Compulsory inspection of science and technology
Anhui: digital application scene: an ice breaking and multi-point blossom
Time: August 4, 2023 Author: Lu Jianwu News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In recent years, the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province has earnestly implemented the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era, fully implemented the digital procuratorial strategy of the Supreme Procuratorate, made full use of modern science and technology such as big data and artificial intelligence, and "broke the ice" from the concept. In practice, it has bloomed in many places in different application scenarios, effectively solving problems such as blocked supervision information channels, We will focus on improving the ability of precise supervision, and use the "digital revolution" to drive the quality and efficiency of procuratorial supervision in the new era.

one Exploring the Application of Improving the Efficiency and Reducing the Burden of Prosecutors in Handling Cases

How to empower prosecutors to handle cases? How to more accurately and effectively tap supervision clues? The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has anchored the urgent problems of front-line prosecutors, actively urged front-line prosecutors to flexibly apply big data technology, constantly improved and upgraded the procuratorial office case handling system, improved the scientific and intelligent level of the system, improved the use experience of prosecutors, effectively improved the efficiency of front-line case handling personnel, and truly achieved "digital empowerment" To assist the high-quality development of procuratorial work.

Exploration on the application of case card backfilling technology. Case card filling is an important work for prosecutors when using the procuratorial business application system. Taking the handling of criminal cases in the first instance as an example, the case management department of the procuratorial organ needs to fill in about 180 case card items in the acceptance stage, and the prosecutors need to fill in about 220 case card items in the review and prosecution stage. The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate applied the localized case card backfilling technology to analyze, identify and extract the contents of the documents transferred to the procuratorial organ, load the relevant case cards of this document category, and fill the results returned by the case card extraction engine into the corresponding case card items, helping the procurators to extricate themselves from repetitive and mechanical labor, and ensure that the case card information is complete, accurate standard. Since the application of case card backfilling technology, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province have automatically filled in and recorded case cards more than 33000 times, of which, the backfilling rate of a single case in the case management department of the grass-roots procuratorate at the stage of accepting the case reached more than 90%, significantly reducing the workload of front-line prosecutors to manually fill in and record case cards.

Exploring the application of automatic document generation technology in dangerous driving cases. In recent years, the number of dangerous driving cases handled by the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province has soared, and front-line prosecutors are facing the problem of more cases with fewer people and unequal allocation of judicial resources. The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate took the initiative to use artificial intelligence technology to research and develop the application of automatic generation of dangerous driving case documents, which will be used by some grass-roots procuratorates in 2021. Through natural language recognition of case electronic files, automatic generation of review reports will effectively save front-line prosecutors' time and energy in handling simple cases, Let them have more time to handle difficult and complicated cases. For a dangerous driving case with an investigation file of about 200 pages, the whole process from the entry of the entire electronic file to the generation of the review report can be completed in 10 minutes, which can save about 80% of the time compared with the previous time when prosecutors read, extract and write the review report themselves.

The application of mobile marking technology. Mobile marking technology is to help prosecutors review and annotate electronic files anytime and anywhere through tablet computers in case handling scenes such as business trip, review, report, and court appearance by using electronic file text recognition, defect annotation structured presentation, voice assisted testimony in court and other technologies. It can also synchronously generate documents such as inspection rejection outline, proof outline, etc, Realized the intellectualization of electronic file analysis and the mobility of the whole process case handling link. In the environment of single track handling of criminal cases, public security organs, procuratorates, courts, and judicial administrative organs only need to transfer and transfer electronic document materials on the platform of cross departmental integration of politics and law, and there is no need to transfer paper-based documents offline. The prosecutor can complete all the work from accepting a case to reviewing and prosecuting to appearing in court with a tablet computer (equipped with a mobile marking system). The data is all in one tablet, and the evidence is like "showing a movie", which effectively breaks the data barrier and lays a good practical foundation for Anhui Province to comprehensively deploy the reform of criminal case monorail system.

