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Ma Anshan: Digital empowerment opens a "new path" for procuratorial supervision
Time: April 11, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

April 8, 2024, Anhui Legal Daily, 2nd edition

Original title

Digital empowerment opens up a "new path" for procuratorial supervision

Reporter Li Xiaoping Correspondent Wang Qiuyi Sun Hengbo

"Digital enabling supervision and supervision promoting governance." In recent years, Ma'anshan procuratorial organs have actively promoted the construction and application of data models, focused on solving difficulties in procuratorial supervision, and created 25 big data legal supervision models. Up to now, 4980 clues of all kinds have been verified through "big data", 275 cases have been handled, 2 related working mechanisms have been improved by administrative organs, and more than 28.6 million yuan of taxes have been recovered by administrative organs. Among them, relying on the self built big data legal supervision model, 988 clues of similar cases have been found, 58 governance achievements have been formed, and the digital revolution has driven legal supervision to improve quality and efficiency.

"In 2023, we created the Legal Supervision Model of Cultivated Land Occupation Tax. Through collision and comparison of data obtained by relevant departments, we found that 25 land use units failed to pay cultivated land occupation tax in time, issued two copies of procuratorial recommendations, and urged functional departments to collect more than 11 million yuan of cultivated land occupation tax in time." On March 19, Shi Shaobing, director of the Digital Office of the People's Procuratorate of Hanshan County, introduced the work of the People's Procuratorate in procuratorial supervision with big data to reporters. Shi Shaobing told reporters that in terms of environmental protection tax collection, the supervision model of environmental protection tax collection of Hanshan County People's Procuratorate played an important role. Through the integration and analysis of multi-dimensional information such as enterprise emission data and environmental protection facility operation data, the model accurately identified a number of enterprises with environmental tax evasion. The People's Procuratorate of Hanshan County has urged relevant functional departments to investigate and verify these enterprises according to law, ordered relevant enterprises to make up taxes, strengthened daily supervision over enterprises' pollution emissions, and ensured the fairness and effectiveness of environmental protection tax collection.

It is reported that at present, Hanshan Procuratorate has created 9 big data legal supervision models and handled 97 various legal supervision cases with "big data". A big data model won the prize in the provincial big data legal supervision model competition, a big data legal supervision case was selected as a typical case of the provincial big data legal supervision, a police officer was awarded the title of the provincial big data star, and the big data work brand of the hospital was identified as the provincial digital procuratorial work brand by the provincial procuratorate.

Wu Junjun, deputy director of the digital office of the city's procuratorate, told reporters that in the special action of big data legal supervision of the city's procuratorial organs, Ma'anshan's procuratorial organs actively cultivate a big data legal supervision model, and through data analysis, dig deep into the hidden industry problems behind specific cases to discover deeper social problems. Up to now, relying on the big data legal supervision model, the procuratorial organs of the city have successfully found thousands of clues to similar cases, many cases have been completed, and dozens of governance achievements have been formed, reflecting the supervision scale effect of "handling one case, leading a string, and governing one area". In the process of promoting the special action, the city's procuratorial organ also paid special attention to improving the digital literacy and professional ability of procurators. Through organizing training, conducting discussions and exchanges, prosecutors can skillfully master and use the big data legal supervision model, and improve the ability and efficiency of case handling.

Next, the procuratorial organ of the city will continue to deepen the practical exploration of the digital procuratorial strategy, constantly optimize and improve the big data legal supervision model, and form effective joint efforts with relevant departments in the transfer of case clues, collection and fixation of evidence and other aspects by establishing and improving the information sharing mechanism, holding joint meetings regularly, so as to improve the overall effectiveness of legal supervision.