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Resident Anqing representatives cross inspect Suzhou procuratorial work
Time: June 12, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In Suzhou in June, the wind blows the wheat waves, and the golden light floods. At the invitation of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, from June 7 to 9, nine deputies to the Provincial People's Congress and CPPCC members from Anqing came to Suzhou to start a three-day on-site inspection and feel the Suzhou procuratorate closely. Huang Huiping, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate and head of the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the People's Procuratorate, and Xu Huabing, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate, accompanied the inspection.

On the afternoon of the 7th, representatives of the members walked into Suzhou Procuratorate to inspect the "three rooms and three centers", such as the exhibition room of its history, the public interest litigation rapid inspection laboratory, the new media studio, the 12309 procuratorial service center, the investigation command center, and the party building research center, and watched the film "Visible Justice", the theme film of warm prosecution. Everywhere, the representative members listened carefully to the explanations and introductions, took the initiative to ask for details, and communicated face to face with the procuratorial police. "The Suzhou Procuratorate has a strong cultural atmosphere, a high quality team, and a good mental outlook, which makes people look bright!" The representatives praised one after another.

At the meeting, Huang Huiping thanked the representative members for their concern and support for the procuratorial work all the time, and asked them to put forward more valuable suggestions and suggestions on procuratorial work. He said that inviting representatives to make cross inspections is an important form of strengthening and improving procuratorial work, requiring procuratorial organs to do a good job in the regular and precise liaison of representatives, and efficiently handle the suggestions and proposals of representatives. Xu Huabing reported the general situation of Suzhou procuratorial work, and introduced the featured highlight work from six aspects.

During the inspection in the following days, the representatives of the committee members successively went to Yongqiao District, Xiaoxian County, Lingbi County and Sixian County to take the form of visits, field visits, informal discussions and exchanges to truly feel the efforts and achievements of Suzhou procuratorial organs in public interest litigation, optimizing the business environment and protecting minors. At each inspection site, the representatives listened carefully, put forward work suggestions from time to time, explained and recorded carefully with the procuratorial staff.

"Considering that some of the offenders' families are in poor economic conditions, or the original damaged land is difficult to repair or cannot be repaired, we have extended our judicial tentacles and built a non-native replanting of green public welfare forest..." In the "Forest Chief+Procurator General" public welfare forest in Fuli Town, Yongqiao District, the representative committee members follow the commentator's explanation and stop to watch from time to time, Learn about the process of the procuratorial organ selecting barren mountains suitable for forestry to build "procuratorial public welfare forest", so that the subject of illegal responsibility for destroying the ecological environment can perform the obligation of replanting and greening in different places, and realize the process of ecological interests filling and rebuilding.

In Xiaosu Tongling Border Area Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery and Huangzangyu Ancient and Famous Trees Protection Site, representatives of the committee members walked on foot, asked and visited along the way, praised Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate for carrying out special supervision activities on public interest litigation for the protection of heroic martyrs' memorial facilities, making and issuing procuratorial recommendations to protect ancient and famous trees resources and other work. "Let's feel the strength, speed and temperature of public interest litigation on the ground." The representative of Zhan Xiaoying couldn't help praising.

In Lingbi County Bearing Industrial Park, Chairman Zha Changli picked up a small bearing with great interest and carefully observed it. It is understood that in recent years, Lingbi County has made great efforts to develop strategic emerging industries represented by bearings. Lingbi County Procuratorate has moved according to the situation, extended the "radius" of procuratorial services, and strived to ensure the construction of "10 billion level bearing industry base". The person in charge of Anhui Yuancheng Bearing Co., Ltd. said frankly to the representative members: "The enterprise has made today's achievements thanks to the good business environment under the rule of law, and the help of the procuratorial organ has reassured us."

The representatives also visited the juvenile legal education base of Lingbi County Procuratorate, drove to Sixian County to inspect the Tongji Canal site of the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, and listened to the introduction of ecological environment and cultural heritage protection. During the visit, everyone frequently took out their mobile phones and took photos to record the wonderful content.

On the last day of the trip, representatives observed the whole process of a procuratorial hearing on safeguarding women's rights and interests at the Sixian County Procuratorate. Public hearing is a system that combines the procuratorial organ's independent exercise of procuratorial power according to law with the protection of the people's right to know, the right to participate and the right to supervise. It is an important measure to enhance judicial credibility and achieve the organic unity of the "three effects" of handling cases. Through on-the-spot observation, the representative members felt the legal sense of judicial case handling in a "zero distance" way, and deeply felt that fairness and justice are sensible, touchable and credible.

