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Procuratorial Daily | Yuan Liang, a deputy to the National People's Congress: promoting self-reliance in high-level science and technology
Time: April 10, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On April 3, 2023, the 7th edition of Procuratorial Daily

Voice Weekly "Lecture in Spring"

Cultivate talents to support high-tech level and become self reliant

Yuan Liang, deputy to the National People's Congress Publicize the spirit of the National Two Sessions

Reporter Wu Yihuo Correspondent Wu Wei Zhao Wu

Deputies to the National People's Congress Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Yuan Liang, President of Anhui University of Science and Technology

"'Accelerating the realization of high-level science and technology for self-reliance and self-improvement' is a sentence mentioned more frequently by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his speech and in the Report on the Work of the Government, and it is also a hot topic discussed by the delegates during the two sessions." On the afternoon of March 17, at the conference on conveying and learning the spirit of the two sessions of the National People's Congress held by Anhui University of Technology, Yuan Liang, deputy to the 14th National People's Congress, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, president of Anhui University of Technology In the face of leaders at the middle level and above, leaders of democratic parties in the school, and some representatives of teachers and students, he said when preaching the spirit of the two sessions.

▲ Representative Yuan Liang preaches the spirit of the National Two Sessions in Anhui University of Technology

During the National Two Sessions, Yuan Liang carefully reviewed various work reports and draft laws, actively made suggestions and put forward Suggestions on Supporting the Cultivation of High quality Talents in the Integration of Science and Education, Industry and Education, Science, Engineering and Medicine, and Suggestions on Increasing Scientific and Technological Support for Safe Mining of Deep Coal and Environmental Protection Suggestions on Supporting the Development of Energy Resources and the Coordinated Development of Industry and Ecology in the Huaihe River Basin.

Yuan Liang said that at present, China still has a "neck jam" problem in many fields, such as the energy field, which urgently needs to achieve self-reliance through high-level science and technology. Energy security is an overall and strategic issue related to the economic and social development of the country. At present and for a long time to come, coal is still the main energy in China's energy supply system, but most of the coal resources are in the deep, and the scientific and technological support for deep mining is not enough at present, and there is much room for improvement in clean utilization, We should promote self-reliance in high level science and technology in the energy field, deepen the energy revolution, and build a new energy system through new structure, new technology, and new utilization.

▲ Representative Yuan Liang communicated with young students on the spirit of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, and was interviewed by reporters.

"'High level science and technology for self-reliance and self-improvement' is closely related to universities. The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has also made an integrated deployment of education, science and technology, and talents." Yuan Liang is an expert in coal mining and gas management, and the main founder of the theory of coal and gas co mining. He attaches great importance to the construction of key disciplines, Therefore, at this year's two sessions, he once again proposed to support and promote the "double first-class" construction of colleges and universities, hoping to build a world-class discipline and systematically cultivate talents for the high-level self-reliance and self-improvement of national science and technology.

Safety science and engineering is the key discipline of Anhui University of Science and Technology in the third round of construction of double first-class universities. After returning to school after the National Two Sessions, Yuan Liang led the team of teachers and students to carry out research on the safety of mine ventilation system, and promoted the construction of "double first-class" universities with high-quality discipline construction. "The current higher education front should focus on the demand side and deepen the supply side structural reform, make good use of the" catalyst "of interdisciplinary integration, promote the integration of science and education, industry and education, science, engineering and medicine, connect the education chain, innovation chain, industry chain and talent chain, cultivate high-quality talents, and effectively support high-quality economic and social development." Yuan Liang said in the propaganda.

"If you keep going, the future is promising." Yuan Liang said that he would lead all teachers and students in the school to thoroughly implement the spirit of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, find the right combination point, entry point and focus point, firmly establish confidence in "double first-class", and better combine the development of science and technology as the first productive force, the cultivation of talents as the first resource, and the enhancement of innovation as the first driving force, More actively integrate into the construction of Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, the high-quality development of the industry, and the local economic and social development.

The teachers and students who listened to the lecture on the spot said that they should take serious study, extensive publicity, profound understanding and implementation of the spirit of the National Two Sessions as an important task at present, unswervingly implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, and strive to promote the spirit of the Two Sessions to be effective and fruitful in schools, so as to build a modern and beautiful Anhui We should make due contributions to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.