Compulsory inspection of science and technology
Wang Xiangyang: Take the initiative to provide strong technical support
Time: March 7, 2014 Author: News source: Xin'an Evening News - Procuratorial Light [Font size: large | in | Small

The procuratorial technical information work of our province will, in accordance with the deployment and requirements of the Provincial Procurator General Conference, take the comprehensive application of procuratorial technical information to all procuratorial work as the goal, and give full play to the supporting role of procuratorial technical information in investigation and case handling, litigation supervision and comprehensive management.

The main work is as follows: First, with the goal of improving the scientific and technological content in the investigation and handling of cases, we will further play the role of electronic evidence and other emerging scientific and technological means to provide technical support for the investigation of duty crimes by procuratorial organs. The second is to improve the cooperation mechanism with the litigation supervision department, strengthen the review of technical evidence in the case, and provide technical support for building iron cases. Third, take the opportunity of fully implementing the unified business software system, fully promote the application of information technology with online office and case handling as the main content, and provide the procuratorial organs with technical conditions for strict, fair, civilized and standardized law enforcement. The fourth is to fully promote the electronic procuratorial work project, integrate existing scientific and technological resources, and provide a powerful information platform for the procuratorial work. (Wang Xiangyang, Director of Procuratorial Technology Division)