Compulsory inspection of science and technology
The provincial procuratorate held a meeting of the leading group for network security and informatization
Time: June 16, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

▲ Zhou Yong Attends the Meeting

▲ Lu Jianwu presides over the meeting and gives a speech

On the morning of June 14, the provincial procuratorate held a meeting of the leading group for network security and informatization work. Zhou Yong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate and director of the Political Department, attended the meeting. Lu Jianwu, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate and Deputy Procurator General, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting listened to the relevant reports and reports, and participants held discussions.

Lu Jianwu It pointed out that it is necessary to deeply grasp that the in-depth promotion of online information work is an essential question to shoulder the important task of the procuratorial era, an inevitable requirement to implement the decisions and deployment of the higher authorities, and the only way to innovate and develop the procuratorial work. It is necessary to give full play to the overall strength and leverage of online information, promote the integrated development of digital procuratorial work, and systematically reshape the legal supervision mode, means and mechanism, Promote the quality and efficiency of supervision by leaps and bounds.

Lu Jianwu stressed that the procuratorial responsibility of forging ahead in a new journey should be taken to ensure the systematic advancement of key tasks in a steady and orderly manner. Digital procuratorial work should focus on special actions and implement Anchor the overall goal of the special action, focus on case handling, focus on breakthroughs, promote in coordination, summarize experience through practice, and ensure that digital procuratorial "change" is felt and accessible. Strengthen the downward traction of business lines, strengthen the accuracy of business needs, strengthen the guidance of business case handling, and strengthen the "revolutionary" role of digital prosecutors in the "four major prosecutors". We will continue to maintain the good situation of technology side supply, continue to optimize and improve the functions of the big data legal supervision platform, and strengthen the sharing of data on the shelf, clue research and judgment, and case handling supervision. The project construction planning should focus on the overall situation of procuratorial work to promote development. We should not only focus on the construction of projects under construction, but also do a good job in the overall planning of pre construction projects. The project under construction must be completed with high quality within the specified time, and the new project should take "pragmatic and effective" as the foothold, based on the current actual application needs, and achieve the combination of moderate advance and step-by-step implementation. Operation and maintenance service guarantee should be deeply optimized based on work requirements Focusing on the goal of "serving the grassroots to solve problems and focusing on the front line to promote the handling of cases", we should establish a scientific operation and maintenance system to support, respond quickly, concentrate our efforts, solve problems accurately, and strengthen the scientific and technological support ability and technical service level. Network data security should be consistent to prevent risks Adhere to the principle of attaching equal importance to security and development, and firmly hold the bottom line of security. Establish a strong sense of security, strengthen network management responsibilities, strengthen technical supervision and protection of networks and data, and regularly carry out network security inspections. We will give full play to the role of procuratorial organs in the administration of justice and effectively safeguard cyberspace security.

The main principals of the member units of the leading group for network information of the provincial procuratorate attended the meeting.