Record of Representative Members
Ding Defen, deputy to the National People's Congress in Anhui: for more beautiful mountains and rivers | Special planning of Procuratorial Daily
Time: 2023-10-23 Author: Wu Yihuo Wu Ying Liu Chen News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The cover article of Procuratorial Daily Voice Weekly on October 23, 2023

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party and the state have taken the construction of ecological civilization as the fundamental plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and carried out a series of pioneering work. The procuratorial organs follow up the decisions and arrangements of the Party and the state, handle every ecological environment case with high quality and efficiency, and help the construction of a beautiful China take a major step.

On October 21, the Supreme People's Procuratorate reported to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the procuratorial work of ecological environment and resource protection, which aroused widespread concern. The procuratorial organs can not perform their duties according to law without the support of deputies to the National People's Congress, who either participate in them or offer advice and suggestions. Today, the editorial department of our magazine specially invited deputies to the National People's Congress to tell their stories——

Original title

For more beautiful mountains and rivers

Ding Defen, deputy to the National People's Congress and deputy director of the Food Security Service Center of Dongzhi County, Anhui Province

▲ On June 9, 2023, the Procurator General of Chizhou Procuratorate of Anhui Province came to seek opinions, and Ding Defen's representative proposed to actively and steadily explore new areas of public interest litigation.

As a member of Dongzhi Public Welfare Volunteer Association in Chizhou City, Anhui Province, I have been committed to ecological environment protection and was selected as one of the "One Hundred Most Beautiful Ecological Environment Volunteers in China in 2023". At the same time, my own work involves the field of food security and is highly related to the procuratorial work, so there are more opportunities to participate in the procuratorial work in depth, and I was successively employed as a hearing officer by the procuratorates of Dongzhi County and Chizhou City.

In 2022, I participated in the hearing of Fang's illegal fishing case held by the Dongzhi County Procuratorate as a hearer, and I was impressed by the meticulous and efficient performance of the procurator's duties.

The case is as follows: Fang used ground cages and batteries to catch fish and shrimp in the river, and was seized by the public security organ. The value of the catch exceeded 5000 yuan, which has reached the filing standard for the crime of illegal fishing for aquatic products. The public security organ transferred the case to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution. After examination, the procuratorial organ found that although the amount of money involved in the case reached the filing standard, Fang's fishing time was short, the number of times was small, the value of the catch was small, and the illegal income was returned. There were circumstances of surrendering to the case, pleading guilty and accepting punishment. The circumstances of the crime were minor, and the other party was proposed not to prosecute. To this end, Dongzhi County Procuratorate held a hearing to fully listen to the views of all parties.

I fully support the procuratorial organ's handling of non prosecution: "Fang is not too vicious. Fishing for fish and shrimp is also for livelihood. His weak legal awareness leads to crime. I think he can be given a chance to correct his mistakes within the scope of the law. At the same time, I suggest strengthening the publicity of the rule of law to form a good atmosphere for protecting ecological resources."

This is a small case. Through the case, I deeply felt that the procuratorial organ can better serve the overall situation and serve the people's justice. In handling the case, the procuratorate did not file a lawsuit, but organized a hearing, conducted evidence exchange, investigation and verification during the hearing, listened to all parties' opinions comprehensively, and handled the case fairly according to law.

I'm a little worried about whether this will indulge crime and is not conducive to protecting ecological resources. After the hearing, the procuratorial organ increased its publicity efforts, printed and distributed pamphlets with the content of case interpretation to the villagers, and the trial of some crimes against environmental and resource protection started in the "field", allowing the masses to listen in and learn legal knowledge from them. The effect was very good.

I have participated in procuratorial open days, NPC deputies' research and other activities for many times, and I have learned that procuratorial organs are "zero tolerance" for crimes that are subjective and vicious and seriously damage environmental and resource protection, and pay great attention to ecological environment restoration while severely punishing according to law and cracking down on the whole chain.

Taking a case of large-scale exploitation of limestone mines in a scenic spot, which led to the destruction of a large area of ecological environment, handled by the Chizhou procuratorial organ, as an example, the procuratorial organ filed a criminal incidental civil public interest lawsuit. While investigating the criminal responsibility of the defendant for illegal mining of mineral resources, the procuratorial organ filed a request for punitive compensation according to the cost of ecological restoration, the defendant's attitude of pleading guilty and economic conditions, It was supported by the court. Today, the mines in the scenic area have been fully restored. The mountain has turned green, and the surrounding pavilions stand along the water. The two sides of the trail are lush with green plants and grass, which has become a good place for the surrounding people to relax.

From the two cases I participated in or contacted, I felt the wisdom and responsibility of the procuratorial organ in handling criminal cases involving environmental and resource protection.

Chizhou is a beautiful riverside city in southern Anhui Province. Its air quality, surface water quality and forest coverage rate have been among the top in Anhui Province for a long time. It is an excellent tourist city in China, a national garden city, a national forest city, a city with the China Habitat Environment Award, a national green ecological demonstration city, and an important ecological barrier in the Yangtze River Delta. Therefore, as a deputy to the National People's Congress, and as a volunteer for public welfare, I look forward to the procuratorial organs' efforts in the field of ecological environment and resource protection to constantly increase the "government procuratorate linkage" and "execution linkage", continue to improve the work force, deepen mechanism construction, further gather social consensus, and build a solid legal barrier for green waters and green mountains.

(Prepared by our reporter Wu Yihuo, Wu Ying, and correspondent Liu Chen)