press conference
[Press conference] The provincial procuratorate held a press conference (including video) on "people's letters and visits have been answered"
Time: June 8, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
Today, it is carried out by the procuratorial organs all over the country "The people have their voice, and I have my answer" New Era Procuratorial Publicity Week On the first day of, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate held a special press conference to inform the provincial procuratorial organs of the implementation of the system of "people's letters and visits have been answered every time" since 2019.

   According to Sheng Dayou, Deputy Procurator General of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, From April 2019 to the end of May this year, the procuratorial organ of the province directly received 26955 letters and visits from the masses, and all 18216 letters and visits with effective contact information were replied in a timely manner within 7 days. In addition, the provincial procuratorial organ replied to a total of 4106 of 4148 letters and visits that reached the deadline of three months for responding to the handling process or handling results, with a response rate of 98.99%.  

   The press conference also revealed that among the mass petitions received directly by the procuratorate of Anhui Province, 8668 were received by the provincial procuratorate, 8642 were received by the municipal procuratorate, and 9645 were received by the county procuratorate. Among the above-mentioned letters and visits, 12582 were letters, 11553 were visits, 191 were online, and 2629 were telephone calls. By the end of May this year, the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province had closed 3761 of 4148 letters and visits that had reached the three-month response period for the handling process or results, with a response rate of 90.67%.  

   The system of "people's letters and visits have been answered" It is a working system established by the Supreme People's Procuratorate in March last year to solve the problem of people's complaints and petitions, requiring procuratorial organs at all levels throughout the country to respond to people's complaints and petitions within 7 days and within 3 months to respond to the handling process or results.  

   Sheng Dayou said, The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate firmly implements the decision-making and deployment of the Supreme Procuratorate, and takes the "Maple Bridge Experience" of Anhui Procuratorate as a starting point to comprehensively push forward the "warm prosecution". It is self pressurized and creatively takes the lead in implementing the "two unifications" in the country, that is, not only to reply to all letters from the masses, but also to all visits. For letters from the masses, the province also implements two procedural replies, that is, the first procedural reply is made by the procuratorate within 7 days after receiving the letter, and the handling procuratorate makes a second procedural reply after receiving the letter transferred by the superior procuratorate, informing the sender that the letter sent to a certain court has been received and transferred to the relevant department for processing.

   In order to carry out this "popular project" in a more detailed and practical way, the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province further standardized the handling process, dismantled, reviewed and handled the incoming letters on the same day, pasted a bar code similar to the "ID card", and entered it into the online petition information system of the national procuratorial organ, so as to leave traces throughout the process. At the same time, special personnel are responsible for the hotline of 12309 procuratorial service center, so that people can experience more convenient, fast and efficient "one-stop" comprehensive procuratorial services anytime and anywhere. All processing conditions rely on the online petition information system and the unified business application system of the national procuratorial organs to complete the procedural response within 7 days, the response to the process or results within 3 months and other related work.  

   For people's letters and visits, careful review and accurate handling are the key. The procuratorial organs of Anhui Province adhere to the working concept of "handling letters is handling cases", Establish a system for chief procurators of provincial, municipal and county procuratorates to read, approve and handle complaints from the masses  

   In July 2019, a private entrepreneur in Anhui wrote a letter to the provincial procuratorate, reflecting that his enterprise had been put on file for investigation by the procuratorate several years ago because of the bribery crime of the suspected unit, and requested that he be not prosecuted. At the stage of review and prosecution, the case has not been finalized due to the great dispute over the nature of the enterprise and the identification of the main responsible person. Xue Jiangwu, the Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, attached great importance to this petition case involving private enterprises, led the case handlers to visit and investigate on the spot, solicited opinions from the local party committee, the government and relevant departments, and listened to the complaints of the petitioners and the enterprises involved. On this basis, he presided over a public hearing to hear the views of all parties. After discussion of the case, the procuratorial committee of the provincial procuratorate decided not to prosecute if there was any doubt.

   It is understood that, Since 2019, leaders of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate have checked 97 major, sensitive, difficult and complicated letters and visits, and the chief procurator and deputy chief procurators of the provincial three-level procuratorates have received 2586 visits from the masses, up 22.8% year on year, including 125 visits from leaders of the provincial procuratorate. In addition, deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members, people's supervisors, expert advisory members, lawyers, etc. were invited to conduct public hearings on 32 criminal complaints. In special activities such as case filing supervision of non-public economic cases, review of the necessity of custody, and protection of lawyers' right to practice, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate handed over and supervised 12 petition cases with great social impact, and achieved remarkable results.  

   Sheng Dayou said that the work of "people's letters and visits are answered every time" is always on the way, and the procuratorial organ of the province will next focus on promoting public hearings, clearing up backlog cases, compacting the first responsibility and other aspects, so as to promote the solution of people's worries, worry about things, and worry about things, so as to truly realize "the settlement of cases leads to people's harmony" and "the settlement of cases leads to political harmony".