Compulsory inspection of science and technology
The public prosecutor shows "black technology" in court to see what "magic" it has
Time: 2017-07-25 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On July 21, the public prosecutor of Shushan District Procuratorate in Hefei City, Anhui Province showed "black technology" in the trial, using the intelligent voice evidence system to assist the public prosecutor to give evidence in court.

   The public prosecutor shows "black technology" in court. Let's go and see what "magic" it has  

In the court, the public prosecutor used the intelligent voice evidence system developed jointly with iFLYTEK, and combined with new media to provide evidence. Voice wake-up replaced PPT evidence, making evidence presentation more simple, convenient, intuitive and accurate.

   The public prosecutor shows "black technology" in court. Let's go and see what "magic" it has  

At the same time, the demonstration system can realize the rapid import of electronic files such as documents, audio, video, etc., and classify evidence according to the type of evidence. It is simple and flexible to operate, so as to realize the all-round display of evidence, enhance the strength of demonstration, and improve the transparency of the trial.

   The public prosecutor shows "black technology" in court. Let's go and see what "magic" it has  

At present, the system has also been extended to public review hearings without arrest or prosecution, and has achieved good results.

   The public prosecutor shows "black technology" in court. Let's go and see what "magic" it has  

In the next step, the Academy will also cooperate with relevant technology companies to develop an auxiliary sentencing and intelligent statistical system, use big data technology to build a three-dimensional judicial case evaluation system, strengthen the supervision of law enforcement and case handling, further standardize judicial behavior, improve judicial credibility, and provide a scientific evaluation basis for the performance evaluation of enrolled prosecutors.

Source/WeChat official account of the People's Procuratorate of Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui