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Zhang Mian went to Suzhou to seek opinions and suggestions from the representative committee members
Time: January 24, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

one month eighteen day Zhang Mian, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, went to Suzhou to ask for the opinions and suggestions of the deputies to the Provincial People's Congress and members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee on the procuratorial work of the province, and visited Shi Xiang, secretary of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, Zhao Lin, director of the Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal People's Congress, and Yang Jun, mayor of the Suzhou Municipal People's Government. Zhang Li, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate, was accompanied.


The representative members who participated in the activity visited the complaint reception room, the case management center, the remote trial room, the judicial expertise center and the hospital history exhibition room of Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate on the spot, felt the law enforcement and case handling work of procuratorial organs from a distance, and gave high praise to the standardized law enforcement, refined management and humanistic services of procuratorial organs.


At the subsequent consultation forum, Zhang Mian informed two thousand and thirteen The procuratorial work since, and invited representatives to watch the documentary "Brilliant procuratorial work - five years of progress and responsibility of Anhui procuratorial work" produced by the Provincial Procuratorate.

On behalf of the members, they fully affirmed the procuratorial work of the Provincial People's Procuratorate over the past five years, combined their own work and personal feelings, and put forward many valuable and insightful opinions and suggestions on unblocking the channels for people to express their demands in an orderly manner according to law, deepening the publicity of procuratorial affairs, preventing bullying on campus, and strengthening the publicity of procuratorial work. At the same time, It is also hoped that the relationship between the procuratorial organ and the representative committee members can be further strengthened to better bridge the communication between the procurators and the people. (Source: Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate; Picture: Zhao Yuhong   Duan Lilun)