Procuratorial business
White Lake Court corrects a case of "Laolai" criminal's improper request for commutation
Time: November 18, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

White Lake Courtyard corrects Lao Lai Criminal

Improper request for commutation


Since this year, our hospital has further strengthened the supervision on the implementation of property punishment in handling cases of commutation and parole. When handling the third batch of prison cases of commutation and parole, it was found that one The court recommended not to report the cases of commutation of sentences of criminals who were included in the court as dishonest persons to be executed, and the opinions were adopted by the prison, which improved the quality of case handling.

1、 Find doubts in the evidence of criminals' family financial difficulties

    The criminal Zhang caused five deaths and five injuries in a traffic accident. In the file of commutation cases transferred to our hospital, although the property judgment review form filled in by the criminal admitted that there was civil compensation, it only wrote With civil compensation , without specifying the specific amount, and with materials proving that the offender's family has financial difficulties. However, after examination, we found that the materials of the village committee only reflected the financial difficulties of the offender's parents, and did not reflect his own family situation.

2、 Field visit found that the criminal was a Lao Lai

As there were doubts in the case, after the undertaker reported to the leader, the hospital arranged the police to investigate the case in the original court and the residence of Zhang. During the field visit, the court comrades introduced the civil compensation for the traffic accident case one hundred and forty I learned that Zhang Mingjie was a Lao Lai , have a certain ability to perform. Zhang Gui and his family have not fulfilled any obligation according to the content determined in the effective legal documents so far, and have been included in the list of dishonest persons to be executed by the court. The executive judge is very eager to urge Zhang Gui to perform his civil compensation obligations through the supervision of our court. Where did the paper of economic difficulties come from? When asked about the village cadres who issued Zhang's certificate of difficulty, they did not know about Zhang's family's economic situation. Zhang's family dictated that they had issued proof materials. Due to the fact that Zhang has evaded the obligation of property punishment, our court corrected the criminal's improper request for commutation after review.

3、 Strengthen education and guidance, and urge criminals to actively implement judgments

    In view of the prominent problems that the prison police have insufficient awareness of the importance of performing property sentences, and the criminals have a weak awareness of consciously performing property sentences, we have taken the supervision of the implementation of the new provisions for handling commutation and parole cases as a starting point, and actively publicized among the criminal community that the procuratorial organs resolutely correct typical cases of commutation and parole that do not meet the conditions for reporting. By interpreting the law through cases and popularizing the law through cases, criminals are urged to actively perform property judgments. At present, under the situation of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, it is difficult to enter the prison area. Our procurators communicate with the police in the prison area in a timely manner, requiring that the education and guidance of Zhang Mingjie, the criminal, be strengthened, urge him to fulfill his legal obligations, and make up and repair the social rift caused by his crime as much as possible.