Compulsory inspection of science and technology
Using the new model, Anhui procuratorial organs integrate modern science and technology into procuratorial work
Time: November 4, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In recent years, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province have been accelerating the reform of the trial centered criminal procedure system The pace of "smart justice" construction has continuously deepened the application of judicial informatization, achieved remarkable results in facilitating mass litigation, expanding the openness of procuratorial affairs, serving judges in handling cases, improving the quality and efficiency of trials, optimizing judicial management, gradually realized the transformation and upgrading from traditional justice to "smart justice", and explored a path of integration of judicial system reform and modern science and technology application.

"This is the second time that I participated in the public review of non prosecution cases. Compared with the previous one, intelligent voice evidence technology has been added. I think the use of this system to display evidence is very intuitive, which is convenient for prosecutors to analyze the case and make accurate judgments, and can ensure the standardization, openness and transparency of the case review process." This is Mao Xuenong, a resident of Shushan District, Hefei On December 9, he was invited to participate in the public review of non prosecution cases by the Shushan District Procuratorate, and evaluated the assistance of science and technology in handling cases.

Case review



On September 5, Zhang Jun, the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, conducted research on the criminal auxiliary case handling system and the application of intelligent voice in the Procuratorate of Hefei High tech Zone


The facts of the case are as follows: One night in September 2018, Zhang Qiang (a pseudonym), a college student, drank heavily during a dinner party. Later, he went to the Internet cafe with his classmates. Zhang Qiang was drunk and slept in front of the Internet cafe computer. After waking up, Zhang Qiang prepares to go to the toilet. Because he is drunk, he scatters urine on Xiao Juan (not her real name), who is also surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe. When Xiaojuan found out, she was very angry and immediately called the police. After receiving the police, the police went to the Internet cafe to deal with the police situation. Zhang Qiang refused to cooperate and raided the police at the same time. Later, the police and the masses worked together to control Zhang Qiang.

After careful examination of the case transferred for prosecution, the undertaker believed that the criminal suspect Zhang Qiang's violent attack on the people's police who were performing their duties according to law met the constitutive requirements of the crime of obstructing public service. However, Zhang Qiang committed a relatively minor crime with frank circumstances and has obtained the understanding of the murdered police. Considering that Zhang Qiang is a college student and a first-time accidental offender, who performs well in daily life, is still in the stage of schooling, and has not yet entered the society, his criminal record will have a negative impact on his fledgling life. After comprehensive consideration, it is proposed to conduct a public review of Zhang Qiang without prosecution.

In the process of case review, prosecutors use the intelligent evidence system to show the case facts and evidence one by one. Only when the prosecutor inputs the key words in the evidence, the evidence materials can appear on the screen instantly at a glance.

On December 29, 2018, the People's Procuratorate Committee discussed and decided not to prosecute Zhang Qiang.

In fact, the intelligent evidence system is used for public review without prosecution, which is just the application of artificial intelligence in judicial case handling explored by Hefei Shushan District Procuratorate and comprehensively promoted The four systems of "remote review, intelligent voice, intelligent conference, and inspection data visualization platform" strive to create one aspect of the "smart Sichuan inspection" brand. The institute can not only operate and use the four systems independently, but also integrate the four systems, fully exploring the maximum efficiency of each system.



At the hearing, the prosecutor used the intelligent voice inquiry system to record the speeches of each participant, fully guaranteeing the criminal suspect's litigation rights


this year At the end of March, the People's Procuratorate of Shushan District, Hefei City conducted a public hearing on the investigation and arrest of a case of suspected organizing prostitution and assisting in organizing prostitution.

This case involves One of the six suspects is a husband and wife. In April 2018, after Liu Qiangkai (not his real name) resigned from the factory, he recruited several prostitutes and opened a family SPA to engage in prostitution. His wife Zhao Hong (a pseudonym) at first tried to oppose it, but was persuaded by Liu Qiangkai to act as his assistant.

On March 20, 2019, after Liu Qiangkai was held in criminal detention on suspicion of organizing prostitution, the public security organ informed Zhao Hong by telephone to come to the case. After voluntarily surrendering to the case, she was worried about her 13 month old son. After the public security organ submitted the case to the procuratorial organ for examination and arrest, the undertaker carefully examined the case file and considered it necessary to conduct a public hearing on the case for examination and arrest.

On the day of the hearing, the undertaker asked the suspect Zhao Hong and others to appear in the open hearing through remote interrogation "Voices" reflect the strict working attitude and style of procuratorial organs in safeguarding human rights and pursuing case quality, and make judicial justice "visible".

