Procuratorial developments
Thematic education: learning, thinking, practicing, and understanding new ideas -- Luzhou Academy launched a learning and sharing activity for young police officers
Time: June 16, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to further implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, solidly promote the study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, guide the police to learn ideas, strengthen the Party spirit, focus on practice, build new achievements, and meet with the achievements of procuratorial supervision On the afternoon of June 15, the birthday of the "July 1st" party, Luzhou Academy held a sharing activity of young policemen's learning experience of "theme education, learning, thinking, practicing and understanding new ideas". Six young police officers from four departments talked about their learning experience around the "three questions", closely following the theme and combining with reality.

General Prosecutorial Department Zhang Danfeng It is said that we should grasp the grand theoretical system comprehensively and systematically based on the two overall situations by taking the opportunity of grasping the theme education, and constantly strengthen the ideological identity, theoretical identity, and emotional identity with true learning, true understanding, and true trust, so as to strengthen the responsibility, and truly transform the learning achievements into a strong driving force to do our own work well and solve work problems; Procuratorate Room 2 Xia Tianyang When it comes to facing the risk test, we should always adhere to the scientific requirements of combining knowledge with practice, linking theory with practice, and transforming the subjective world with the objective world. We should adhere to the unity of learning, thinking and application, knowledge, faith and practice, and understand the power of truth in reading the original work and learning the original text; Procurator Room 1 Mo Xiaorui It is said that we should adhere to the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the top priority, adhere to the development concept of taking the people as the center, do a good job in the procuratorial work of criminal execution in a down-to-earth manner, and maintain the fairness and justice of penalty execution with more accurate and effective procuratorial supervision; Zhang Zhang, Procurator Office I It is said that the general requirements of learning ideas, strengthening the Party spirit, emphasizing practice and building new achievements should be implemented into specific procuratorial work practice, so as to have the people in mind, hold the law in hand, shoulder morality and justice, and never forget the original intention The power of the "ego" in the construction of the "big ego" makes youth shine in the pursuit of dreams; Duan Yunan of the First Procuratorate Office He said that in the future work, we should be firm in our ideals and beliefs, unswervingly listen to and follow the Party, constantly improve our professional ability, always be strict with ourselves, and show the demeanor of young police officers in Luzhou in the high-quality and efficient procuratorial performance; Office Liang Xiaohan It is said that we should learn from the spiritual strength of being energetic and courageous in our study, build political loyalty, keep a clear head, shoulder the responsibility of the times, and always maintain a positive, optimistic, and committed attitude to work, so that youth can shine brightly in their dedication to procuratorial work.

At the sharing meeting, the two hospital leaders commented on the speeches of young people one by one, fully affirming the earnest learning attitude, rich learning achievements and positive spirit of young police officers. Encourage all police officers in the hospital to learn by learning, trust by knowing, and act by faith, firmly establish the people centered judicial concept, attach importance to investigation and research, strive to improve their skills, and cultivate good style of work. The bottom color of youth is struggle. I hope that young police officers will have light in their eyes, work together and work hard to create a better future!

When the sharing activity was successfully completed, but the theme education was still in progress, Luzhou Institute will continue to create a good learning atmosphere in the whole hospital, continue to improve the comprehensive ability of police officers to learn, think and practice, effectively transform the learning achievements into a strong driving force for officers to start businesses, and make new contributions to the development of Luzhou procuratorial cause.