Compulsory inspection of science and technology
[Representative voice] Liu Qingfeng: The era of "AI+procuratorial" has come!
Time: March 11, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


Deputies to the National People's Congress

Chairman and President of iFLYTEK Co., Ltd., Director of National Engineering Laboratory of Speech and Language Information Processing, Vice Chairman of Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce

Liu Qingfeng

"Deepen the R&D and application of big data, artificial intelligence, etc." "Accelerate the promotion of" Internet+"in various industries and fields"... In this year's government work report, science and technology to help development is still the highlight of people's attention. On March 8, Liu Qingfeng, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman and president of iFLYTEK, said in an interview with our reporter, The application of artificial intelligence in intelligent procuratorial affairs is increasingly widespread. The procuratorial organs have given full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence in data collection, sorting, analysis and integration, further improving the quality and efficiency of procuratorial work.

"The application of AI technology in procuratorial work will liberate prosecutors from their daily complicated work." For example, Liu Qingfeng said that relying on artificial intelligence, prosecutors only need to face computers "Say a case", it will be directly converted into the required documents in various formats; If you need to search for a certain related data, you will automatically retrieve the data and literature; The evidence chain can also be automatically gathered and sorted. All of these will promote scientific, standardized and accurate case handling while improving efficiency.

"AI can help the professional construction of the procuratorial team." Liu Qingfeng said, for example, if the prosecutor gives a review result based on the description of the case, which is highly consistent with the result of AI analysis, the green light will be on; If there is a big gap, the red light will be on, and it will be reviewed again. If this set of scientific standards is applied nationwide, science and technology will play a greater role in achieving higher levels of fairness and justice.

"Artificial intelligence can improve the social service capacity of procuratorial organs." Liu Qingfeng said that artificial intelligence can be used to automatically answer calls, process letters and automatically judge diversion, which can greatly improve efficiency. In addition, the analysis of social cases through artificial intelligence can provide more forward-looking suggestions for social governance.  

As has been re elected Liu Qingfeng, the "old representative" of the 4th session, still put forward suggestions around "artificial intelligence" this year. He believes that, If data information and personal privacy are not protected, it will hurt the development of AI industry one day. To this end, Liu Qingfeng called for accelerating the development of data security law and personal privacy law.