The hearing showed evidence through intelligent evidence, and the investigators and defense lawyers invited to participate in the hearing expressed their opinions respectively. Intelligent voice recording system and intelligent conference system are used to convert each person's speech into text through automatic voice acquisition and text conversion functions. Prosecutors make transcripts and legal documents, The speech recognition rate is more than 90%, and voice input is twice as fast as typing, which greatly reduces the work intensity of text input.

After the review of the arrest hearing, the prosecutor in charge decided not to approve the arrest, considering that Zhao Hong surrendered to the case and was a first-time offender, the circumstances involved were relatively minor, and there were children to support.

Miao Cheng, assistant director of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate and researcher of the Joint Laboratory of Intelligent Speech and Artificial Intelligence, told reporters that because the Shushan District Procuratorate The "Smart Procuratorate" has done a good job. The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has set the hospital as the provincial smart procuratorate characteristic education and training base, as well as the intelligent voice and artificial intelligence joint laboratory training base, and has promoted the work experience of "Smart Sichuan Procuratorate" throughout the province.

It is understood that at present, "Smart procuratorial work" has blossomed in procuratorates throughout the province, and each has its own characteristics.

Fuyang Procuratorate actively explored, actively introduced modern science and technology into public interest case handling, took the lead in building a smart public interest litigation platform integrating information disclosure, information search and information processing in the province, and created a public interest litigation platform for Fuyang Procuratorate Upgrade.

For example, Linquan County Procuratorate successfully handled The case information of the administrative public welfare pre litigation procedure of "illegal occupation of more than 70 mu of farmland cofferdam for fish culture" received more than 200 hits on the same day, and the public praised the procuratorial organs for their timely handling of illegal acts.

For example, for the public opinion information of "pig farm stink affects life" captured from the message board on the platform, the administrator immediately transferred the case clues to the Yingquan District Procuratorate with jurisdiction. The District Procuratorate, after investigation and evidence collection, promptly issued procuratorial suggestions to the District Ecological and Environmental Protection Bureau, so that the problem was solved quickly and properly, and effectively protected the legitimate rights and interests of the masses.

For example, the age of trees at the ancient Shenguo site in Linquan County handled by Fuyang Municipal Procuratorate The case of the destruction of ginkgo trees in the Tang Dynasty in 1350, due to the huge size and special geographical location of the tree, it was inconvenient to conduct on-site investigation and evidence collection. For this, the case handlers applied for UAVs to remotely shoot the crown of the tree for evidence collection through the platform, which better fixed the evidence of public welfare damage. It is reported that the case has been successfully completed, and the defendant has completed rectification according to the demands of the procuratorial organ, which has achieved good social results.

Since the establishment of the smart public interest litigation platform, the procuratorial organ of Fuyang City has found clues to cases involving ecological environment, food and drug safety and other fields relying on the platform 374 cases, up 211.67% year on year, and 363 cases were filed for review, up 236.11% year on year. The procuratorial public interest litigation has achieved remarkable results.

Wuhu Yijiang District Procuratorate has successively undertaken the intelligent auxiliary case handling system for criminal cases (hereinafter referred to as The first batch of pilot tasks of "206 system" and "mobile case handling intelligent auxiliary system" were applied from multiple perspectives and thought from multiple perspectives in the pilot process, forming a replicable and promotable "Yijiang experience".

One of the key research and development directions of "206 system" is to review, verify and prompt according to unified evidence standards and rules, while the auxiliary system of mobile terminal focuses on intelligent marking, which will review the evidence materials of the whole case in a vein way.

The "206 system" integrates and classifies scattered evidence provisions, provides unified, applicable, data-driven and list style case handling guidelines for public security, procuratorate and law investigators, unifies evidence standards, standardizes case handling behavior, and reduces judicial arbitrariness.

"206 System" can also identify defects and promote the "accuracy" of evidence. It will use artificial intelligence technology to quickly retrieve key information from a large number of file materials, and automatically compare and verify each evidence collected from three aspects: procedure, form and content.

For example, in the theft case of Mr. Wang handled by the Procuratorate of Yijiang District, the system timely prompted the defendant for failing to sign on the identification record, the detention decision does not exist and other evidence flaws. After review, the flaw prompts were consistent with the actual situation.

In addition, The "206 system" also has the function of evidence chain and evidence review and judgment of the whole case. It lists the social relationship, time relationship, location, whereabouts, source and destination of crime tools, logical relationship between evidences and other contents of the case characters, forming a complete panorama of the case.

For example, when handling the case of Chen's theft review and approval of arrest, the case handler basically obtained the preliminary opinion of disapproval of arrest through the verification of single evidence when reviewing the case, and In the "206 system", the conclusion of the whole case evidence review reached an agreement, and finally the case made a decision not to approve the arrest.