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Some deputies to the Provincial People's Congress were invited to visit Fuyang and Suzhou to experience the procuratorial work at a "zero distance"
Time: 2018-05-18 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

A few days ago, at the invitation of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, 15 representatives of the Hefei Regiment and the Lu'an Regiment made a special trip to Fuyang and Suzhou to carry out inspection activities.

Drugs are the cancer of society, which seriously damage the lives and health of the people and the long-term stability of the country. At the provincial "Two Sessions" held at the beginning of the year, the deputies paid close attention to the drug problem and asked the procuratorial organs to increase their efforts to crack down on drug-related crimes to ensure that people live and work in peace and contentment. In recent years, the procuratorial organ of Fuyang City has insisted on taking drug control work as an important part of ensuring people's livelihood, stability and development, giving full play to the role of the procuratorial organ in combating drug-related crimes and drug control publicity and education, and has always maintained a high-pressure trend of cracking down on drug-related crimes. After listening to the work report of Bao Laiyou, the chief procurator of Fuyang Procuratorate, on behalf of the delegation, they inspected the drug control workstation in Funan County on the spot. They insisted on the procuratorial function of Fuyang Procuratorate, focusing on the main business of supervision, and cracking down on drug crimes, in order to maintain social stability and serve economic and social development, The achievements in protecting the safety of people's lives and property were fully recognized.

In recent years, juvenile delinquency and delinquency committed against juveniles are frequent. In order to effectively reduce and prevent juvenile delinquency and maximize the protection of minors' legitimate rights and interests, the provincial procuratorial organs actively promote the construction of minors' procuratorial specialization, establish and improve the connection and cooperation mechanism of minors' protection and law enforcement, and form a joint force to protect minors. During the inspection, the delegation walked into the Juvenile Care Base in Ziying Community of the Procuratorate of Yingdong District, Fuyang City, and fully affirmed the practice of the procuratorial organ, relying on the social care point and the enterprise care base, combining centralized care and key help and education for the minors involved in the case. The representatives also listened carefully to the introduction of the "Green Umbrella Action" youth volunteer service project of Suzhou Lingbi County Procuratorate on preventing and helping minors, deeply praised the procuratorial organs for strengthening the education and help of minors in crime related families, and actively creating a good social environment and a legal environment for the healthy growth of minors.

At the beginning of the year, the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council decided to launch a special campaign against organized crime throughout the country. The procuratorial organs of the province gave full play to their procuratorial functions, highlighted the key points of attack, maintained a high pressure situation, and tried to reflect the procuratorial responsibility in promoting the special campaign. During the inspection in Suzhou, the representative and the delegation listened to the report of Zhang Li, the chief procurator of Suzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate, on the procuratorial work in Suzhou Yong Major comrades in charge of the Qiaoqu Procuratorate about Shi Dakar, etc eighteen Report on the case of a gang involved in criminal activities. Meanwhile, go to Yong The Qiaoqu Court listened to the trial of the court debate stage of the case involving the Shidaka gang, experienced the fierce debate between the prosecution and the defense on the focus issues such as whether the organization is a mafia organization, and felt the determination and confidence of the procuratorial organ to fight against the evil forces and maintain social fairness and justice through the wonderful performance of the public prosecutor.

During the inspection, the representatives also visited the procuratorial work area of the two-level procuratorial organs, the case reception hall, the intelligent procuratorial center, the case handling command center, the judicial expertise center, etc., to fully understand the procuratorial work and the construction of procuratorial culture and informatization. At the same time, we went deep into the urban construction sites of Fuyang and Suzhou and visited some enterprises on the spot, fully recognizing the new achievements of economic and social development and reform and opening up of the two cities.

The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress selected relevant responsible comrades from the Working Committee and the Internal Division Working Committee, and Xu Gang, the deputy inspector of the Provincial People's Congress, and relevant responsible comrades from the Office and the First Public Prosecution Division accompanied the inspection.