Compulsory inspection of science and technology
The provincial procuratorate held a press conference on "digital empowerment, legal supervision, better quality and efficient service"
Time: 2023-11-20 Author: Li Ang News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

▲ Press conference site

▲ Lu Jianwu informs relevant information

▲ Wu Yihuo presides over the press conference

▲ Fan Jing releases typical cases and explains them

In the afternoon of November 17, the provincial procuratorate held a press conference themed "Digital enabling legal supervision to serve the overall situation with higher quality and efficiency", reported the special action of the provincial procuratorate on big data legal supervision, and released 10 typical cases of big data legal supervision for the first time. Lu Jianwu, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, attended the press conference and gave a briefing. Fan Jing, director of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department of the Provincial Procuratorate, released typical cases and explained them. Wu Yihuo, spokesman of the Provincial Procuratorate and second level inspector, presided over the conference.

"Digital procuratorial work is a 'revolution' of legal supervision, an important part of digital China, and an important engine to promote the modernization of procuratorial work." According to Lu Jianwu, in March this year, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate deployed a six month special action for big data legal supervision, mainly through the use of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, Deep mining of massive data related to legal supervision, discovery of supervision clues, and accurate supervision. The key point is to strengthen the supervision and restriction of judicial proceedings, promote the solution of prominent problems in social security, medical insurance and other people's livelihood hot spots, ecological environment, production safety and other key areas, take special projects to lead the overall situation, focus on breakthroughs, and promote coordinated progress, and strive to find a class of problems in the hot spots and focus of service, prominent problems in law enforcement and justice, and weak areas of social governance, A number of cases have been handled to promote governance in one area and form the Anhui experience of digital empowerment procuratorial supervision.

Since the special action, the provincial procuratorial organs have handled a total of more than 4300 cases related to people's livelihood, public interests and general social concerns, such as defrauding medical insurance funds and financial loans, evading environmental protection taxes, interest taxes, farmland taxes, manufacturing and selling fake and inferior fire-fighting equipment, and issued more than 1300 various procuratorial suggestions, 136 protests, and 580 notices to correct violations, It directly saved more than 34.9 million yuan of losses for the country, escorted 400 million state-owned funds, and worked with relevant competent departments to promote the effective governance of a number of social problems. At the same time, a number of typical cases with greater social impact were handled.

Lu Jianwu introduced the main practices of the provincial procuratorial organs in carrying out the special action of big data legal supervision since this year from four aspects: highlighting planning and organization, giving play to the technical advantages of big data, responding to social concerns, and strengthening cooperation.

In terms of organizational planning Adhering to high-level promotion, overall planning, integrated linkage, informatization guidance and innovation breakthrough, the provincial three-level procuratorates have established corresponding leading and executing agencies, providing organizational guarantee for the implementation of big data special action. The Provincial Procuratorate has explored and developed the digital procuratorial legal supervision platform, tried to solve the technical support problem of digital procuratorial case handling in a one-stop manner, and solved the practical difficulties at the grass-roots level. The platform was rated as one of the top ten innovative cases of intelligent procuratorial affairs in the 2023 National Political and Legal Intelligent Equipment Exhibition. Establish a grass-roots contact point system for digital procuratorial work in Anhui Province, and the three-level procuratorates directly connect with each other for rapid research and judgment.

In terms of giving play to the technical advantages of big data Focusing on the construction and optimization of the new pattern of legal supervision of "four major procuratorates" and "ten major businesses", we should clarify the key points of "10+N" supervision. "10" refers to 10 traditional directions of procuratorial supervision, including false litigation supervision, and "N" refers to the newly discovered hot spots in economic and social development and weak areas of social governance. Take the overall situation with special projects, and promote the quality and efficiency of procuratorial case handling by leaps and bounds.

In response to social concerns Focus on the hot issues and focus issues related to people's livelihood, and actively explore big data case handling and supervision from a small perspective. Among the cases that have been handled, 113 are related to the livelihood field, 91 are related to the governance of key industries, and 76 are related to the protection of rights and interests.

In cooperation And pay attention to close cooperation with political and legal organs and administrative departments to promote social governance in the same direction. The provincial procuratorate, together with the public security, courts, and judicial administrative organs, unblocked data sharing channels, and promoted the judicial organs to be cooperative and efficient in case handling. Relying on the platform of cross departmental integration of politics and law, procuratorial organs across the province received more than 69960 cases of investigation and arrest online, and more than 223170 cases of investigation and prosecution.

Lu Jianwu said that on the new journey of the new era, the procuratorial organs will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, solidly promote the decision and deployment of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on digital China, digital Anhui and digital procuratorial work, closely follow the mission of legal supervision, and comprehensively perform various procuratorial functions, We will strive to make greater contributions to digital enabling procuratorial supervision, achieving a leap in quality and efficiency of supervision, and promoting the modernization of social governance!

At the press conference, Fan Jing released 10 typical cases of big data legal supervision and gave a brief explanation. He said that these cases concentrated on the achievements of the provincial three-level procuratorates in resolutely implementing the digital procuratorial strategy, actively embracing innovation and science and technology, and reflected the actual effect of digital procuratorate in promoting the improvement of procuratorial supervision ability. We will focus on the "urgent needs and anxieties" that people care about and the hot focus of economic and social development, and better serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law. Journalists from People's Digital, Anhui Satellite TV News Network, China News Agency, Jianghuai Rule of Law, etc. also raised questions on relevant issues.

Heads of relevant internal institutions of the provincial procuratorate attended the press conference. Journalists from the central government in Anhui and major news organizations in Anhui Province attended the press conference.