Key work
Representatives of Bozhou Municipal People's Congress discuss the work report of the procuratorate
Time: January 20, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   From January 7 to 8, 15 prosecutors of Bozhou Municipal Procuratorate were divided into five groups, led by members of the Party Leadership Group, full-time procuratorial committees and heads of departments. They went to the residence of each delegation, listened to the group deliberations and discussions at the second session of the fourth Municipal People's Congress, and listened carefully to the deliberation and discussion opinions of deputies to the People's Congress on the work report of the Municipal Procuratorate.  



   "Last year, 66 collectives were honored at or above the municipal level, which was very rare." At the PLA delegation, Lu Yanxian, Zhang Qingjie and others spoke in affirmation of the work of Bozhou Procuratorate last year, saying that the implementation of the concept of rule of law by the municipal procuratorate was more objective, the reform of the judicial system was more standardized, complied with the new expectations of the people, and made outstanding contributions to the development and construction of Bozhou, Remarkable results.  


   The delegation considered that the procuratorial work report summarized the past and was practical and realistic, and the deployment work was clear. It agreed with the procuratorial work report. The representative believes that the procuratorial organ is It is more difficult to be "old and advanced". Representative Li Wei suggested that we should keep in mind the constitutional orientation and continue to strengthen legal supervision. Representative Ren Zhang suggested that we should strengthen the work of notifying defenders in criminal proceedings, pay attention to the stability and professionalism of the business team, and constantly improve the professionalism of the team. Qin Mei believed that we should strengthen the education and training of police officers, and pay special attention to the improvement of the professional ability of grass-roots procuratorial police officers.  


   Li Shuzhen, deputy to the National People's Congress from the Mengcheng County Procuratorate, is a participant and witness in the judicial reform and the reform of the supervisory system. He affirms that the procuratorate pays attention to politics and the overall situation in the reform, and fully supports the reform of the supervisory system. He suggests further strengthening legal supervision, strengthening public interest litigation, and establishing a linkage mechanism for the transfer of supervisory cases to the procuratorate, approval, arrest, and prosecution. Tian Wen, a representative from the Mengcheng County Public Security Bureau, suggested strengthening the education of legal system and physical and mental health of teenagers. Dai Chao, a representative of the Party School of Mengcheng County Party Committee, suggested that we should further strengthen the science and technology inspection and strengthen the supervision of illegal financing cases.  


   Zhao Qin, a NPC representative from the Qiaocheng District Procuratorate, proposed that the contradiction between fewer prosecutors and more cases was more prominent, and hoped that more psychological training opportunities would be provided for police officers who had not been prosecuted. Wang Chunjie, a representative of the District Education Bureau, suggested that the procuratorial organ should clearly divide the job functions and responsibilities, ease the contradiction of fewer people and more cases by purchasing services for the society, and at the same time, strengthen the procuratorial supervision of community correction.  


   Dong Li of the delegation of Woyang suggested that the procuratorial organ should strengthen the fight against environmental pollution crimes, strengthen the effective cooperation between the administrative organ and the judicial organ, realize the effective connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and promote the construction of ecological civilization in Bozhou. Ren Yuan of the Guoyang delegation suggested that we should further strengthen the training of young procuratorial police officers, dare to delegate power and be good at delegating power, so as to attract talents and retain talents. It is suggested to improve the classified management system of prosecutors to ensure that the posts of prosecutors are tilted to the grass-roots level and to the case handling departments. At the same time, we will stabilize the ranks of judicial administrative personnel and underemployed personnel to prevent personnel loss.