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National Conference on Digital Procuratorial Work of Procuratorial Organs Held
Time: July 8, 2022 Author: News source: Gaojian Network [Font size: large | in | Small

Zhang Jun's Request for the National Digital Procuratorial Work Conference

Thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law

Drive the high-quality development of procuratorial work in the new era with the "digital revolution"

Yuan Jiajun attended the meeting and made a speech

On June 29, the national conference on digital procuratorial work of procuratorial organs was held, with the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate as the main venue and the four level procuratorates through in the form of video.

Zhang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Some deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, responsible comrades from relevant parties, and all procurators of the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate attended the meeting in the main venue.

During the presentation of excellent works in the National Procuratorial Big Data Legal Supervision Model Competition, Zhejiang Shaoxing Procuratorate, Jiangsu Suzhou Procuratorate, Hubei Procuratorate, Zhejiang Songyang County Procuratorate, and Zhejiang Shengzhou Procuratorate introduced and demonstrated the award-winning model.

In the information age, digital procuratorial work and big data legal supervision are the "ship" and "bridge" for the modernization of procuratorial work, which is related to the long-term development of the party's procuratorial cause. How to keep up with and adapt to the development trend of the digital era, deepen the procuratorial big data strategy, build a "ship", build a "bridge", and drive the high-quality development of procuratorial work in the new era with the "digital revolution"? …… On June 29, the national conference on digital procuratorial work of procuratorial organs was held, with the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate as the main venue and the four level procuratorates through in the form of video. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's rule of law thought and a series of important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of a digital China, deeply implemented the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era, and improved the quality and efficiency of legal supervision in the new era driven by the "digital revolution", We will better deploy high-quality procuratorial work to serve high-quality economic and social development.

Why did you choose Zhejiang as the main venue for this meeting? Because Zhejiang is the pioneer of digital construction and reform! As early as 2003, during his work in Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a strategic deployment of building a "digital Zhejiang". In recent years, Zhejiang procuratorial organs have thoroughly implemented the "Digital Zhejiang" strategic deployment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, firmly grasped the major opportunity of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee to take the lead in launching the digital reform in 2021 and create a highland of global digital change, fully integrated into the reform wave, and promoted the construction of digital procuratorial work; Closely centering on the deployment requirements of the "big data strategy for procuratorial work" of the highest level of procuratorial work, we should firmly adhere to the path of digital procuratorial work, deepen the reform of the legal supervision model of "digital empowerment supervision, supervision and governance promotion", and lead the procuratorial organs nationwide in exploring big data legal supervision. The Supreme People's Procuratorate decided to hold a digital procuratorial work conference in Zhejiang as the main venue, which is to study and promote the experience of Zhejiang with the national procuratorial organs, and vigorously promote the digital procuratorial work.

In the forefront of digital construction and reform, what experience does Zhejiang procuratorial organ have in enabling legal supervision with big data for reference? "In 2019, the province investigated and handled 2861 cases of 'false litigation', more than double the year-on-year growth, involving more than 1.2 billion yuan, and further expanded the supervision and governance of 'false litigation' to industrial disputes, enterprise bankruptcy, insurance claims, mediation, arbitration and judicial confirmation. Big data has initially played a positive role in legal supervision." "Over the past year, focusing on the main responsibility of legal supervision, the province has handled hundreds of special cases of digital procuratorial work, promoted 17 special supervisions in an integrated way, and promoted comprehensive governance in areas such as illegal judicial online photography, false judicial confirmation, and elderly health care fraud." …… Combined with specific case handling data, Jia Yu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate, introduced the four ways and achievements of Zhejiang procuratorial organs to promote digital procuratorial work: constantly strengthen the confidence and determination of digital procuratorial work in exploration and practice, firmly grasp the essence and requirements of "reshaping reform" in deepening reform, and focus on solving restrictive problems in in-depth promotion, Establish and improve the working system in actual combat effectiveness.

In the presentation of excellent works in the National Prosecutorial Big Data Legal Supervision Model Competition, Zhejiang Shaoxing Procuratorate, Jiangsu Suzhou Procuratorate, Hubei Procuratorate, Zhejiang Songyang County Procuratorate, and Zhejiang Shengzhou Procuratorate introduced and demonstrated the vehicle insurance claims supervision model, the supervision model of false labor claims in the bankruptcy field, the government data cloud supervision The supervision model of online judicial auction and the supervision model of "non-standard oil" tax evasion caused the delegates to think deeply - big data is a rich mine of legal supervision, but where is the golden key to open the door of rich mines? Hidden in the abnormal data of the data pool! How to find abnormal data? According to the trace characteristics and correlation points of the target object, the screening rules shall be formulated to strip the cocoon layer by layer and finally lock the "demon"; The first big data supervision model for high-tech justice is not from developed first tier cities, but from Songyang County Procuratorate, which is located in remote mountainous areas of Zhejiang Province, with relatively underdeveloped economy and only 30 people in political and legal preparation. This shows that everyone can take the lead in the face of equal opportunities in big data, and everyone can take advantage of the great power of big data to "pull the mountain out of the sky" ……

Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the construction of the rule of law and digital governance, and made a series of important instructions and instructions, pointing out the way forward and providing a strong impetus for deepening digital reform, especially promoting the construction of the digital rule of law. Over the years, Zhejiang has continuously deepened the construction of "rule of law Zhejiang" and "digital Zhejiang", took the lead in comprehensively launching the digital reform, deeply promoted the exploration and practice of digital rule of law and digital procuratorial work, better played the role of procuratorial organs in legal supervision, and provided a strong judicial guarantee for the reform and development of Zhejiang. Next, we will deeply learn and practice Xi Jinping's idea of the rule of law, keep in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on procuratorial work during his work in Zhejiang, "dare to supervise, be good at supervision, and have the courage to carry out self supervision", deeply promote the coordinated development of the rule of law and digital Zhejiang, and focus on exploring a new era of safe Zhejiang The new ideas and measures of the "four major procuratorates" under the background of the integrated promotion of the rule of law in Zhejiang, focus on promoting the overall intelligent governance of procuratorial work, focus on exploring the integration mode of legal supervision, focus on improving the intelligent accuracy of procuratorial work, accelerate the deep integration of procuratorial work and digital reform in the new era, and strive to provide a strong legal guarantee for comprehensively promoting the "two first".

