Work report
[Data disclosure] Main case handling data of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate in the first quarter of 2022
Time: April 23, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   From January to March 2022, Anhui Province Main case handling data of procuratorial organs  

   From January to March 2022, the procuratorial organs of the province will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the previous plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly implement the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in a New Era, and actively implement the "Year of Quality Construction" of procuratorial work We should focus on improving the quality and effect of legal supervision, solidly promote the comprehensive, coordinated and full development of the "four major procuratorates", and take practical actions to meet the successful convening of the 20th CPC National Congress.  

   The main case handling data of the provincial procuratorial organs from January to March are as follows:  

   1、 The number of cases handled by criminal procuratorates is stable as a whole  

   (1) Review of arrest and prosecution  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs approved and decided to arrest 5055 suspects of all kinds, a year-on-year decrease of 15.78%; 2404 people were not arrested, up 10.83% year on year. The non capture rate was 32.49%, up 5.73 percentage points year on year.  

   20177 people were investigated and prosecuted for various crimes, up 4.15% year on year; 14290 people were decided to sue, up 9.18% year on year; 2857 people decided not to sue, up 44.51% year on year. The non complaint rate was 16.66%, up 3.54 percentage points year on year.  

   (2) Application of leniency system for pleading guilty and punishment  

   Among the cases that have been reviewed and prosecuted, 86.9% of the cases that have been concluded in the same period are subject to the leniency system of pleading guilty and punishment; The procuratorial organs put forward suggestions on determining and sentencing, accounting for 90.44% of the number of suggestions on sentencing; As for the sentencing suggestions put forward by the procuratorial organ, the number of people accepted by the court accounted for 96.26% of the number of sentencing suggestions put forward in the same period.  

   (3) Supervision and handling of criminal proceedings  

   1. Case filing supervision. From January to March 2022, the procuratorial organs of the province will supervise the public security organs to put on record (withdraw) 569 cases in total, up 16.84% year on year; After the supervision, 470 cases have been filed (withdrawn) by the public security organs, accounting for 82.6% of the supervised cases, up 16.69 percentage points year on year.  

   2. Correct illegal investigation activities. From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs proposed to correct 564 cases of illegal acts in investigation activities, up 33.02% year on year; 441 cases have been corrected, up 24.23% year on year. The adoption rate of written correction of illegal investigation activities was 78.19%, a year-on-year decrease of 5.53 percentage points.  

   3. Criminal protest. From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs filed 95 protests, a year-on-year decrease of 24.6%; In the same period, the courts changed their judgments and remanded 23 cases for retrial, accounting for 51.11% of the total number of trials, a year-on-year decrease of 2.59 percentage points.  

   4. Correct illegal criminal trial activities. From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs proposed to correct 64 cases of illegal acts in criminal trial activities, up 25.49% year on year; In the same period, the judicial organs have corrected 53 cases, up 1.92% year on year, accounting for 82.81% of the number of corrections proposed.  

   (4) Criminal prosecution  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs proposed to correct 247 people for "commutation, parole, temporary execution outside prison", a year-on-year decrease of 40.19%; 203 written supervision opinions were put forward on the supervision activities of prisons and detention centers, a year-on-year decrease of 36.36%; 321 cases of illegal acts of execution outside prison were corrected, up 23.46% year on year; 218 cases of improper performance of property judgments were corrected, up 120.2% year on year.  

   (5) Handling of cases of duty crimes committed by judicial personnel  

   From January to March 2022, the procuratorial organs of the province registered 11 cases of duty related crimes committed by judicial staff, an increase of 83.33% year on year.  

   2、 Further strengthening of civil procuratorial supervision  

   (1) Supervision over effective civil judgments, rulings and mediation statements  

   From January to March 2022, the procuratorial organs of the whole province completed 719 cases of civil effective judgment supervision, and put forward 175 supervision opinions (including follow-up supervision), including 95 protests and 80 retrial procuratorial suggestions, with a change rate of 64.71%, up 3.65 percentage points year on year.  

   (2) Supervision over violations of civil trials and enforcement activities  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs put forward 143 procuratorial suggestions on illegal acts in civil trial activities, up 160% year on year; 206 procuratorial suggestions were put forward for illegal acts in civil enforcement activities, up 13.19% year on year.  

   (3) Supervision over civil false litigation  

   From January to March 2022, 70 false lawsuits were involved in the civil litigation supervision opinions proposed by the provincial procuratorial organs.  

   (4) Civil support prosecution  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs supported 793 prosecutions, up 79.41% year on year; Among them, there were 545 prosecutions supporting migrant workers, up 33.91% year on year.  

   3、 Increased initiative in administrative procuratorial supervision  

   (1) Supervision over administrative effective judgments, rulings and mediation statements  

   From January to March 2022, the procuratorial organs of the province completed 96 cases of administrative effective judgment supervision. Among them, there was one suggestion of retrial procuratorial work, and the court adopted two suggestions and ruled retrials at the same time (accumulated cases).  

   (2) Supervision over administrative adjudication and enforcement activities  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs put forward 44 procuratorial suggestions on illegal acts in administrative trial activities, up 300% year on year; There were 51 procuratorial suggestions on illegal acts in administrative enforcement activities, up 45.71% year on year.  

   4、 Continuous optimization of public interest litigation case structure  

   (1) Case filing  

   From January to March 2022, the procuratorial organs of the province registered and handled 1410 public interest litigation cases, up 10.07% year on year. There were 367 civil public interest litigation cases and 1043 administrative public interest litigation cases.  

   (2) Pre litigation procedure  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs carried out 1215 pre litigation procedures, up 11.06% year on year.  

   (3) Litigation and judgment  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs filed 147 public interest lawsuits, up 37.38% year on year. Among them, there were 78 criminal incidental civil public interest litigation, down 3.7% year on year; 56 general civil public interest lawsuits, up 194.74% year on year; 13 administrative public interest lawsuits, up 85.71% year on year; 40 public interest lawsuits were filed in new fields, up 344% year on year. In the same period, the court made 72 first instance decisions, with 100% support rate.  

   5、 The procuratorial and judicial protection of minors has been comprehensively strengthened  

   (1) Review of arrests  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs approved the arrest of 143 juvenile suspects, a year-on-year decrease of 17.82%; 211 people were not arrested, with a rate of 59.6%, up 9.46 percentage points year on year. This is 27.11 percentage points higher than the overall non arrest rate of criminal cases. During the same period, 342 arrests were approved for crimes against minors.  

   (2) Review of prosecution  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs decided to prosecute 281 juvenile suspects, a year-on-year increase of 22.17%; 148 people were not prosecuted, with a non prosecution rate of 34.5%, a year-on-year decrease of 1.43 percentage points; This is 17.84 percentage points higher than the overall non prosecution rate of criminal cases. At the conclusion of the trial, 110 people made conditional non prosecution decisions, up 32.53% year on year; Accounting for 24.12% of the audited amount, with a year-on-year increase of 1.75 percentage points. During the same period, 522 people were prosecuted for crimes against minors.  

   (3) Implementation of relevant special systems  

   The provincial procuratorial organs carried out 755 social surveys, up 2.44% year on year. General prevention was carried out 567 times, up 48.04% year on year; 53 rounds and 291 lectures on the rule of law were held.  

   6、 The procuratorial protection of intellectual property was further strengthened  

   (1) Criminal prosecution  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs prosecuted 86 suspects of intellectual property infringement, up 10.26% year on year. In the prosecution cases, 32 people committed the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks, accounting for 37.21%; 29 people committed crimes of selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks, accounting for 33.72%.  

   (2) Civil procuratorial work  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs accepted two cases of civil effective judgment supervision involving intellectual property and competition disputes, including one case involving intellectual property ownership and infringement disputes, and one case involving unfair competition disputes.  

   7、 The number of petition cases has increased, and judicial assistance has been strengthened  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs received 8471 letters and visits from the masses, up 12% year on year; 1426 repeated letters and visits, down 8.1% year on year. 13 criminal compensation applications were accepted, a year-on-year decrease of 13.33%; After review, it was decided to give 5 compensations, a year-on-year decrease of 54.55%.  

   116 cases of judicial assistance were carried out, up 20.83% year on year; The relief fund was 2.1553 million yuan, up 31.74% year on year.  

   8、 All key work has been continuously strengthened  

   (1) Situation of carrying out the fight against organized crime and evil in a normal way  

   From January to March 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs approved and decided to arrest 35 people involved in mafia related crimes, a year-on-year decrease of 40.62%; It decided to prosecute 179 mafia criminals, up 120.99% year on year. A total of 3 people were arrested and 2 were prosecuted under the "umbrella" of the evil forces.  

   (2) Service guarantee of non-public economic development  

   From January to March 2022, 877 people were prosecuted for crimes against the order of the market economy, 28 pieces of procuratorial suggestions for protest and retrial were put forward for civil effective judgments that affect the development of non-public economy, and 63 pieces of procuratorial suggestions were put forward for civil administrative trials and enforcement activities.  

   (3) Cases handled by the leaders of the enrollment hospital  

   From January to March 2022, the leaders of the procuratorial organs in the province handled 6038 cases, a year-on-year decrease of 8.08%. Among them, 379 cases were handled by the chief procurators at all levels, accounting for 6.28%; 5659 cases were handled by the Deputy Procurator General, full-time members of the Procuratorate Committee and other admitted leaders, accounting for 93.72%.  

   Among the cases handled by the leaders of the Enrollment Court, the types of cases that account for a high proportion are: 4266 criminal procuratorial cases (including criminal execution procuratorial, juvenile procuratorial, complaint and appeal procuratorial), accounting for 70.65% of the total; 474 civil and administrative procuratorial cases, accounting for 7.85% of the total.  

   (4) Attendance of the Procurator General at the meetings of the Judicial Committee of the People's Court  

   The chief procurators of the courts at all levels and the deputy chief procurators entrusted by the chief procurator attended 117 court trial committee meetings, up 14.71% year on year. Among them, the chief procurator attended 65 people, up 18.18% year on year; The deputy chief procurators entrusted by the chief procurator attended 52 people as nonvoting delegates, up 10.64% year on year.