The application of sentencing assistance technology. The sentencing assistance system applies big data technology to conduct comprehensive analysis of similar cases, then match the cases and achieve sentencing assistance, effectively solving the problem of different sentences in the same case. According to the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing Common Crimes (for Trial Implementation) jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Sentencing Standards for Twenty three Common Crimes (for Trial Implementation) jointly issued by the Anhui Higher People's Court and the Anhui People's Procuratorate, for the frequent and high incidence of dangerous driving, traffic accidents, theft, fraud and other common crimes According to the specific facts and circumstances of the crime, the prison term or the range of the prison term shall be calculated in a standardized way, and the sentencing results shall be provided to the prosecutor after comprehensive evaluation. The system can achieve real-time calculation and demonstration in the negotiation stage of guilty plea and punishment, dispel various doubts of criminal suspects and defense lawyers, effectively improve the application rate of leniency system of guilty plea and punishment, and reduce the time cost of repeated negotiation by front-line prosecutors.

two Exploration on the application of the construction of dual platforms for procuratorial supervision and case handling

Actively participate in the construction and application of the cross departmental integrated collaborative case handling platform of Anhui political and legal authorities. The integrated and coordinated case handling platform of Anhui's politics and law departments adopts the structure of "one center and four platforms", which covers the whole province's public procuratorates and legal departments, and realizes the full coverage of criminal cases handled by procuratorates at the city and county levels, and the online circulation of all common criminal cases investigated by public security organs. Anhui Provincial Procuratorate participated in the construction of the platform in 2018, and built the procuratorial sub platform of "one center and four platforms". The platform takes the whole process of criminal cases as the main line and the whole business collaboration as the main line. Through the use of data sharing standards and the construction of signature and seal mutual trust and mutual recognition system technology, it breaks through the data barriers and solidly promotes the single track criminal case handling model. By the end of 2022, the platform has completed the circulation, review, approval and arrest of more than 10000 cases, the review and prosecution of more than 60000 cases, and the filing of more than 40000 cases of public prosecution, initially realizing the business collaboration, interconnection, joint construction and sharing of criminal cases handled by various organs of the Public Security, Procuratorate and Justice Department.

Explore the construction of Anhui big data legal supervision platform. On the basis of fully drawing on the experience and practices of advanced provinces, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate adheres to the problem oriented and effect oriented approach, carries out the construction of big data legal supervision platform according to the idea of "thin platform, light construction, heavy application, and heavy case handling", and creates the "1+N" model of Anhui digital procuratorate. The big data legal supervision platform integrates six functions: data collection and governance, clue research and analysis, case handling supervision and command, model and scenario innovation, computing capability support, and learning, research and promotion. "1" refers to the provincial big data legal supervision platform built by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate for use by the provincial three-level procuratorial organs It refers to the specific application of a number of big data legal supervision models, including 11 supervision models, including the special supervision of different lawsuits and judgments, the special supervision of criminal filing, and the special supervision of criminal detention cases. At the same time, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate took the initiative to promote data collection and data governance through multiple measures, providing massive data support for the research and judgment of digital procuratorial clues.

three Deepen the application of big data legal supervision model

The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate guided the municipal and county procuratorates to explore the scene innovation of the procuratorial case handling mode, build the big data legal supervision model, collect the collision related data, find the hidden supervision clues, carefully polish the practical application of "small, refined and specialized", and apply it to the handling of specific cases.