"Whether you 'know' and 'feel' or not, procuratorial work has entered the digital era, and 'data' is profoundly changing procuratorial work in the new era!" Zhang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, introduced the procuratorial organs to conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, The effectiveness of procuratorial digitalization construction based on the overall promotion of informatization, centering on a deep understanding of the revolutionary changes in the digital era, enhancing the sense of urgency and responsibility to accelerate the construction of digital procuratorial work and deepen the implementation of the procuratorial big data strategy, makes a profound explanation - in the process of procuratorial informatization, digital construction and application, the core is the full and in-depth application of big data. "Business datalization" is only the first step in the long march of digital procuratorial construction. More importantly, it is to achieve "data commercialization": closely focus on the in-depth needs of high-quality economic and social development and legal supervision, wake up all kinds of data that are active but still sleeping, let them link up according to the internal laws, and then achieve correlation analysis and in-depth mining, It provides unprecedented clues and basis for strengthening legal supervision, deepening active performance of duties, and doing real source governance. The traditional "passive case acceptance and case handling" supervision mode is undergoing profound changes from case to case, from passive to active, and from handling to governance. On the one hand, big data enabling legal supervision is an inevitable requirement to meet the higher demand of social governance modernization and better assume the political responsibility for overall development and security. On the other hand, big data enabling legal supervision is an inevitable requirement to complement the weakness of legal supervision and better maintain social fairness and justice.

"Deepening the legal supervision of big data does not mean that with a 'data pool', we can reach out to 'fish'. First, we need to set goals scientifically, follow the laws of economic and social development, and correctly apply big data concepts and methods to the performance supervision to achieve 'smart supervision'." "All lines of the" four major procuratorates "and the" ten major businesses "should enhance the awareness of big data enabling legal supervision, and promote the comprehensive and deepening reform of legal supervision." "There are a lot of common and deep social governance issues behind the frequent and high incidence of crimes." "The massive data generated by the procuratorial organ's supervision of case handling, judicial administration and other activities should first be scientifically applied to help procuratorial scientific management and promote the improvement of management quality and efficiency." …… Focusing on fully integrating the use of big data into the whole process of procuratorial performance and realizing the evolution of the quality of procuratorial work in the new era, Zhang Jun stressed that it is necessary to make full use of big data to achieve "intelligent supervision", make full use of big data to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform of legal supervision, make full use of big data to promote the governance of litigation sources, and make full use of big data to strengthen the scientific management of procuratorial affairs.

The informatization and digitalization of government affairs have gone through the development stages of network construction, application construction, platform optimization, etc. The trend and direction of integration development is beyond doubt. At present, the procuratorial organs have realized the vertical connection of the network and the horizontal connection of applications, but there is still a big gap between them and the "big integration". Zhang Jun pointed out that we must keep up with the trend of digital development, focus on the application of big data legal supervision, focus on promoting "five integrations", deepen the construction of digital procuratorial work with "integration" as the guidance, and provide solid support for big data legal supervision. First, promote network convergence and eliminate data exchange and sharing breakpoints; The second is to promote platform integration and strengthen the weakness of data resource allocation; The third is to promote data fusion and remove the blocking points of data collection and utilization; Fourth, promote application integration and solve the pain points of data in-depth application; Fifth, promote the integration of supervision models and solve the difficulties of big data supervision.

"The chief procurators of procuratorates at all levels, as the first responsible person, should take the implementation of the big data strategy for procuratorial work as a" top project ", actively think about planning, pay close attention to the deployment and implementation, and coordinate to solve the key and difficult problems in front." "It is necessary to focus on the new requirements of the digital era for" four major procuratorates "and" ten major businesses ", innovate and design training courses and textbooks for digital procuratorates and big data legal supervision, strengthen the practical training of big data legal supervision, and improve the ability of composite business in an integrated way." "It is necessary to incorporate the use of big data legal supervision into the procuratorial assessment and evaluation system, set up evaluation indicators that conform to the law and reflect actual performance, and effectively play the role of" baton "for assessment." …… Focusing on strengthening organizational guarantee and security management, and ensuring the steady progress of digital procuratorial construction, Zhang Jun put forward clear requirements on strengthening organizational leadership, building a strong talent team, optimizing the evaluation mechanism, and strengthening security management.

Zhang Jun, Yuan Jiajun and others also watched the digital procuratorial platform display in the procuratorial big data center of Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate.

Zhang Xueqiao, Deputy Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, presided over the meeting.

Huang Jianfa, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Chen Yijun, Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, comrades in charge of relevant departments of the Central Political and Legal Commission, the General Office of the State Council, the National Information Center, the Supreme People's Court, and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Huang Meimei, Wang Rongchuan, Guo Jun, and Sun Yan, deputies to the National People's Congress, Li Zhengguo, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and all procurators of the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate attended the meeting in the main venue. Members of leading groups of procuratorates at all levels, full-time members of procuratorate committees, all staff of business departments, comprehensive business departments, information technology departments, and heads of other departments attended the meeting at the branch venue.