Compulsory inspection of science and technology
Anhui launched the special action of big data legal supervision
Time: March 25, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Mobilization and deployment meeting site

Chen Wu Attends the Mobilization and Deployment Meeting and Delivers a Speech

In order to explore the gold mine of procuratorial supervision in big data strategic resources, promote the practical application of digital procuratorial strategy in case handling, and achieve tangible results, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate recently decided to, Carry out the special action of big data legal supervision for half a year in the provincial procuratorial organs On March 22, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate held a provincial teleconference to mobilize and deploy the special action.

The special action of big data legal supervision started in March this year and ended in August this year, It covers "four major procuratorial" supervision, including criminal procuratorial, civil procuratorial, administrative procuratorial and public interest litigation procuratorial, including 10 sub special supervision They are: special supervision of inconsistent litigation and judgment, special supervision of criminal case filing, special supervision of criminal detention cases, synchronous supervision of penalty execution, special supervision of false judicial confirmation and arbitration notarization cases, special supervision of deep illegal acts of civil adjudication, special supervision of "shell companies" clean-up, special supervision of public interest litigation, and provision of analysis and early warning of crimes against minors' rights and interests Bribery record handling inquiry, etc.

In addition to the above 10 sub special supervisions, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate especially encourages all procuratorial business lines and procuratorates at all levels to break the restrictions of scenarios, regions, lines and personnel according to the actual situation, select the ones that need procuratorial supervision, obtain data and carry out big data analysis, have certain hot spots, focuses and concerns expected in handling cases, and create a new special supervision model with characteristics.

It is understood that during the special action, the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province will rely on the big data legal supervision platform built by the provincial procuratorate to lead the overall situation with special projects, make breakthroughs in key areas, promote coordinated progress, make full and standardized use of external sharing, build their own massive data, promote the deep integration of procuratorial business and big data technology, and implement cross level, cross regional Cross business big data legal supervision coordination mechanism, striving to In the hot focus of serving the overall situation, prominent problems of law enforcement and justice, and weak areas of social governance, we found a class of problems, handled a batch of cases, promoted governance in a region, and formed the Anhui experience of digital empowerment procuratorial supervision

After the special action, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate will Summarize and form a batch of typical cases, carry out big data legal supervision demonstration institute evaluation and big data application star evaluation, and include digital procuratorial case handling and model innovation contest into the business assessment So as to establish a clear direction of focusing on digital procuratorial work.

Chen Wu, Procurator General of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, attended the mobilization deployment meeting. He stressed that we should make every effort to overcome difficulties, explore the big data legal supervision mode with distinctive Anhui characteristics with the innovative breakthrough of this special action, and promote Anhui digital procuratorate to take shape as soon as possible We should adhere to the concept first, systematic thinking, and improve the quality of special action standards; Adhere to the goal of traction, focus on handling cases, and promote the accelerated reform of the supervision mode; Adhere to business leadership and technical support, and increase the practice of model innovation; Adhere to multiple measures, both internal and external, to ensure the continuous flow of data resources; We will continue to build a digital procuratorial work mechanism based on the current situation and with a long-term perspective.