Let's start again at the critical moment! Luzhou Institute mobilized and deployed "deepening year of style construction"
Time: February 19, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of February 14, Luzhou Institute held the mobilization and deployment meeting of the "Deepening Year of Style Construction" and the 2022 annual work summary meeting to convey and study the spirit of the provincial procuratorial work conference, review and summarize the work of the previous year, and comprehensively deploy the tasks of 2023. All police officers watched the 2022 Luzhou Procuratorate, and the department heads reported their work in turn. Yu Peipei, member of the sub party group and Deputy Procurator General, conveyed the spirit of the provincial procuratorial work conference and read out the "Implementation Plan of Luzhou Academy on Carrying out the" Deepening Year of Style Construction ".

Comrade Kang Yan, the Secretary of the Sub Party Leadership Group and the Procurator General, said that in the past year, all officers of Luzhou Academy earnestly implemented the requirements of the "Year of Style Construction", made concerted efforts, took the initiative, and actively performed their duties, and achieved new achievements and breakthroughs in many work. In the new year, in order to implement the work requirements of the provincial party committee of "five goals of consistency, five achievements, and five improvements" and the provincial hospital of "one body, two wings, and three goals", the sub party group decided to carry out the "deepening year of style building" in 2023, continue to adhere to strict requirements and high standards, "strengthen the procuratorial work, focus on the standard, and strive for the advanced", continue to deepen the style, and work hard to improve quality and efficiency.