Work report
[Data disclosure] Major case handling data of provincial procuratorial organs from January to March 2023
Time: April 28, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

two hundred and two three year one to three month Major case handling data of provincial procuratorial organs

two hundred and two three year one to three month , Provincial Procuratorate Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and thoroughly implement it Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, Fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, Earnestly implement the spirit of the Central Political and Legal Work Conference and the deployment of the National Procurator General Conference, and thoroughly implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era and the Opinions of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era, thorough We should promote the comprehensive, coordinated and full development of the "four major procuratorates", The modernization of procuratorial work serves the modernization of the Chinese style and provides a strong legal guarantee for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country.

The main case handling data of the provincial procuratorial organs are announced as follows:

I Criminal procuratorial work

(1) Review of arrest and prosecution two hundred and two three year one to three month The provincial procuratorial organs have approved and decided to arrest all kinds of crimes criminal suspect four thousand four hundred and eighty-eight People, Disapproval of arrest three thousand two hundred and thirty-one people The non capture rate is forty-one point nine % Jointly decide to sue eighteen thousand three hundred and seventy-three People, Non prosecution five thousand nine hundred and seventy-four People, the non complaint rate is twenty-four point five %

(2) Application of leniency system for pleading guilty and punishment Among the handled cases of review and prosecution, the number of people who have been concluded under the system of confession of guilt, punishment and leniency accounts for the number of people who have been concluded in the same period eighty-nine % above The number of suggestions on determining punishment and sentencing made by the procuratorial organ accounts for the number of suggestions on sentencing ninety-three % above The number of people accepted by the court for the sentencing suggestions put forward by the procuratorial organ accounts for the number of sentencing suggestions put forward in the same period nine seven % above

(3) Supervision and handling of criminal proceedings

one Case filing supervision situation two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs develop Supervision and filing three hundred and ninety-nine Case has been filed by the public security organ after supervision three hundred and eighty Pieces. Carry out supervision and withdrawal eight hundred and thirty-one Case, the public security organ has withdrawn the case after supervision six hundred and seventy-six piece

two Correct illegal investigation activities situation two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In June, the provincial procuratorial organs proposed to correct the illegal acts of investigation activities one thousand four hundred and ninety-nine Pieces, Supervision adoption rate nine %

three Criminal protest situation two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs protested sixty-four Piece, court Adoption of protest opinions Cases of revision and remand for retrial thirty-two Pieces, accounting for the total number of audited 74.42%

four Correcting violations of criminal justice activities situation two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In June, the provincial procuratorial organs proposed to correct the illegal acts in criminal trial activities two hundred Pieces, Concurrent judicial organ Adoption rate ninety-six point five %

(4) Criminal prosecution two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs proposed to correct the improper "commutation, parole, temporary execution outside prison" two hundred and ninety-six People; Propose correction for illegal acts in criminal execution activities seven hundred and twenty-seven Pieces; Rectification of illegal acts of execution outside prison just six hundred and twenty-seven people Improper performance of property judgment correct three hundred and eighty-three Pieces.

(5) Handling of cases of duty crimes committed by judicial personnel two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs filed a total of cases to investigate the relevant duty crimes committed by judicial staff seventeen people

2、 Civil procuratorial work

(1) Supervision over effective civil judgments, rulings and mediation statements. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the procuratorial organs of the whole province completed the civil effective judgment supervision cases six hundred and nine Pieces; common Put forward supervision opinions one hundred and thirty-three Pieces, in which a protest was filed fifty-nine And put forward suggestions for retrial seventy-four piece

(2) Supervision over civil trial activities. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs put forward procuratorial suggestions on illegal acts in civil trial activities three hundred and three Pieces, Adopted by the court at the same time rate fifty-two point one five %

(3) Supervision over civil enforcement activities. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs put forward procuratorial suggestions on illegal acts in civil enforcement activities three hundred and seventy-three Pieces, Adoption rate of courts in the same period forty-five point zero four %

(4) Supervision over civil false litigation. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organ's supervision opinion on civil litigation involved false litigation eighty-seven Pieces.

