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Unlocking the procuratorial code behind the "Chang'an Cup" of "three cups"
Time: 2023-10-23 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Why does the "beautiful city" of Huangshan in Anhui hold the "Chang'an Cup" three times? Why do the traditional ancient villages scattered on this "beautiful city" glow with new vitality? What kind of good governance code is hidden? When history collides with inheritance, and integrity and innovation are integrated, what kind of procuratorial sparks are emerging?

With these questions in mind, on October 19, some provincial NPC deputies and CPPCC members living in Bengbu who were invited to inspect the procuratorial work in Huangshan came to Yixian County, Tunxi District and other places to investigate, understand and explore.

Yixian County: "Tradition And "Modern ”Of add radiance and beauty to each other

In Xidi Ancient Town, Yixian County Yi County Procuratorate introduced that it played the procuratorial function of public interest litigation and guarded the ancient Huizhou village Experience. When the representative members picked up their mobile phones to scan the two-dimensional code signs on immovable cultural relics according to the tips of the prosecutors, listened to the voice to explain cultural relics knowledge, and personally felt the effectiveness of the procuratorial suggestions in boosting cultural relics protection and improving people's awareness of cultural relics protection, they could not help but have a personal experience of the "procuratorial heart" behind the "blind eye".

Jiang Yufu, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, former secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Wuying Village, Gucheng Town, Huaiyuan County Exclaimed:“ From ancient buildings to intangible cultural heritage, and then to traditional ancient villages, the procuratorial organ of Huangshan City coordinated relevant administrative organs and territorial governments to carry out relevant protection activities through public interest litigation functions Promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture has contributed a wealth of procuratorial practice and wisdom. "

stay In the "Think Back" studio, representatives of the committee members were cut three points Wide corner enough for carts Look up Supraforehead The seal character of "Make a Step Back and Think" inscribed We listened to the story of Hu Wenzhao cutting the wall three times to benefit the people in the neighborhood, savored the way of dealing with people and harmonizing the neighborhood, and had a deeper understanding and understanding of the connotation of "taking a step back". On behalf of the members, they read the cases on the spot Inquire about Yixian County Procuratorate in detail Experience and practice of building a brand of "thinking backward" in an all-round way seek Good governance of procuratorial acts in passwords.

He Yi, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, chairman of the Zhigong Party Bengbu Municipal Committee, and vice president of the Bengbu Intermediate People's Court It is believed that“ Huangshan procuratorial organs adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" of the new era in the process of performing their duties We will combine the governance of litigation sources with the excellent traditional culture of ancient Huizhou, and create a "step back" in an all-round way The work brand... has provided a strong procuratorial guarantee for boosting the modernization of Huangshan's municipal governance. "

In the big data command center of Yixian County, the procuratorate of Yixian County reported the results of digital procuratorial work to the representative members from the aspects of grasping ideas, seeing actions, integrating data, promoting governance, etc. through video, and demonstrated the supervision model of supervision on environmental protection tax collection independently built by the procuratorate. Representatives praised the Yi County Procuratorate's practice of shouldering the responsibility and taking the first step in the digital procuratorial work to speed up the breakthrough and effectively go out of the circle.

"As a 'good man in China', I am willing to do my part to light up the lights of every family." In the "good man in China Ni Liangyu" studio of the Procuratorate of Yixian County, Ni Liangyu shared his stories about good people, looked at the bright red banners and simple photos on the walls on behalf of the members, and understood the significance and role of the good man studio of the hospital, He praised the procuratorial organs for practicing the spirit of good people and delivering judicial temperature.

Tunxi District: "History And "Future Two way guard of

In the drizzle, the delegates walked in Anhui Provincial Key Articles Property protection unit ——Tunxi District Chengda Bit abacus museum, "Immersive" experience a unique abacus demonstration interaction. Listening to the sound of "crackling" abacus, watching the children with small hands flying, the delegates nodded frequently. stay The "Yucheng Huifeng" public interest litigation procuratorial liaison office deeply felt the procuratorial power in the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage It is emphasized that we should further develop the procuratorial function of public interest litigation, protect, inherit and make good use of Cheng Dawei's abacus and other valuable wealth.

Song Jing, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, chairman of the People's Republic of Bengbu Municipal Committee, and chairman of Bengbu Overseas Chinese Federation Means“ It is hoped that the procuratorial organ will continue to play the procuratorial function of public interest litigation in combination with regional characteristics, continue to strengthen case handling and case publicity in the field of intangible cultural heritage, further improve the legal system of intangible cultural heritage protection, and make intangible cultural heritage "live" and "fire". "

At the former site of the Aili Gonghe Office, the site of the Party history site, the representative members listened to the red story behind the name of the museum, understood the procuratorial story behind the "old look" and "new look" of the former site of the office, and listened to the report of the Tunxi District Procuratorate on the construction of the "Yucheng emblem style" and "Yujian future" brands. The representative members agreed that the Tunxi District Procuratorate, relying on the "Yucheng Huifeng" to implement the protection of intangible cultural heritage and red sites, and based on the brand construction of "Yujian Future" to promote the protection of minors, has clear ideas, distinctive features, and remarkable achievements, which is worthy of recognition.

At the feedback meeting, Speak on behalf of members

Later, Yang Jifu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Huangshan Procuratorate, presided over a feedback meeting on the cross inspection of Huangshan procuratorial work by some representatives of the provincial People's Congress and members of the provincial CPPCC in Bengbu, listened to the voices of the representatives and solicited their opinions.

The delegates generally said that the inspection was rich in content and comprehensive in perspective. Through the inspection, they had a comprehensive understanding of the work of Huangshan procuratorial organ, and fully affirmed and highly praised the achievements of Huangshan procuratorial organ in recent years. At the same time, the representative members, centering on what they saw, heard and felt during the inspection, and combining their own work and experience, conducted in-depth exchanges to provide advice and suggestions for the development of Huangshan and Huangshan's procuratorial cause.

Yang Jifu expressed his gratitude to the delegates for their concern and support for Huangshan's procuratorial work. At the same time, he will turn the feedback of this inspection into a powerful power to promote the high-quality development of Huangshan's procuratorial work, and help Huangshan's procuratorial work move further and do a better job.