Compulsory inspection of science and technology
July Wind | Fan Jing and Miao Cheng: "Five Accomplishments" Promote the Integrated Development of Party Building Business
Time: March 4, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In January 2024, the "July Wind" magazine of the working committee of the organs directly under Anhui Province

Focusing on the Orientation of Procuratorial Responsibility in the New Era

Five ways to promote the integrated development of party building business

Author: Fan Jing, Miao Cheng


The Party Branch of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department of the Provincial People's Procuratorate conscientiously implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on the party building work of the organ, solidly carries out theme education, armed with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, guides practice and promotes work. The branch ensures political firmness with sober theory, leads the performance of duties with political firmness, accurately grasps the characteristics and laws of the party building of the organ, actively explores the procuratorial path of the integrated development of party building and business, and does a good job in the standardized "supply side reform" of branch construction.


Supply side reform of modernization of party building and procuratorial work

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to focus on Party building around the center, do a good job in promoting Party building and business, and adhere to the joint planning, deployment, implementation and inspection of Party building and business work. In recent years, the Party Branch of the Information Technology Department of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, has accurately grasped the characteristics and laws of party building in the organs, anchored the requirements of modernization of procuratorial work to serve China's modernization, and took the "Five Accomplishments" as the combination point. It has successively issued Ten Measures for Style Building and Special Activity Plan for Pioneering and Demonstrating And other systems, and strive to open up a new path for high-quality development of procuratorial technology and informatization. The case of "science and technology into the classroom, caring and warming people's hearts" of the branch was selected as one of the top 100 cases in the action of "striving for a model for the benefit of the people" by the provincial organs. The experience and practice of theme education were exchanged in the fifth contact film of the party building work of the provincial organs. Two cases were selected as the "Typical Case of Theme Education of the Provincial Procuratorate", and the "Learn Practice Use" working method was selected as the "Excellent Working Method of the Party Branch" by the provincial government, Seven comrades of the branch were successively rated as "Excellent Party Workers" and "Excellent Communist Party Members", and one comrade was rated as a moral model of provincial organs.

1、 Firmly grasp the requirements of "adhering to and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party", so as to firmly plant "root and soul"

First, adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party in procuratorial technology and informatization work, and strictly implement the Regulations on Political and Legal Work of the Communist Party of China. Although the branch is small, it undertakes a series of core functions of the provincial procuratorial organs, such as network security, data support, system guarantee, case empowerment, etc. In its daily work, the branch insists on taking the request for instructions and reporting system as the distinctive theme of strengthening the overall leadership of the Party, and closely follows the requirements of the top procuratorial group and the provincial party committee in terms of information project planning, Timely report major work in the field of technology and informatization to the Party Group of the Institute.

The second is to practice the concept of "taking the people as the center", and take the sense of experience of the people and the sense of acquisition of front-line prosecutors as the only criteria for judging technology and informatization work. We worked hard to do a good job of "lawyers' Internet marking". Since the system was launched, we have technically guaranteed more than 16000 times of lawyers' Internet marking across the country. Lawyers' Internet marking work has been rated as one of the ten major events of informatization in Anhui Province. 1952 online live broadcasts of procuratorial hearings were supported by technology, with a total of 268387 people watching the live broadcast. Through the network, the people feel the fairness and justice of the procuratorial organ, and strive for perfection in the sense of people's gain and satisfaction, constantly consolidating the ruling foundation of the party.

2、 Firmly grasp the requirements of "modernization of procuratorial work serving Chinese modernization", and achieve "time and momentum"

First, ensure that a series of decisions and arrangements of the provincial party committee are put into place. In recent years, we have successfully completed the construction of digital Anhui, the design and planning of the procuratorial center of Anhui Innovation Legal District, the construction of information and innovation, network security, and the construction of a cross departmental integrated case handling platform. Serve the overall situation of the party and the country with the high-quality development of procuratorial informatization work, and serve Anhui to build a new highland of reform and opening up.

