Record of Representative Members
Huainan Regiment | Pang Shibao Representative: Good life cannot be separated from procuratorial protection
Time: January 14, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Pang Shibao

Deputy to the 14th Anhui Provincial People's Congress

Chief technician of Huaihe Energy Holding Group, leader of the first power supply team of Guqiao Coal Mine of Huainan Mining Group

In the past five years, Anhui procurators have always been able to work from the perspective of serving the people, especially in combating violent crimes, protecting the people's happy and peaceful life, and resolving complaints and disputes among the masses.

I hope that the procuratorial organs in Anhui can go to the grass-roots level more, go to the streets, communities, including enterprises, strengthen the publicity of the rule of law, and let more people know about the procuratorial work in Anhui.