Team building
Feelings are thick and warm - leaders of Luzhou Institute visit retired cadres
Time: September 29, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

At the approaching of the Double Ninth Festival, Kang Yan, the secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Branch of the Luzhou People's Court and the Procurator General of the Luzhou People's Court, and his delegation drove to Xuancheng to visit retired cadres such as Liu Weiqiang, the former Procurator General of the unit, Ding Zusheng, and send the care and warmth of the organization

The Health Inspection Department talked with them cordially, cared about their health and living conditions, introduced the development and achievements of the procuratorial work in Luzhou to the veteran cadres, thanked them for their outstanding contributions to the development of the cause of Luzhou Academy, and hoped that while taking care of their health, they would continue to put forward valuable suggestions for the work of the Academy.

The health inspection also requires the comrades in charge of the work of veteran cadres to contact them more often, understand their needs, provide accurate services, do the relevant work with heart and emotion, and effectively implement the various benefits of veteran cadres.

The veteran cadres spoke highly of the new look and new results of the procuratorial work in Luzhou, and thanked the sub party groups for their care. They said that they would, as always, support the work of Luzhou Academy, never fade after retirement, never leave the post without leaving the Party, and always maintain their political nature.