Procuratorial developments
Convey and study the spirit of "the first meeting of the Spring Festival" of the provincial party committee
Time: January 29, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of January 29, our hospital held a learning expansion meeting of the theoretical center group of the branch party group to convey the spirit of learning from the meeting of improving the work style of the province for the people to do practical things for the enterprise to optimize the environment.

Kang Yan, Secretary of the Sub Party Leadership Group and Procurator General, pointed out that this meeting of the Provincial Party Committee sounded the clarion call for improving the state, improving the style of work, and striving to be the first. We should carefully study and implement it. Last year, under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Court, Luzhou Institute achieved remarkable results in the year of "style construction". At the beginning of the new year, we should put our good intentions back to their good positions, start a good situation and start a good momentum, continue to strengthen our style, focus on standards, always strive for the advanced, continue to gather strength, work hard, and contribute the procuratorial force of Luzhou to building a modern and beautiful Anhui with good style.