Explore the application of the legal supervision model of administrative non litigation execution, and help procuratorial supervision shift from case supervision to case supervision. Compared with procuratorial case supervision, procuratorial case supervision focuses on whether the judgment standard and judgment scale are unified when handling the same or similar cases in terms of basic facts, focus of dispute, application of law, etc. In May 2021, when a grass-roots procuratorate in Anhui Province examined the administrative punishment file of a local planning bureau, it found that the local highway administration bureau had been imposed an administrative punishment for illegally occupying the village collective land for highway construction, but it had not implemented it. The local planning bureau also did not apply to the court for compulsory implementation of the Administrative Punishment Decision. The grass-roots procuratorate issued procuratorial suggestions to the local planning bureau and the court according to law, and the court filed the case after receiving the procuratorial suggestions. When handling cases, the grass-roots procuratorate realized that the procuratorial organ urgently needed to strengthen the supervision of administrative non litigation enforcement cases, so it developed a relevant model with the help of big data technology, and used the model to capture the administrative penalty decision number of the administrative organ, the name of the party, the date of application for compulsory enforcement and other data for analysis, It also analyzed the information of the administrative organ's application for non litigation enforcement filing, the information of the parties' administrative litigation, the administrative ruling and other data accepted by the court, screened out suspected supervision clues, then targeted access to the court files, carried out precise analysis and judgment, and determined effective case source information through the organic combination of big data and manual research and judgment. On the basis of analyzing the cases and sorting out the elements, the grass-roots procuratorate built a model to carry out special activities of supervision on non litigation enforcement cases in the field of land law enforcement investigation. In the past two years, the grass-roots procuratorate has handled 18 non litigation enforcement supervision cases in the field of land law enforcement investigation, involving a fine of more than 5 million yuan.

Explore the application of the legal supervision model for criminal filing, and help the procuratorial supervision shift from passive supervision to active supervision. The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate took the opportunity to promote the implementation of the "No. 8 Procuratorial Recommendation" of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and developed a criminal case filing supervision model for the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. Connect and share key information such as law enforcement object information, law enforcement behavior information, and statistical information of major hazard sources in the law enforcement system of the provincial emergency management information platform, so as to realize the sharing of law enforcement information resources and achieve smooth supervision channels. When a grass-roots procuratorate in Anhui Province handled the case of a major labor safety accident and a major liability accident involving Zhang Moumou and other three people, on the one hand, it took the initiative to intervene in advance to achieve an efficient connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and the sentencing suggestions put forward during the review and prosecution phase were all adopted by the court; On the other hand, relying on the model, we will further strengthen the information exchange with the law enforcement agencies, timely suggest the relevant administrative departments to transfer the criminal clues to the public security organs, comprehensively strengthen the legal supervision of production safety accident cases, and effectively solve the outstanding problems in the production safety supervision within the jurisdiction. Since 2022, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province have used the criminal case filing supervision model to intervene in 24 work safety crime cases in advance, put forward 58 suggestions for guiding investigation, made and issued 258 work safety procuratorial suggestions, accepted 39 clues for case filing supervision transferred by administrative law enforcement units, and supervised 28 cases.

Explore the application of the supervision model of violation clues of the takeaway platform, and help the procuratorial supervision shift from case handling supervision to social governance. Since 2019, a grass-roots procuratorate in Anhui Province has developed a supervision model for violation clues of the takeaway platform. The model is used to analyze the website structure of the takeaway platform. By building key parameters, it captures the business license and food business license of the takeaway merchant, uses word recognition technology to identify relevant certificates, and automatically discovers that the business license is not publicized through model data comparison Clues of common problems such as business license exceeding the specified period and operating beyond the scope. With the powerful data collection, analysis and clue discovery capabilities of the model, the grass-roots procuratorate organized and carried out the special supervision activity of procuratorial public interest litigation to "ensure the safety of thousands of households", carried out rolling inspection and supervision on more than 1500 catering service providers on multiple takeout platforms in the jurisdiction, and found a total of more than 40 business leads of non-standard business. The procuratorial organ classifies and summarizes the clues of model troubleshooting, and sends procuratorial suggestions to the market supervision and administration department, suggesting strengthening the management and supervision of the merchants on the platform for foreign sales. With the help of big data supervision model, we will guide the public interest litigation procuratorial work to expand into social governance, promote traceability governance through procuratorial supervision, turn attack into prevention, and turn passivity into initiative.

(The author is Lu Jianwu, Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province)