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Promoting the Quality and Efficiency of Legal Supervision in the New Era with the "Digital Revolution"
Time: March 23, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Driven by "digital revolution" Improving the quality and efficiency of legal supervision in the new era

Zhang Xueqiao, Deputy Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate

In the digital age, the future has come.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to build a digital China, while the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized to accelerate the construction of a digital China. The State Council decided to establish the National Data Bureau in the institutional reform plan approved at the first session of the 14th National People's Congress... With the improvement of the level of economic and social digitalization, an era of large-scale production, sharing and application of data has begun. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of big data is changing with each passing day. We should consider the situation, carefully plan, advance the layout and strive for initiative. Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era More specific requirements have been put forward for digital procuratorial work: "use big data, blockchain and other technologies to promote cross sectoral big data cooperation in handling cases among public security organs, procuratorial organs, judicial organs, judicial administrative organs, etc." In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping's rule of law thought and the CPC Central Committee's decision and deployment on building a digital China, in June 2022, The national conference on digital procuratorial work of procuratorial organs was held in Hangzhou, which made arrangements for promoting the informatization of procuratorial work as a whole and accelerating the construction of digital procuratorial work. It proposed to drive the quality and efficiency of legal supervision in the new era with the "digital revolution", and serve the high-quality development of economy and society with the high-quality development of procuratorial work. On March 17, 2023, Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, stressed on deepening the implementation of the digital procuratorial strategy, building a digital procuratorial work mechanism of "business leadership, data integration, technical support, and focus on application" at the national procuratorial organs' teleconference on learning and implementing the spirit of the two sessions, and enabled legal supervision with the digital revolution.

What the digital society brings us is a structural change, or a change in the dimension of time and space. Prosecutors must also adapt to the change from traditional to modern in handling cases. The journey of digital procuratorial work must start with the big data in our national procuratorial network and the 2.0 disk of the procuratorial business application system; The real digital prosecution should be built on every business line and every prosecutor's details of handling cases. Digital procuratorial work is a big project, which relies on little by little accumulation to build a building on the so-called small incision, leading thousands of troops on the front line. This "front-line" is the front-line prosecutor handling cases. How many digital models are needed for how many small incisions in handling cases. Who will develop the model and who will start the program? There are only thousands of soldiers on the front line of handling cases. When talking about digital procuratorial work without business needs, it must be a lot of waste.

Although data is not evidence, as long as we catch data anomalies, it is like hunters seeing the shadow of prey. If big data is a rich mine of digital censorship, what kind of data can be used for gold mining, whether in the neighbor's fields or in their own fields? If the big data monitoring model is a digital product, is it on the keyboard of the technical engineer or in the file of the prosecutor? Relying on the construction of procuratorial business application system 2.0, we have effectively integrated the data of the procuratorial system, and "business datalization" has completed the first step of the long march. While further sharing the law enforcement and judicial data, it is more important to achieve "data commercialization", which is deeply rooted in the deep needs of high-quality economic and social development and legal supervision, Wake up all kinds of massive data that are active but still asleep on the whole, and let them link up according to the internal law, so as to realize correlation analysis and in-depth mining, provide a systematic basis for strengthening legal supervision, deepening active performance of duties, and doing source of actual litigation governance, and promote the procuratorial organs to change from the traditional "passive case acceptance, case handling" supervision and case handling mode to "active case handling, case handling" Change, and then extend to the mode of participating in social governance supervision and case handling through case supervision. This is the concrete embodiment of promoting "city management" by "self management", the concrete practice of prosecutors' thinking of "the greatest person in the country", and the proper meaning of the modernization of procuratorial work.

Media is one of the most widely used fields of cutting-edge digital technology, which can sensitively capture the combination of digital technology and procuratorial work. As the organ newspaper of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Procuratorial Daily has closely followed the pace of the times, coordinated and promoted the digital procuratorial strategy and the media financing strategy, established the procuratorial big data research institute, and created the special issue of Digital Procuratorate. This is a specific measure to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National People's Congress, as well as the specific practice of implementing the digital procuratorial strategy. Digital procuratorial work is a new task, and media publicity and guidance are particularly important. The special issue of Digital Procuratorial should do a good job in the following four aspects: everything We should keenly discover and report the advanced models in the promotion of digital procuratorial work, and use good models to guide, promote and promote the implementation of digital procuratorial work; Second It is necessary to publicize the digital procuratorial cases with promotional value for local governments to learn and use for reference when using big data to supervise and handle cases; Third Pay attention to the latest development and achievements in the field of digital technology, and jointly explore the transformation and application of new technologies in procuratorial organs; Fourth Vigorously publicize the concept and achievements of digital procuratorial work to the society, and create a good public opinion atmosphere for the digital procuratorial strategy. Local procuratorial organs should also enhance their awareness of digital procuratorial work, actively practice and actively contribute to the story of digital procuratorial work, help procuratorial organs better perform their legal supervision duties, and let the whole society witness the vivid practice of modernization of procuratorial work. It is believed that the special issue of Digital Procuratorate will become a new front for procuratorial organs to study and implement Xi Jinping's rule of law, a new medium to disseminate national big data strategy, digital planning and digital thinking, and a new carrier to publicize the concept, ideas and models of digital procuratorate. With the support of all sectors of society and readers, the special issue of Digital Procuratorate will be able to create its own characteristics and achieve good political, social and legal effects.

Although the road is far away, the line will come; Difficult as it is, you will succeed. It is hoped that the digital procuratorial cause will open up a new path in the drum and call of the "Digital Procuratorate" special issue, bear fruitful results, and contribute to the modernization of procuratorial work to serve Chinese modernization.