The second is to deeply understand the core connotation of Chinese style modernization, and implement the requirements of modernization of the procuratorial organ's legal supervision concept, system, mechanism and ability with the historical sense of responsibility of "modernization construction, informatization first". Find the historical orientation and focus of procuratorial technology and informatization work, carry out the "experience improvement project for front-line prosecutors", explore the comprehensive operation and maintenance work mechanism of informatization, and constantly improve the scientificity and systematicness of operation and maintenance support. The total number of system failure problems decreased by 47% year-on-year, and the effective resolution rate of system failure exceeded 90%. The series of practices of "experience improvement project for front-line prosecutors" were fully affirmed by the leaders of the Information Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, pointing out that "Anhui has done a lot of work in optimizing the system and improving the experience, and the results are good.

3、 Firmly grasp the requirements of "strengthening the legal supervision work of procuratorial organs", and achieve "breaking and establishing" as a whole

First, we will make every effort to implement the digital procuratorial strategy and actively build a working model of "business led, data integration, technical support, and application focused". Consolidate the digital infrastructure of procuratorial legal supervision, build a platform integrating data storage, clue research and judgment, and model building for the provincial three-level procuratorates, and liberate post prosecutors from technical work such as model development and data collision. We will continue to promote open and shared data, improve the functions of the interdepartmental big data case handling collaboration platform, and achieve the goal of "not for ownership, but for use" of data. This digital supervision platform was rated as the eighth innovation case of national political and legal intelligence procuratorial work.

Second, more than 120 big data legal supervision models were developed and put into practice, and the province's special action for big data legal supervision was carried out for six months. More than 4900 cases of big data legal supervision in civil, administrative, public interest litigation and other fields were handled, 620 procuratorial suggestions were issued, 234 notices for correcting violations were issued, and more than 30 million yuan of losses were directly recovered for the country, Among them, the supervision model of "unqualified fire extinguishers sold online" won the national first prize.

4、 Firmly grasp the requirements of "handling each case with high quality and efficiency", and achieve a balance between "quality and quantity"

First, we attached great importance to the role of procuratorial judicial expertise as the core evidence in the criminal accusation system, participated in the training of public security, procuratorial and law enforcement, and improved the level of judicial expertise. The "Opinion on Examination of Technical Evidence in a Case" submitted by the department was rated as "the excellent procuratorial technical document of the national procuratorial organs". 129 normative documents, such as "national standards and industrial standards commonly used for electronic evidence", were sorted out and published. Efforts were constantly made to deal with cases in forensic medicine, document retrieval, electronic data and other professional categories, and the number of judicial expertise cases was up 18.9% year on year.

The second is to standardize a series of procedures for judicial expertise such as accepting cases, handling cases, appearing in court for cross examination, and using seals, and formulate systems such as Regulations on the Administration of the Seal of Anhui Provincial People's Court for Procuratorial Technology in Handling Cases, and Measures for the Administration of Assistant Appraisers of Anhui Provincial Procuratorial Organs. We launched district management, integrated human resources, and played the role of technical experts. In cases such as Li's intentional homicide protest, we promoted the implementation of the substantive review mechanism of key technical evidence and complex technical evidence in major cases, fully reflected the role of the procuratorial organ in filtering pretrial evidence, and truly achieved "high-quality and efficient handling of every case".

5、 Firmly grasp the requirements of "comprehensively strict governance of the Party" and achieve the unity of "strictness and love"

First, the branch selected typical cases of violation of discipline and law by the informatization line and the procuratorial organ, aiming at the characteristics of intensive funds and rich resources in informatization construction, and targeted the activities of "educating people around cases". Pay attention to checking the integrity risk points in daily work, pay close attention to filling in the "three regulations", develop and implement the "project internal audit system", explore the reporting mechanism for party members and cadres to contact the company's enterprise personnel eight hours outside, and convey the idea that strict management is love, and love must be strictly controlled.

The second is to use the work style construction to encourage responsibility, carry out the "six breaking and six establishing" discussion in the branch, formulate and implement the "Ten Measures to Improve the Work Style of the Party Branch of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department", carry out the special activity of "I am the pioneer and I am the model", select and commend the vanguard and model of the branch, and create a good atmosphere for the branch to strive for excellence and conduct entrepreneurship. Guide Party members to deeply understand the historical opportunities of the "three firsts" of the procuratorial cause, grasp the golden window period for officers to start their own businesses, and make effective exploration in building a procuratorial technology and informatization team of "loyalty, professionalism, honesty and integrity".

(Author's unit: Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate)