Compulsory inspection of science and technology
Anhui was invited to share the experience of "smart procuratorial work" at the national political and legal equipment achievement exhibition
Time: July 17, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

From July 10 to 11, the "2023 Political and Legal Intelligence Construction Technology Equipment and Achievements Exhibition", sponsored by Legal Daily, Beijing Security Industry Association, and organized by Legal Daily Cultural Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Beijing Fa'an Network Cultural Media Co., Ltd., was held at the Beijing National Conference Center. Lu Jianwu, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, was invited to attend and issued certificates to the selected units.

During the exhibition, representatives from the political and legal system and well-known high-tech new equipment enterprises shared their experiences around the theme of smart governance, smart courts, smart procuratorial services, smart policing, smart justice, etc. Among them, Fan Jing, director of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, shared his experience on the topic of "giving full play to the supporting role of digital procuratorial technology to serve case handling".

Give full play to the supporting role of digital procuratorial technology to serve case handling

▲ Fan Jing, Director of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate

The People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province firmly implements the work mode of business leading, data integration, focusing on application and technical support, and explores and develops a digital procuratorial platform. The platform adopts the "1+N" mode. "1" is a thin platform, light construction, heavy application and heavy case handling. "N" is a number of supervision models built on the platform. A total of six centers have been built, among which the data governance center provides access, governance and management for data, the clue research and judgment center mainly analyzes and judges data to help quickly find clues, and the case handling command center mainly commands and dispatches platform clues to ensure closed-loop operation of clues. So far, the platform has been able to provide all-round support for big data supervision professional action, pushing more than 10000 clues and handling more than 1000 cases.