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Representatives living in Chuzhou cross inspect the procuratorial work in Hefei
Time: October 19, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to solidly carry out the second batch of thematic education, deeply practice people's democracy in the whole process, and continue to do a good job in the liaison work of deputies with heart and feelings, with the strong support of the People's Congress of Anhui Province and the CPPCC of Anhui Province, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized some deputies living in various places to carry out cross inspection activities. This chapter is about the cross inspection of Hefei procuratorial work by some provincial NPC deputies and CPPCC members from Chuzhou.

Welcome guests in the golden autumn in October, and unite to promote development. On October 17, Hefei Procuratorate welcomed some NPC deputies, provincial NPC deputies and CPPCC members living in Chuzhou. At the invitation of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, they officially opened a four-day inspection trip to Hefei. Delegates will visit the field, ask about the situation, listen to the report, and feel the achievements of Hefei Procuratorate in serving the development of enterprises, public interest litigation, minors' procuratorial work in an all-round and close manner. They will also talk about what they have seen, heard, thought and felt through informal discussions and exchanges, and suggest high-quality development of Hefei procuratorial work.

Hefei is a "place to support people" and a "world of innovation". At the first stop of this inspection, the representatives of the members went to Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone to visit and investigate scientific and technological innovation enterprises such as Kedalianchuang Software Co., Ltd. and Tsunyin High tech Seed Industry Co., Ltd., and observed the application demonstration of intelligent auxiliary case handling at the procuratorate of Hefei High tech Zone, and listened to the report on the inspection and protection of intellectual property rights, Learn more about the achievements of Hefei procuratorial service for the development of sci-tech innovation enterprises.

Joint construction of inspection and enterprise

The procuratorial service presses the "fast forward key" for enterprise development

From the "Nine Chapters" quantum computer to 5G empowerment, from the construction of smart city to the display of the cloud control platform of the Meta Universe Smart Park, the representatives of the members felt the power of scientific and technological innovation.

"The development of Science, Technology and Innovation cannot be separated from the support of 'joint construction and guidance of Party building by procuratorial organs and enterprises'". Secretary Chen Fangyou, founder of Kedali, said that the protection of intellectual property rights in software development is particularly difficult, but now they have more confidence.

In his explanation, the delegates learned the story behind it. It turned out that the company carried out a series of "joint construction of procuratorates and enterprises" activities through establishing contacts with the CPC organization of Hefei Municipal Procuratorate and Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate. The procuratorate of Hefei High tech Zone, through the establishment of "intellectual property protection contact point" and face-to-face discussions in Kedalianchuang, understands the demands of enterprises, provides legal advice, and answers questions on the spot, so that enterprises can feel the warmth and confidence brought by the "mother family". "Face to face discussion can discover real problems, which is a new form of joint construction between prosecutors and enterprises, and a good form of real problem solving." Chen Fangyou sighed.

Insert the seedlings with a swing of your hand, and then wave "operate" the harvester to harvest rice. In the interactive area of the exhibition hall of Tsuen Yin Hi Tech Seed Co., Ltd., representatives of the committee members "experienced" the whole process of grain production and harvest.

Food security is the "biggest one of the country", and seeds are the key to food security. At Tsuen Bank High tech, representatives learned about a case of intellectual property infringement that occurred in the company. The partner of Tsuen Bank High Tech privately sold the seeds produced by the company, causing heavy losses to the company. In handling the case, the Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate intervened in advance and made suggestions on the selection of secret points, the fixation of evidence and other investigative directions. The case was brought to the court as a "crime of infringing trade secrets" to help enterprises effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. After hearing the introduction of relevant cases, the representative members praised one after another and affirmed the effectiveness of the procuratorial organs in serving the development of enterprises and protecting intellectual property rights.

Innovation empowerment

The smart system puts the "upgrade file" in place for procuratorial work

Can a criminal suspect be brought to trial remotely? Can I successfully appear in court without leaving home? These seemingly impossible situations can already be achieved by the procuratorial police in Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate through the intelligent procuratorial system.

After visiting and investigating the two enterprises, representatives of the members went to the Procuratorate of Hefei High tech Zone to observe the application and operation demonstration of its intelligent assistance in case handling, and felt the charm of scientific and technological innovation enabling the procuratorate to handle cases and improve the quality and efficiency of supervision on the spot. "We have cooperated with iFLYTEK to develop six major systems, including intelligent outbound call system, document generation system, and remote court system, to reduce the burden and increase efficiency for police officers to handle cases," said the procuratorial police of the hospital. After watching the demonstration, the representatives showed great interest in the innovative application of the Institute's intelligent inspection system, and affirmed the convenience and efficiency of the six systems.

In addition, the representative members also listened to the introduction of the work of intellectual property inspection and protection, watched the related work report film, and learned about the basic situation of Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate and the development plan of smart procuratorial services in detail.

List of deputies to the National People's Congress, Anhui Provincial People's Congress and members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee who participated in the inspection (living in Chuzhou)

Deputies to the National People's Congress

Yang Shanhong Staff of Maintenance Center of Technical Equipment Department of CNOOC Dongxing Salt&Chemical Co., Ltd

Deputy to Provincial People's Congress

Fang Min Deputy Chief Physician of the Infection Department of Chuzhou Second People's Hospital

Tao Jinping Deputy Director of Tianchang Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center

Sun Jiaojiao Member of Chitang Village Committee, Nushanhu Town, Mingguang City

Shen Qiang Senior welding technician of Mingguang Haomiao Security Technology Co., Ltd

Zhang Jianchang President of Tianchang Fengcang Machinery Planting Cooperative

Member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee

Rivers and seas Chairman of Chuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Democratic League, Deputy Director of Chuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau

Ge Dejun Deputy Director of Chuzhou Finance Bureau