Procuratorial business
Procuratorial Work for the People to Promote the Integrated Help and Education of Juvenile Criminals
Time: August 30, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


To effectively promote procuratorial work The practice of "serving the people" has been implemented in detail, and the education and reform assistance mechanism for juvenile offenders integrated with inspection and supervision has been deeply constructed. Recently, Yu Peipei, Deputy Procurator General of Luzhou Court, and Hu Junling, the consulting department of Anhui Huiyun Psychological Consulting Co., Ltd., led a delegation to the provincial juvenile correctional center to carry out one-on-one assistance and education for several juvenile male offenders who need to be focused on in the early stage of menstruation, Understand the psychological problems, demands and transformation conditions encountered in their transformation, and develop personalized tracking help and education programs.

In the next step, Luzhou Court will always adhere to the principle of being most beneficial to minors, continue to promote and improve the assistance and education mechanism for juvenile offenders, effectively integrate the concepts of education, rescue and probation into the procuratorial performance, do its best to protect the legitimate rights and interests of juvenile offenders, help more juvenile offenders establish a correct outlook on life and values, and coordinate the efforts of all parties, Let the young people out of the unmanaged institutions integrate their thoughts into the society, adapt themselves to the society physically and mentally, become law-abiding citizens, and create social values.