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Some deputies to the Provincial People's Congress, CPPCC members and the "four members" of the Provincial People's Congress were invited to Wuhu to watch the trial
Time: September 28, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, at the invitation of the Provincial Procuratorate, some deputies to the Provincial People's Congress, members of the CPPCC and the "four members" of the Provincial Procuratorate gathered at the Wuhu Intermediate People's Court to observe the Anhui section of the Yangtze River that was prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City“ ten · twelve ”First instance hearing of environmental pollution case. This case is one of the first criminal incidental civil public interest litigation cases to be filed in the series of environmental pollution cases in Anhui section of the Yangtze River.

During the trial, the invited representative members and the "four members" paid close attention to the details of the trial, and paid great attention to the performance of the public prosecutor in various stages of court investigation, evidence adduction and cross examination, and court debate. In the discussion after the trial, everyone pointed out that the public prosecutor strictly performed his duties according to law, charged crimes with solid and powerful evidence, refined and fluent language, and achieved good results. The public prosecutor who appeared in court, whether in professional quality or appearance, deserved full praise. As the representative of the national and social public interests, the procuratorial organ has made useful explorations in giving play to the joint force of the criminal public prosecution function and the civil public interest litigation function, as well as in close cooperation with the administrative and judicial organs, and has made contributions to protecting the ecological environment of the Yangtze River and fighting the battle against environmental pollution.

The deputies and the "four members" pointed out that watching the trial on the spot is conducive to deepening the intuitive understanding of the procuratorial work and increasing the understanding of the procuratorial organs. It is hoped that the provincial procuratorate will continue to strengthen its ties with deputies to the people's congresses at all levels, members of the CPPCC and the "four members" in the future, organize multiple activities with diverse forms and rich contents, and help everyone better perform their duties.

Relevant personnel from the Provincial Procuratorate Office and Wuhu Municipal Procuratorate accompanied the observation.