Compulsory inspection of science and technology
The provincial procuratorate held a special training course on digital procuratorial work for procuratorial organs in Jixi County
Time: September 27, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Opening Ceremony of Digital Procuratorial Special Training Class for Provincial Procuratorial Organs

Lu Jianwu made a mobilization speech and gave lectures

In order to consolidate and deepen the learning and implementation of Xi Jinping's theme education of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, implement the digital procuratorial strategy, and better help the modernization of Anhui's procuratorial work, the provincial procuratorate held a special training class on digital procuratorial work for procuratorial organs in Jixi County from September 18 to 22. Lu Jianwu, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, attended the opening ceremony and made a mobilization speech.

At the opening ceremony, Lu Jianwu emphasized that in the face of the new situation and new tasks of the modernization of procuratorial work, he should further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to implement the digital procuratorial strategy, and grasp the forward-looking and basic work of digital procuratorial work with political standards.

We should focus on the key links and systematically promote the digital procuratorial work in Anhui. Adhere to the working mode of "business leading, data integration, technical support, and focusing on application", serve the entity to handle cases, break the traditional thinking habits and shackles, constantly learn from, summarize and refine, and strive to create a digital procuratorial road that conforms to the reality of Anhui.

It is necessary to correct the style of study, cherish opportunities, listen carefully, study hard, closely contact the specific situation of the unit and the business line, take problem-based learning and task-based learning, effectively enhance the training effect, and achieve the goal of improving professional theoretical literacy and problem-solving ability.

The training objectives are clear, the curriculum is closely linked to the improvement of digital procuratorial work ability, adhere to the equal emphasis on political theory learning and professional ability improvement, and highlight the combination of digital procuratorial theory and work practice. In the course, there are not only explanations on the guidance of judicial concepts, but also digital procuratorial practice teaching applied by big data legal supervision platform; There is not only the sharing of cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge such as AI cognitive model, but also the exchange of experience in digital procuratorial case handling practice; There are not only case introductions at the digital procuratorial business level, but also interpretations of job performance requirements such as information technology support services; There is not only the party spirit education of red films, but also the warning education of negative cases of procuratorial organs.

Lu Jianwu, with the title of "Establishing a Correct Judicial Concept and Striving to Achieve Social Fairness and Justice", guided the digital procuratorate to practice the correct judicial concept by adhering to 13 concepts, including focusing on politics and the overall situation, adhering to the people as the center, adhering to objective justice, adhering to fairness and efficiency, and adhering to collaborative justice and restorative justice.

Liu Pingxin, a professor of Renmin University of China, gave an authoritative interpretation of the theoretical level of digital procuratorial work, and made an in-depth explanation of where big data legal supervision comes from, what it is, what it does, and how to do it. Hefei Polytechnic University professor From the perspective of cyberspace governance, Jiang Yuanchun explained the characteristics of artificial intelligence and big data, promoted cyberspace governance through data empowerment, and expanded ideas for selecting entry points for digital prosecution and big data legal supervision. The members of the Digital Office of the Provincial People's Procuratorate and the students learned the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on network power and digital China, combined with the Anhui practice of digital procuratorial work, and exchanged the learning and understanding of the modernization of procuratorial work, service and guarantee of Chinese modernization.

The training class also invited comrades in charge of Hefei Network Security Detachment, R&D personnel of relevant science and technology companies, etc., to give lectures on the use of big data analysis tools, network security protection, artificial intelligence cognition model and other aspects. The heads of digital offices of six cities and counties (districts) in Hefei, Wuhu, Xuancheng and other places made exchange speeches, and reported and demonstrated excellent model works in the second provincial procuratorial organ big data legal supervision model competition.