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[Cross inspection on behalf of members] Ma'anshan | procuratorial forces guard green waters and green mountains
Time: June 27, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"If the mountain is not high, the immortal will be famous. If the water is not deep, the dragon will be spiritual. This is a humble house, but my virtue is pure." On the morning of June 24, the representatives drove to He County, Ma'anshan City, to visit the base of anti-corruption education in humble houses, Zhenhuai Tower and other places.


After the visit, the representative feedback exchange forum was held in the He County Procuratorate, and the representatives of the three-day inspection ended their sincere exchanges with the prosecutors and talked about the harvest.


▲ At the meeting, we watched the propaganda film "Guarding the public welfare inspection for the people - a glimpse of the public welfare litigation work of Ma'anshan procuratorial organs"


▲ Lu Jianwu, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate presided over the meeting


▲ Liu Xu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Municipal People's Court, makes a work report

"Ma'anshan Procuratorate took the lead in setting up the 'Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation Yangtze River Fishery Resources Ecological Restoration Base', urging the treatment and restoration of 102 mu of polluted water sources, cleaning up 5.5 kilometers of polluted rivers and 21 mu of water areas, urging the removal and disposal of 40.5 tons of illegal domestic garbage, and advocating the ecological restoration cost of 23.4 million......"

During the reporting process, groups of detailed data and solid measures left a deep impression on the representatives, who listened carefully and nodded their heads from time to time.


Ma'anshan procuratorial organs adhere to the principle of justice for the people, keep in mind that "the country is the largest", and have done a lot of commendable work in protecting the ecological environment, ensuring economic and social development, and protecting minors. Innovative measures and outstanding achievements show the responsibility of the procuratorial organ. Here I sincerely praise the procuratorial organ in Ma'anshan. It is also hoped that the procuratorial organs can continue to explore innovation, improve the quality and efficiency of supervision, and act as guardians of national interests and social public interests.


I summed up the itinerary and feelings of the three days with four "good" points. First, the inspection activities were well arranged, second, the procuratorial work was well handled, third, it was well integrated with the overall situation of the center, and fourth, the procuratorial team was in good condition.


The procuratorial work of Ma'anshan City is brilliant and colorful, with prominent highlights. It closely adheres to the overall situation of the center, escorts high-quality economic and social development, achieves full coverage of "government procuratorial linkage", and helps build a government ruled by law. Especially in the area of innovation, we have built the first national judicial assistance education and training base for minors in the province, which is commendable!


Notable achievements have been made in coordinating the "four major procuratorates", rule of law construction, environmental protection, and protection of minors. The procuratorial organs have taken on the responsibility, relying on innovative measures such as labor compensation, cross regional cooperation, restoration of bases, and proliferation and release, and used the power of governance to protect green waters and green mountains.


In the past three days, all we can see is beauty, the beauty of city cleanliness, the beauty of residents' civilization and the beauty of nature. What we hear is true. The procuratorates at the two levels have increased public interest litigation in a practical and realistic work style, done practical things for the people, faithfully guarded green waters and green mountains, practiced the concept of justice for the people, and truly became the guardian of public interests.


After three days of seeing and hearing about the Steel City, I felt a lot and benefited a lot. I wrote a poem:

Leading the way, strong economy

Hurry to open up

Ten thousand horses gallop and emphasize civilization

An Ecological Stick for Success

Armed and Strong Procuratorate

The Golden Goggle and the Iron Horse

Longma Spirit Helps Development

People cheered and horses called Gangcheng prosperous

In addition, the representatives expressed the hope that the procuratorial organ could increase the publicity of public interest litigation, expand the field of public interest litigation, increase the enforcement of cases, and further strengthen the publicity of typical cases of elderly fraud.


Wang Yongfeng, member of the Standing Committee of Lu'an Municipal People's Congress and director of the Working Committee for Candidates, and Ge Yilin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Lu'an Municipal People's Procuratorate, highly praised the procuratorial organs for organizing the cross inspection activities of deputies to the People's Congress. They hoped to institutionalize such inspection activities in a regular manner, so that representatives could better understand and supervise the procuratorial work, Promote more exchanges and improvements in procuratorial work between different regions.


Finally, Lu Jianwu, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, said that he would carefully sort out the valuable opinions put forward by the representatives and take specific and effective measures; Take the initiative to strengthen contact with representatives, take the initiative to inform representatives of the procuratorial work, and seriously handle the matters assigned by representatives; Take various forms to let representatives participate in procuratorial work, support in supervision, and supervise in support; Fulfill their duties faithfully, strive bravely to be the first, and show new responsibilities and new achievements in building a modern and beautiful Anhui.

   List of NPC deputies who participated in the inspection (in Lu'an)  

   Deputies to the National People's Congress:  

Chen Xianzhi Member of CPC Jinzhai County Committee, Chairman of Jinzhai County Sijichun Tea Professional Cooperative, Secretary of the Party Branch

Huang Chunyan, member of the CPC Lu'an Municipal Committee, welder of Anhui Bowei Chang'an Electronics Co., Ltd., director of Chang'an Welding Skills Master Studio

   Deputies to the Provincial People's Congress:  

Liang Guojin Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Wanxi Health Vocational College

Bao Binghua, Member of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Jin'an City, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Jin'an District, President of the District Intellectual Property Federation

Fang Guo Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of Wuliqiao Village, Qianrenqiao Town, Shucheng County

Feng Xuan, President of the Second People's Hospital of Huoqiu County

Lv Yonghai, teacher of Maotanchang Middle School in Jin'an District

Liu Yongfa, Chairman of Yongyu Rural Water Conservancy Cooperative in Yu'an District

Sun Yun, teacher of Lu'an No. 1 Middle School

Jiang Daoguo, Deputy Director of Xianrenchong Scenic Area Management Committee, Zhufo'an Town, Huoshan County