In the process of on-site inspection, Suzhou procuratorial organ made a deep impression on the representative members by optimizing the business environment, protecting public interests, protecting minors, warming up the application and other work.

At the feedback meeting held on the morning of the 9th, the representative members said that through this inspection, they had a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the procuratorial work and saw new ideas, new measures and new actions of the procuratorial organs to perform their duties according to law.

Yao Fangyi, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: I was most impressed by the scientific and technological means of public interest litigation, such as UAV aerial photography for evidence collection, fast food detection test, and so on. It can be said that the procuratorial work equipped with "technology engine" is more "intelligent". In addition, the measures taken by Suzhou Procuratorate in promoting the integration of party building and business are of great significance.

He Hua, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: Suzhou procuratorial organ is commendable for its innovation and success in promoting juvenile judicial protection and juvenile crime prevention. It is suggested that the procuratorial organ should strengthen the judicial supervision on the work of ensuring people's livelihood, so as to better protect people's livelihood with active performance of duties.

Zhu Guofeng, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: It is refreshing to perform the obligation of compensation for ecological environmental damage by replanting and greening! Even if the damaged ecological environment is repaired in a timely and effective manner, it also plays a very good role in education and warning, helping to promote the society to establish a sense of responsibility and responsibility for protecting the beautiful ecological environment, and praise this practice of Suzhou procuratorial organ.

Zhan Xiaoying, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: Suzhou procuratorial organ has made great efforts to serve the overall situation and the people's justice, and has achieved great results. It is suggested to continue to strengthen the judicial protection of minors, work together with family, school and social protection, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minors to the maximum extent.

Yang Liangliang, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: I watched a procuratorial hearing on the spot today. As an enterprise manager, I think it is not only a public hearing, but also a legal education. It is hoped that the procuratorial organs will carry out more activities of "sending the law into enterprises" and provide more targeted legal services.

Zha Changli, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee: This inspection made me know for the first time about the platform of public interest litigation "casual shooting". I think this platform is very good. I suggest that we should strengthen the publicity and promotion, and expand the social awareness of public interest litigation procuratorial work.

Dong Yinmei, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee When inspecting the legal education base for minors of Lingbi County Procuratorate, he said that in the future, he would strengthen the publicity and implementation of the mandatory reporting system in the performance of duties, and work together to protect the healthy growth of minors.

After listening to the opinions and suggestions of the representative members, Du Aizhou, a full-time member of the Procuratorate Committee of Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate, said that he would take the opinions and suggestions of the representative members back, study them one by one, earnestly implement them, and effectively transform them into an inexhaustible power to strengthen and improve Suzhou's procuratorial work.

Ma Chaoqun, Director of the Procuratorial Supervision Department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, and Li Dawei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Anqing Municipal Procuratorate accompanied the inspection; Shi Xuefeng, Director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPPCC Suzhou Municipal Committee, and Chen Yiyi, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate, were accompanied successively.

Deputies to the National People's Congress who participated in the inspection List of CPPCC members (living in Anqing City)

(In no particular order)

Deputy to Provincial People's Congress

Yao Fangyi, Electrical Engineer of Junxin (Tongcheng) Technology Co., Ltd

He Huatong: member of the General Party Branch, member of the Village Committee, full-time member of the disabled, and social security co organizer of Hongqiao Village, Lvting Town, the city

Ye Na, assistant police of Tongcheng Public Security Bureau

Zhan Xiaoying Head of Xiaoying Family Farm in Huaining County

Zhu Guofeng, Head of Yufeng Family Farm, Qianshan

Yang Liangliang, Production Workshop Director of Anhui Huiru Technology Co., Ltd

Member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee

Chu Jinsheng, Deputy County Chief of Yuexi County Government

Dong Yinmei, Vice President of Wangjiang County Hospital, Full time Vice President and Chief Nurse of the County Red Cross Society

Zha Changli Zhigong, Chairman of the General Branch of Yixiu District, Anqing City, Vice President and Associate Professor of Dabieshan Development Research Institute of Anqing Normal University (Anqing Development Research Institute)