Compulsory inspection of science and technology
The provincial procuratorial organ appraiser testifies and observes the activity held in Lixin
Time: March 24th, 2014 Author: News source: Technical Department of the Provincial People's Procuratorate [Font size: large | in | Small
   three month nineteen day The People's Court of Lixin County held a court session in accordance with the law to hear the case of the dispute between Yang Jinliang, Jiang Pengju and Wang Fang over the responsibility for providing labor services, which was protested by the People's Procuratorate of Bozhou City. Upon the notification of the county court, Hou Bo, the document inspection expert, appeared in court as a witness.

   In order to improve the ability of judicial experts to testify in court, the Procuratorial Technology Division of the Provincial People's Court organized some procuratorial technicians to participate in the observation. Before the court session, a preparatory meeting was held to listen to the introduction of the case. The appraisers reviewed the process of identification and the preparation for appearance in court. They held a heated discussion around the two links of identification and appearance in court, and put forward many good opinions and suggestions. After the hearing, all the technicians participating in the observation activity will have a discussion. Everyone fully affirmed the work of the appraiser, and believed that: the appraisal work of the case was serious and responsible, the court was well prepared, the court was dressed appropriately, polite and generous, calm and concise, reflecting the appraiser's good professional quality, working ability and spiritual outlook. Everyone said that they benefited a lot from this observation activity. Not only mastered the procedures, precautions, pre court preparation requirements and other knowledge of the expert witness to testify in court, but also understood the new requirements of testifying in court for judicial expertise. Provincial procuratorial organs twenty-five Five judicial experts participated in the observation activity, and Chen Hongyang, Procurator General of Lixin County People's Court, and some police officers also participated in the audit.