Compulsory inspection of science and technology
Interview with Procuratorial Daily | Representative Liu Qingfeng: Big data boosts high-quality development of procuratorial work
Time: March 23, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On March 22, 2023, Digital Procuratorial Science and Technology Edition of Procuratorial Daily

Big data boosts high-quality development of procuratorial work

——Exclusive Interview with Liu Qingfeng, NPC Representative and Chairman of iFLYTEK

Our reporter Li Na, Gao Hang

Liu Qingfeng (third from left) participated in the group discussion of the Anhui delegation at the National Two Sessions.

Digital technology must be integrated into social high-frequency scenarios

reporter: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should speed up the construction of a network power and a digital China. As an AI technology enterprise, what new exploration and development do you have in the process of enabling digital change?

Liu Qingfeng: Digital technology must be closely integrated with the real economy, traditional industries, and high-frequency scenes of people's work and life, so as to achieve win-win coexistence and prosperity. IFLYTEK has been engaged in the wave of digital economy and artificial intelligence for many years. It has driven the release of technical dividends with innovative scenarios, and has used AI empowerment to play a superimposed effect. It has assisted digital construction in education, medical care, industry, urban governance and other fields, and has achieved remarkable results.

Taking AI enabling education as an example, we rely on the digital strategic action of enabling education to help education return to its essence. So far, iFLYTEK's smart education related products have been applied in 50000 schools nationwide, serving more than 130 million teachers and students.

reporter: Under the wave of artificial intelligence and digital development, how can high-tech industries play a scientific and technological role in helping digital rule of law and smart justice?

Liu Qingfeng: IFLYTEK has in-depth exploration and extensive application in helping judicial coordination, strengthening big data and deepening the application of judicial system reform. We have established artificial intelligence research and application laboratories for various political and legal fields with the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Supreme People's Court, and become a member of the Political and Legal Intelligence Expert Group of the Central Political and Legal Commission, Special research on the construction of intelligent application of politics and law.

Up to now, iFLYTEK's innovative AI products and solutions have been applied in the procuratorial systems and court systems of 31 provinces (cities) in China. The "Intelligent Criminal Case Handling System" jointly developed with the Shanghai Higher People's Court has completed the development of evidence standards for 102 common criminal cases, realizing the verification, prompt, check Supervision has improved the timeliness, accuracy, comprehensiveness and science of evidence review and judgment. This system has been effectively applied in Shanghai, Anhui, Jilin, Guangdong, Guizhou, Xinjiang and other places.

Deep integration of artificial intelligence and procuratorial business

reporter: As a deputy to the National People's Congress, how do you feel about the overall work of the procuratorial organs in recent years?

Liu Qingfeng: As a deputy to the National People's Congress, I really feel the efforts made by the procuratorial organs in serving the overall situation and the people's justice. The procuratorial organs, centering on the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era, actively deployed the work of "optimizing the criminal procuratorial work in the new era", "strengthening the civil procuratorial work in the new era", "innovating and deepening the itinerant procuratorial work", and insisted on taking the people as the center, in order to maintain national security, stability and social order, and to ensure the safety of the people's personal and property We have made due contributions to the maintenance of fairness and justice, made the people have a real sense of gain, and truly demonstrated that the people's livelihood is the goal of the procuratorate, and contributed procuratorial wisdom and strength to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

reporter: How do you view the modernization of procuratorial work, especially the in-depth integration and development of digital procuratorial work?

Liu Qingfeng: In combination with the industrial practice of iFLYTEK, I believe that we should always adhere to the source core technology innovation, promote the application research of artificial intelligence technology in the underlying capabilities, data bases, algorithm platforms and other aspects of digital inspection, so that the sustainable development of digital inspection is rooted in the safety foundation of artificial intelligence and independent innovation.

Guide the deep integration and development of AI and procuratorial business, and promote the digital transformation of procuratorial business. Centering on the "four major procuratorates", starting from the service of procuratorial work and law enforcement and case handling, the "digital revolution" is used to drive the high-quality development of procuratorial work. Further strengthen the deep integration of AI and procuratorial business, encourage procuratorial science and technology innovation, support procuratorial organs at all levels and AI leading enterprises to jointly carry out AI innovation exploration, and build a digital procuratorial base supporting "AI+".

Science and technology help legal supervision

reporter: Local procuratorial organs are currently vigorously exploring and using big data to perform their legal supervision duties. How can science and technology enterprises participate in the in-depth application of big data?

Liu Qingfeng: The big data inspection strategy is an important part of the national big data strategy, and it is also an inevitable requirement for the technology inspection strategy in the big data era to keep pace with the times. In the process of deepening the application of procuratorial big data, we should expand the source of procuratorial big data, strengthen the use of unstructured data by procuratorial organs, mine clues in endogenous data, shared data, and open data, build a visual legal supervision platform with low threshold and easy to use, and adopt the way of "preliminary screening of big data+review and review by prosecutors", Concentrate the resources of the procuratorial force on the handling of valuable clues, and improve the legal supervision efficiency of the procuratorial organ.

At the same time, the procuratorial big data strategy is a "revolution" in the means of legal supervision and an important support for improving the legal supervision ability. Science and technology enterprises should actively cooperate with the procuratorial organs to build a digital procuratorial work model of "business led, data integration, technical support, and application focused" to improve the scientific, intelligent, and humanistic level of procuratorial big data applications, We will promote the overall quality and efficiency of legal supervision in the new era, and give full play to the positive role of big data in helping to make legal supervision more efficient, judicial case handling more standardized, and procuratorial decision-making more scientific.

reporter: In the era of big data, data fusion is the foundation. What new measures does iFLYTEK take in building a big data case handling platform?

Liu Qingfeng: Build a big data case handling platform across political and legal departments, open up the "information island" between the public security, procuratorial and legal departments, achieve online collaboration and information sharing of the entire judicial process, and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of case handling.

IFLYTEK helped to build a big data case handling platform across political and legal departments, took the lead in exploring the whole process of criminal cases and the electronic online collaborative case handling mode, and from the source, the public security departments uniformly produced electronic files. On the basis of cross departmental business collaboration and data sharing of criminal, political and legal departments, the scope will be further expanded in combination with the actual business and data needs of the political and legal units, helping to build a political and legal big data sharing center, and providing internal data support for the digital procuratorial and legal supervision.