Compulsory inspection of science and technology
Bengbu Longzi Lake: digital supervision model popularized
Time: July 13, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the interest tax state-owned asset protection supervision model of the People's Procuratorate of Longzihu District, Bengbu City was promoted and released in the procuratorial system as a mature model by the highest procuratorial digital procuratorial department.

The People's Procuratorate of Longzihu District, Bengbu City is the contact point of the basic digital procuratorate of Anhui Province. It actively adapts to the development trend of the digital era, focuses on the implementation of procuratorial big data application decisions, strengthens the sense of urgency and responsibility of digital procuratorial work, and fully promotes digital procuratorial work.

In handling a case of supervision over the implementation of a private lending dispute, the court found that the parties to the case received interest of nearly 2 million yuan, but did not pay individual income tax. According to the verification, the party concerned received the execution payment in 2019, which has exceeded the collection period, and the individual income tax cannot be collected.

After analysis and research, it was found that there was a certain universality of interest tax evasion, so we set up a supervision model for state-owned asset protection cases of interest tax, obtained details of enforcement cases in the past three years from the court, compared and collided with the information on the judicial documents network, and accurately screened 45 civil enforcement cases involving interest tax evasion.

By performing its duties in accordance with the law and promoting the establishment of a tripartite coordinated mechanism of court enforcement, tax collection and management, and procuratorial supervision, the Court has promoted the normalization of individual income tax linked collection and management of private lending interest income and effectively avoided the loss of state-owned property. At present, 320000 yuan of tax has been recovered.