Procuratorial business
Blocking regulatory loopholes and maintaining regulatory security
Time: November 17, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Blocking regulatory loopholes   Maintain regulatory security

         —— Issued by White Lake Courtyard two thousand and twenty year one Inspection Proposal No


two thousand and twenty year four month twenty-six A recidivism in prison occurred in the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China on July.

After investigation, the White Lake Institute believed that the incident exposed that the prison had poor control over key criminals, improper selection and use of the leader of the criminals, the shift in the prison area became a mere formality, the police on duty did not perform their duties properly, and the video patrol did not cover all of them five Questions. In view of the above problems, six month twenty-three On October th, the White Lake Court issued a written inspection proposal to the prison, suggesting that the prison further strengthen the work of police on duty patrol, video supervision, management and control of criminals in office work posts, police education and guidance, and that the relevant responsible police be held accountable. At the same time, the court actively guided the prison case filing and investigation work to ensure the smooth progress of the case.

The prison attaches great importance to this procuratorial suggestion and immediately organizes relevant departments to implement and rectify it. The prison believes that the fact finding of the procuratorial proposal is clear, the problem is pointed out accurately, and the suggestions are practical, which effectively promotes the prison to further improve the quality of supervision. The prison has carried out rectification in terms of strengthening the management of the movement of the police, improving the management rate of the police entering the prison, increasing the questionnaire survey of the busybodies and the handling of disciplinary violations, and plans to three The responsible policemen conducted admonishment talks.

Since the epidemic prevention and control, the prison has changed greatly in terms of the police duty mode and the prisoners' detention management mode. The new prison inmates are collectively held in a single prison for isolation and observation, resulting in a large emotional fluctuation of some prisoners. During the period of prisoners' isolation, the police are not allowed to enter the prison, but can only patrol outside the prison, leading to the weakening of the police's direct on-site management. The combination of internal and external causes more fights among prisoners, and the number of cases of disrupting the supervision order has increased. Under this circumstance, the White Lake Court gave full play to its procuratorial function, actively guided and supervised the prison to file and investigate the criminals suspected of breaking the supervision order, promptly issued procuratorial suggestions against the supervision loopholes exposed by the prison, actively advised the prison to improve its supervision mode in the form of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and effectively cracked down on recidivism in prison, It has maintained the safety and stability of the supervision place and supervision order.