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Lv Hui, the representative, submitted the proposal on the formulation of the "Radio and Television Law" to the General Assembly
Time: March 11, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On March 10, 2024, Procuratorial Daily, 8 pages, special issue of the two sessions

Original title

Lv Hui, the representative, submitted the proposal to the General Assembly

Making Special Laws for the Development of Radio and Television Provide better legal guarantee

Our reporter Wu Yihuo

Deputies to the National People's Congress

Anhui Radio and Television Music Frequency Operation Center

Lv Hui, Director of Radio Drama Department

"With the gradual expansion of China's radio and television market, especially the in-depth development of media integration, radio and television has expanded its business field, but also faces many new situations and new problems. It is urgent to formulate a special law to promote the radio and television system and governance system to be more scientific, complete, effective and mature, and to provide high-quality radio and television cause Quantitative development provides better legal protection. " On March 9, Lv Hui, a deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Radio Drama Department of the Music Frequency Operation Center of Anhui Radio and Television Station, said in an interview that she had led the conference to submit a proposal on the formulation of the "Radio and Television Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Radio and Television Law").

From the 1980s to the beginning of this century, China's radio and television industry ushered in a golden development period of about 30 years. Radio stations, television stations and radio and television stations flourished. Representative Lv Hui told reporters that as an important carrier to enrich the people's spiritual and cultural life, radio and television shoulder important responsibilities, especially in the current mobile Internet era, radio and television should fully reflect its authority and credibility as the mainstream media, and spread the mainstream values Gather social consensus and build communication bridges. The representative of Lv Hui said: "The formulation of the Radio and Television Law is a concrete embodiment of the implementation of the important directive spirit of the CPC Central Committee on radio and television work, which is conducive to ensuring the correct direction of the development of radio and television."

In the new era and new journey, the people's increasingly urgent need to enrich their spiritual and cultural life has brought new opportunities and challenges to the development of the radio and television industry. We must further strengthen the management responsibilities of the radio and television authorities, strengthen the construction and management of radio and television facilities, and improve the operation and service level of radio and television network operators. "The formulation of the radio and television law is an important measure to practice the people centered development idea, which is conducive to strengthening the construction and management of the radio and television field, and improving the supply of public cultural services." Lu Hui said.

At present, with the accelerated integration of radio and television technology and the new generation of information technology, many viewers are more inclined to obtain information through new media such as short videos, microblogs, WeChat, etc. New formats such as "media integration", "virtual broadcast", "real-time production live broadcast", and "network program production" have become the development direction of radio and television. "But in reality, the service units that have not obtained the information network broadcasting audio-visual program license carry out Internet audio-visual program services without authorization, website programs lack copyright awareness, online audio-visual programs infringe on citizens' personal information and other phenomena, which greatly disrupt the production and broadcasting order of the radio and television industry." The representative of Lv Hui believes that, The formulation of the radio and television law is to meet the practical needs of the development of emerging technologies and is conducive to regulating, guiding, strengthening and promoting radio and television work.

In addition, from the perspective of institutional norms and systems, China's current management of the radio and television industry mainly relies on two administrative regulations, namely, the Regulations on the Administration of Radio and Television of the State Council, revised in November 2020, and the Regulations on the Protection of Radio and Television Facilities of the State Council, promulgated and implemented in November 2000. "There have long been problems such as insufficient legislation in the field of radio and television, and the formulation of the radio and television law is undoubtedly conducive to accelerating the construction of a systematic, scientific, standardized and effective system in the field of radio and television, and providing a solid legal support for the high-quality development of radio and television." said Lu Hui, a representative.

In view of this, Representative Lv Hui suggested in the proposal that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress should include the formulation of the Radio and Television Law in the legislative agenda as soon as possible, and consider the characteristics of the radio and television administration regulations that are different from the administrative provisions, give consideration to a broader audience, and further regulate the legal relationship between radio stations, television stations, and their users. At the same time, in the legislative direction, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and gradually shift from the existing focus on administrative management to better promote the development of the radio and television industry.

(Beijing, our newspaper, March 9)