(5) Civil support for prosecution. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs supported prosecution one thousand four hundred and ninety-one piece Including support for migrant workers' prosecution one thousand two hundred and sixty-five piece

3、 Administrative procuratorial work Working conditions

(1) Supervision over effective administrative judgments, rulings and mediation statements. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, procuratorial organs across the province completed the supervision of administrative effective judgments one hundred and fifteen Pieces, of which Lodge a protest to the court three piece Put forward suggestions for retrial three Pieces, The court ruled for retrial at the same time one Pieces, Adoption rate 33.33%

(2) Supervision over administrative trial activities. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs put forward procuratorial suggestions on illegal acts in administrative trial activities one hundred and eleven Pieces, court acceptance rate in the same period forty-eight point six five %

(3) Supervision over administrative implementation activities. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs put forward procuratorial suggestions on illegal acts in administrative enforcement activities one hundred and seventy-seven piece Adoption rate of courts in the same period forty point six eight %

(4) Substantive resolution of administrative disputes. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three Month of promote Substantive resolution of administrative disputes fifty-four Pieces.

4、 Public interest litigation Procuratorial work

(1) Case filing. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the procuratorial organs of the whole province filed public interest litigation cases two thousand four hundred and five piece Including civil public interest litigation eight hundred and forty-seven Case, administrative public interest litigation one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight Pieces.

(2) Pre litigation procedures. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs with Pre litigation procedure Handling public interest litigation cases two thousand and eighty-eight piece

(3) Litigation and judgment. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs filed public interest litigation three hundred and seventy-eight Pieces. In the same period, the court first instance Referee support rate eighty-six point one four %

5、 Minors Procuratorial work

(1) Review the arrest. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs approved the arrest of juvenile suspects one hundred and fifteen People, not approved for arrest two hundred and ninety-four People, the non capture rate is seventy-one point eight eight % Higher than the overall non capture rate of criminal offences thirty point zero two Percentage points. During the same period, crimes against minors criminal suspect Approve arrest three hundred and fifty-four People.

(2) Review the prosecution. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs decided to prosecute juvenile suspects three hundred and fifty-four People, no prosecution three hundred and nine People, non prosecution rate forty-six point six one % Higher than the overall criminal non prosecution rate twenty-two point zero seven Percentage points. At the conclusion of the trial, make a conditional decision not to prosecute two hundred and eighty-one People, accounting for the number of trials thirty-five point eight four % During the same period, crimes against minors criminal suspect Decide to prosecute six hundred and eighteen people

(3) Development of relevant special systems. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three The provincial procuratorial organ Through help and education return visits, psychological counseling, family education guidance and other forms, people who do not arrest, do not prosecute, are sentenced to punishment, and are not subject to criminal punishment before reaching the age of criminal responsibility develop Special precautions eighteen second Carry out a lecture tour on the rule of law three hundred and forty-eight second

6、 Intellectual property inspection Working conditions

two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the procuratorial organs of the whole province prosecuted crimes of intellectual property infringement criminal suspect five hundred and thirty-one people Prosecution cases Offences involved , mainly the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks and the crime of selling commodities with counterfeited registered trademarks, respectively two hundred and forty People and one hundred and ninety-three People.

VII Prosecution of complaints work situation

(I) Letters and visits. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs received letters and visits from the masses six thousand three hundred and sixty-nine Pieces; Repeated letters and visits five hundred and ninety-nine piece Accept criminal compensation application seventeen Pieces, Decision on granting criminal compensation case five Pieces.

two Judicial assistance work. two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In July, the provincial procuratorial organs actual rescue three hundred and eighteen people

VIII other Working conditions

(1) Cases handled by the leaders of the enrollment hospital two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In June, the leaders of the provincial procuratorial organs handled various cases in total six thousand five hundred and seventy-one piece In which, the Procurator General of all levels shall handle five hundred and twenty-four Pieces, accounting for seven point nine seven % Deputy Procurator General, full-time members of the procuratorial committee and other admitted leaders six thousand and forty-seven Pieces, accounting for 92.03%

Criminal procuratorial cases (including criminal execution procuratorial, juvenile procuratorial, accusation and appeal procuratorial) in the cases handled by the enrollment court leaders four thousand six hundred and forty-one Pieces; Civil and administrative procuratorial cases eight hundred Pieces; Public interest litigation procuratorial cases one thousand and three piece Case management ninety-six piece

two )Attendance of the Procurator General at the meetings of the Judicial Committee of the People's Court two thousand and twenty-three year one to three In June, the chief procurators of procuratorial organs at all levels and deputy chief procurators entrusted by the chief procurator of the provincial procuratorial organs attended the meeting of the judicial committee of the people's court as nonvoting delegates one hundred and twenty-four Person time