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Representatives were widely invited to participate in the provincial procuratorial organ's "Deepening Year of Standardizing Judicial Conduct" activity
Time: May 10, 2016 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

Representatives were widely invited in the provincial procuratorial organs' "Deepening Year of Standardizing Judicial Conduct" activity

"Look at the norms and evaluate the norms"


In the past year, the procuratorial organs and procurators of the whole province closely focused on the goal of fair justice, actively focused on the masses to reflect problems, worked hard, made tough moves, and sought practical results, solidly carried out special rectification of standardized judicial behavior, further improved the judicial style, further standardized judicial behavior, and further improved the judicial credibility. However, the problem of judicial irregularities is often repetitive, There is no end to promoting standardization. In order to consolidate and deepen the achievements of the special rectification work, the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate has studied and decided to deploy the "Deepening Year of Standardizing Judicial Conduct" activity in the procuratorial organs of the province this year, and strive to form a new normal of standardizing justice. Procurator General Xue Jiangwu requested that the procuratorial organs of the province should consciously combine internal supervision with external supervision, focus on self inspection and self correction on the one hand, and open the door for rectification on the other hand, carefully listen to social opinions, widely invite all walks of life to participate, and actively accept people's supervision and judgment, so that the people really feel that the procuratorial organs have a clear attitude and effective action to solve their own problems, In particular, we should strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant working institutions of the NPC and CPPCC at the same level, actively invite deputies to carry out activities of "looking at norms and evaluating norms", and effectively let deputies participate in the activities.

Chizhou carried out special "Procuratorial Open Day" activities: four month 21-22 Chizhou Procuratorate organized a special "procuratorial open day" activity, Yuan Cheng, He Zongwen, etc six Representatives of provincial and municipal people's congresses and CPPCC members were invited to participate in the event. During the activity, the representative members visited the exhibition board of the special rectification work of the Municipal People's Court on standardizing judicial acts, watched the micro film "Muddleheaded" on duty crime prevention shot by the Municipal People's Court, checked the relevant information ledgers, and listened to the work report of the Municipal People's Court. While affirming the effectiveness of the work, the representative committee members put forward more than ten opinions and suggestions on strengthening procuratorial publicity, strengthening supervision and other work, and filled in the Satisfaction Assessment Form for the Special Rectification Work of Procuratorial Organs to Standardize Judicial Conduct on the spot.

Huaibei participated in the summary acceptance. four month twenty-one day Cheng Jinming, chairman of the civil construction committee, and Zhai Peimin, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, were invited to participate in the supervision of the special work supervision group of the provincial people's court to carry out the fourth stage of summary and acceptance of the special rectification of standardized judicial behavior in Huaibei. After listening to the work report and checking the rectification work account and the mass satisfaction evaluation results, the representative committee members believed that the special rectification activities were open, sincere and effective; It is suggested that in the activity of "Deepening the Year of Standardizing Judicial Behavior", fairness and justice should be internalized, rather than just handling cases according to the standard red line, etc., to further establish the standard concept and guide the standard behavior with the standard concept.

Fuyang participated in the discussion and guidance. four month 18-21 Chen Yali, Deputy Director of the Legal Working Committee of Fuyang Municipal People's Congress and Provincial People's Congress Delegate, etc nine Famous provincial and municipal deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members were invited to attend the special rectification symposium on standardizing judicial behavior held by the Provincial People's Congress Special Work Steering Group in Fuyang Procuratorate. At the meeting, the representative members believed that the procuratorial organ of Fuyang City did not cover up the judicial irregularities that occurred in the work, verified and corrected them, insisted on cultural education and inspection, strengthened education and guidance, and imperceptibly promoted all police officers to develop the behavior habit of "meticulousness, delicacy and refinement", with obvious achievements; It is suggested that in the activity of "Deepening the Year of Standardizing Judicial Behavior", we should further refine and substantiate the work measures, thoroughly change the "careless, extensive and rough" work style, innovate the case handling mechanism, develop good work habits, and make contributions to the local construction of Fuyang.

Ma Anshan reported the work in person.   two thousand and sixteen year four month nineteen day Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, and his delegation went to Ma'anshan City to visit some deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members One to one, face-to-face To inform the representatives of the deployment and requirements of the provincial procuratorial organs to carry out special rectification activities to regulate judicial behavior, introduce the new achievements of Ma'anshan procuratorial organs in law enforcement and case handling in comprehensively grasping the rectification priorities, and listen to the opinions and suggestions of the representatives. The representative members affirmed the work achievements of the procuratorial organs in recent years, and hoped that in the "Deepening Year of Standardizing Judicial Behavior", they would play a more open role in legal supervision, pay attention to new situations and problems in local development, and provide judicial security and services for local economic and social development.

Lu'an paid a field visit to listen to opinions and suggestions. four month twenty day to twenty-one On October, Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, and his party went to Lu'an to supervise and inspect the special rectification work of standardizing judicial acts. In order to comprehensively inspect and accept the special rectification results, the steering group visited the municipal People's Congress, the CPPCC and other organs to listen to opinions and suggestions. Leaders of the People's Congress, the CPPCC and other relevant departments reported that the special rectification activities of Lu'an procuratorial organs were solid, and the activities and business work were consistent Two promotion, achieving the expected effect; It is hoped that in the "Year of Deepening the Standardization of Judicial Behavior", we will further deepen our understanding, refine measures, clarify responsibilities, strengthen security, promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of standardized judicial behavior, and constantly improve the level of judicial standardization and people's satisfaction with the Lu'an procuratorial work.

Huainan and Chuzhou participated in the whole process of supervision. four month eighteen Solstice twenty-one On October th, Lu Jianwu, the full-time procuratorial committee of the provincial procuratorate, led a supervision group, which invited deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC and people's supervisors to participate in the whole process of supervision and guidance on the special rectification of standardized judicial behavior in Huainan and Chuzhou. In the process of supervision, the representative members suggested that the procuratorial organs in both places should improve their ideological understanding, overcome war weariness and looseness, carefully analyze and sort out the investigation and disposition of last year, increase the rectification efforts, expand the rectification effect, and truly achieve the goal of promoting justice through standardization and building public trust.

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  Related links: Anhui National People's Congress | Anhui Provincial Government Website | Anhui Province Duty Crime Prevention Network | Procurator of Anhui Supreme People's Procuratorate | Procuratorial Daily | Justice Network
Copyright: Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate
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