Compulsory inspection of science and technology
What are the sharp weapons and magic weapons of "Smart Procuratorate"? Look at this grass-roots procuratorate!
Time: March 19, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Original title  

   [Strive for happiness in the new era]  

   What sharp tools and magic weapons does Shushan "Smart Procuratorate" have?  

A computer, a wall mounted screen, a dedicated real-time voice display... In the remote inquiry room of the People's Procuratorate of Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui Province, the prosecutor Li Jun is working with the clerk to bring up for trial and inquire with the detainees in the detention center tens of kilometers away through remote video.

   What are the sharp weapons and magic weapons of "Smart Procuratorate"? Come and see this grass-roots procuratorate in Anhui!  

"A year ago, the prosecutor was busy on the road for half a day when he went to the detention center for interrogation. It took at least half a day for each journey, each round trip and the suspect to be detained, while the real time for interrogation of most cases was only 20 minutes." At the end of the interrogation, Li Jun told reporters that now, with intelligent prosecutors, the post prosecutor can interrogate the suspect in custody "without leaving the hospital", The time saved is used to deal with other cases or affairs, so that the limited working time is put to the cutting edge.

The reporter learned from the People's Procuratorate of Shushan District that in 2016, as the first batch of pilot units for judicial system reform in the province, the People's Procuratorate "tested" the wisdom of procuratorial work. With the support of provincial and municipal procuratorates, the court has not only built a remote interrogation room, but also combined intelligent voice and remote interrogation system in the public hearing procedure of examining arrest cases, so that detained suspects can participate in the hearing procedure and fully protect their litigation rights.

   What are the sharp weapons and magic weapons of "Smart Procuratorate"? Come and see this grass-roots procuratorate in Anhui!  

Walking in the Shushan Procuratorate, the reporter saw that modern intelligent procuratorial equipment can be seen everywhere. The People's Procuratorate, equipped with high-tech procuratorial applications such as remote interrogation, intelligent voice, procuratorial voice input method, not only looks cool, but also greatly alleviates the contradiction between more cases and fewer people, improves the quality of handling cases, promotes the openness of procuratorial affairs, and creates a golden brand of "intelligent Sichuan procuratorate".

In the intelligent conference system, in case of major procuratorial committees, the participants replaced the "written sign in" with electronic signatures. The undertaker can report the case in front of the big screen, display disputes and key evidence, so that the participants can quickly grasp the full picture of the case. After the members of the procuratorial committee made speeches in turn, they voted on the spot through the touch screen, and the intelligent conference system transcribed the real-time voice to quickly form the meeting minutes, which greatly improved the efficiency and quality of the procuratorial committee's decision-making.

Moreover, with the rapid development of technology, new types of crimes are gradually increasing. The new situation has put forward higher new requirements for procuratorial organs. The intelligent procuratorial system can help them identify the basis of crime to the maximum extent and prompt them to handle cases quickly.

In the past, prosecutors needed handwritten records, but now the time to sort out the records has also been greatly saved. Taking remote information as an example, in order to further promote the construction of the "smart" procuratorate, the court cooperates with iFLYTEK to use its smart voice fist products - procuratorial voice input method, information (inquiry) record system, which are developed by iFLYTEK, to convert voice into text through automatic voice acquisition and text conversion functions. Prosecutors make transcripts and legal documents, "speaking without doing anything", the speech recognition rate reaches more than 90%, and voice input is twice faster than typing, greatly reducing the intensity of text input.

"The intelligent document proofreading system can help prosecutors conduct a comprehensive physical examination of legal documents, reduce defects, prevent them from going out with illness, and further enhance the credibility of the judiciary."

Li Jun said that Shushan District has a large population and a large number of cases. Sometimes it takes a long time to proofread the documents of an ordinary case. Now, as long as the prosecutor reads the keywords in the evidence, the evidence materials will appear on the screen immediately and clearly.

   What are the sharp weapons and magic weapons of "Smart Procuratorate"? Come and see this grass-roots procuratorate in Anhui!  

"Relying on these intelligent procuratorial equipment and using high-tech, we can improve the efficiency of handling cases, shorten the period of handling cases, standardize the process of handling cases, and improve the scientific and technological content of procuratorial work."

Li Jun told reporters that as a grass-roots prosecutor, this requires us to strictly implement the judicial responsibility system, define and perform the duties of procuratorial assistants, liberate post prosecutors from transactional work, and concentrate on handling more and better cases.

   What are the sharp weapons and magic weapons of "Smart Procuratorate"? Come and see this grass-roots procuratorate in Anhui!  

Produced by Anhui Procuratorial New Media



Reviewed by Wu Yihuo

Source: Zhong'an Online, Zhong'an News Client

Text | Gu Jiyue, Zuo Lingling