Wu Yihuo

Deputies to the National People's Congress

Zhang Li, Head of Anhui Animal Husbandry Technology Popularization Station

"The year 2023 marks the fifth anniversary of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta as a national strategy. In the past five years, I have clearly felt that the ecology of the Yangtze River has undergone a qualitative change through the normalization of cross regional and cross sectoral joint handling of the Yangtze River fishing ban." Zhang Li, the head of Anhui Animal Husbandry Technology Popularization Station, talked about her feelings about "guiding the procuratorial organs in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui to improve the trans regional integrated performance mechanism" in the report on the highest level inspection work with her own experience.

In September 2023, the procuratorial organs of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui held a seminar on "escorting safe production to promote litigation source governance"; In October 2023, the procuratorial organs in nine cities of the G60 science and technology innovation corridor in the Yangtze River Delta held a working conference on cross regional cooperation, and signed an agreement to help the construction of the G60 science and technology innovation corridor; In December 2023, the digital procuratorial work seminar in the Yangtze River Delta was held to jointly discuss innovative development strategies for digital procuratorial work in the new era

"These solid work measures reflect that the procuratorial organs of the four regions have effectively played the role of cross regional procuratorial cooperation mechanism in serving major regional coordinated development strategies, tightened the" one strand "in the supervision and handling of cases, constantly strengthened the strength and joint force of legal supervision, and promoted Chinese modernization with high-quality coordinated development of regions in the new era." Zhang Li said.

"In addition, I also learned that the procuratorial organs of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui have built many cooperation mechanisms and formulated a number of action plans to promote the integration and development of the Yangtze River Delta under the rule of law, especially in the handling of ecological environmental public interest litigation cases, the compliance reform of enterprises involved, and the comprehensive protection of intellectual property rights." The representative of Zhang Li suggested that, The procuratorial organs continue to improve the trans regional integrated performance mechanism, increase resource sharing, enrich the forms of cooperation, jointly improve the level of digital procuratorial case handling, and promote the quality and efficiency of procuratorial cooperation in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui.