The People's Procuratorate of Baihu, Anhui Province held the "First Session of the Spring Festival"
Time: February 8, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of February 7, 2023, Anhui Baihu People's Procuratorate held the first Procurator General's Office Meeting after the Spring Festival to study and deploy the procuratorial work. Wu Runsong, the secretary of the Party Leadership Group and the Procurator General, presided over the meeting, and the hospital leaders and department heads attended the meeting.

Wu Jian stressed , new Year of want Effort Strengthen the leadership of the Party and continue to promote "Four major and four strong" pilot plan to comprehensively improve the level of party building. Effort Standardize the dispatching of procurators according to the provincial court The requirement of "real investigation and real residence" is to go deep into the three major sites, implement the system of leaders leading the team to enter the prison, and at the same time, do a good job in the construction of the procuratorial office stationed, and the procuratorial log should comprehensively and accurately record the work content. Effort Deepen patrol inspection, strengthen leadership, plan and implement, achieve full coverage, focus on finding deep problems, and strive to create typical cases of patrol inspection. Effort Promote procuratorial investigation, complete the cases assigned by the Provincial People's Court, digest the accumulated case clues of the Court, improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, and increase the rigidity of supervision. Effort Strengthen the prosecution of claims, implement the system of opening the procuratorial mailbox and The system of "people respond to letters sent by the masses" is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of prisoners and the order and stability of supervision places. Effort Improve the level of procuratorial support, innovate and develop, Increase initiative To help the procuratorial work move forward