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Representatives living in Hefei cross inspect the procuratorial work in Chuzhou
Time: June 12, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

According to the unified deployment of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, from June 6 to June 9, some deputies to the People's Congress of Hefei Province and members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee successively went to Chuzhou City and its subordinate cities, such as Tianchang City, Mingguang City and Fengyang County, to learn more about the procuratorial work.

Zhou Yong, member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department of the Provincial Procuratorate, Li Yuke, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of Chuzhou Procuratorate, and Yan Weiyou, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy chief procurator of Hefei Procuratorate, accompanied the inspection.

First stop: Chuzhou Procuratorate

On June 6, the representative members visited the Procuratorate Hall of Chuzhou Municipal Procuratorate, the History Museum of Chuzhou Municipal Procuratorate, the branch of the Municipal Library's Procuratorate in the city, the rapid detection laboratory of public interest litigation, Langya Mountain Procurator Workstation, etc., watched the propaganda film of procuratorial work, and listened to the work report.

In the planning hall of the New Suzhou Chuzhou Modern Industrial Park and Shenghuabo Automotive Appliances (Chuzhou) Co., Ltd, representative committee member Understand the production and operation status of the enterprise and the difficulties, pain points and blocking points in the development in detail, and listen to the judicial demand of the enterprise for the procuratorial organ and its satisfaction with the procuratorial work; And put forward some constructive suggestions based on their respective concerns and the actual procuratorial work.

Li Yuke, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Chuzhou Procuratorate, thanked the representative members for their concern, care and support for the procuratorial work in Chuzhou, and emphasized that the opinions and suggestions put forward by the representatives and members should be carefully studied and summarized, so as to transform the popular opinions reflected by the representatives and members into an inexhaustible driving force for the modernization of the procuratorial work in Chuzhou.

Second stop: Tianchang Procuratorate

On the morning of June 7, the representative committee members visited Anhui Tiankang (Group) Co., Ltd. and Anhui Xinbo Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd. on the spot to understand the actual operation and operation of the enterprises, listen to the problems in production and operation development, recruitment and employment, technical support, industrial development and other aspects of the enterprises face to face, and focus on collecting the judicial needs of the enterprises for the procuratorial organs.

In the afternoon, on behalf of the members, they went to the eighth branch of Longgang Anti Japanese University to inspect the first "revolutionary cultural relics procuratorial public welfare protection site" in Chuzhou set up in Tianchang, listened to the procuratorial organ rely on the protection site, took "red historical and cultural heritage protection" as the starting point, deepened the working mechanism of government procuratorial linkage, solidly performed the work of public welfare litigation, and planned ahead of the hospital, We agreed to take the lead in this work in Chuzhou, and suggested that we should further base ourselves on the procuratorial function, protect red resources and inherit the red spirit.

Then, the representative members came to the Tianchang Procuratorate, visited the procuratorial culture exhibition hall of the procuratorate, listened to the development of party building, procuratorial culture construction, minors' procuratorial work, and procuratorial itinerant workstations, and fully affirmed the connotation of the name of the "four-color Tianjian" party building brand, logo design, etc.

Third stop: Mingguang Procuratorate

On the morning of June 8, Zhou Yong, a member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, accompanied nine people living in Hefei, including representatives of the Provincial People's Congress and members of the Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference. Through field visits, they inspected the water area protection in Mingguang City, focusing on understanding the performance of the procuratorial organs in the protection of water ecological resources and their work results.

During the symposium, the participants watched the propaganda film of the procuratorial work of Mingguang Procuratorate. At the meeting, deputies to the Provincial People's Congress and members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference fully affirmed the efforts made by the procuratorial organs in strengthening liaison with deputies, building a sunny procuratorate, protecting the ecological environment, and serving the masses, and put forward suggestions.

Zhou Yong pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in the liaison work of the representative committee members with heart and feelings, strengthen the liaison efforts, carefully listen to the opinions and suggestions, ensure that every reply is made and every piece is implemented, and effectively transform the opinions and suggestions of the representative committee members into a powerful power to improve the quality and efficiency of the procuratorial work.

Fourth stop: Fengyang County Procuratorate

From June 8 to 9, the representative committee members inspected the "procuratorial public interest litigation protection demonstration site" in the National Archaeological Heritage Park of the Imperial City of the Central Ming Dynasty, listened to the introduction of the procuratorial work of public interest litigation for cultural relics protection, and believed that the Court, relying on the procuratorial public interest litigation protection demonstration site, actively explored the long-term mechanism of procuratorial protection in the Imperial City of the Central Ming Dynasty, and formulated a standardized management system, Effective countermeasures and preventive measures should be taken to build a new pattern of coordinated protection in which procuratorial and administrative departments work together, promote and fulfill their responsibilities, and provide a strong judicial guarantee for the protection of Fengyang City Wall cultural relics.

At the Procuratorate of Fengyang County, the representative members visited the procuratorial hall, the procuratorial cultural corridor, the entrepreneurs' meeting with the Procurator General's Office and other places, watched the propaganda film of procuratorial work, listened to the work introduction, and believed that the procuratorate has strengthened its feelings for the people in recent years, actively performed its procuratorial functions, used emotion to handle the affairs and cases around the people, and handled practical matters and good deeds, Deepen the ruling foundation of the Party and fully serve the overall situation of local reform, development and stability. All work ideas are clear, distinctive, promising and effective.

During the inspection of Xiaogang Village Procuratorial Workstation, the representative members affirmed the achievements of Fengyang County Procuratorate in public interest litigation, service guarantee enterprise development and other aspects, and hoped that in the future work, the court would help implement the rural revitalization strategy by filing public interest litigation, and jointly assist in the construction of beautiful villages, making the sky bluer, the water greener, and the ecology more livable.

Message from representative members

Representative Li Fang: Chuzhou procuratorial organ has done a lot of serious and meticulous work in the service and guarantee of local economic and social development, hoping to continue to strengthen the law popularization and education in rural areas.

Representative Xia Li: Chuzhou procuratorial organ has strong professional quality, can base itself on procuratorial function, sincerely serve and guarantee the development of private enterprises, and has done a very good job!

Xu Zhicang, member of the committee: Chuzhou procuratorial organ broke the rules, had the courage to innovate, actively extended the procuratorial function, and expanded and strengthened the procuratorial public interest litigation with new measures and methods.

Committee member He Qingrui: We should continue to increase procuratorial publicity and make the procuratorial work more famous. Strengthen the construction of enterprise compliance, and create a good business environment and a legal environment for enterprises.

Deputies to the National People's Congress who participated in the inspection List of CPPCC members (living in Hefei)

(In no particular order)

Deputy to Provincial People's Congress

Yu Zhenzhong President of Robot (Hefei) International Innovation Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology

Li Fang, Office Director and Labor Union Chairman of Hefei Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd

Line B3 driver of the second bus company of Xiali Hefei Public Transport Group Co., Ltd

Member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee

He Qingrui, Vice Chairman of Hefei CPPCC, Member of the Central Committee of Jiusan Society, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Committee, and Chairman of Hefei Municipal Committee

Xu Zhicang, Dean of School of Economics and Law, Chaohu University