Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2022)
Time: 2022-02-08 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

——2022 year one month eighteen The 13th session in Anhui Province

At the Fifth Session of the People's Congress

Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate Chen Wu

Dear delegates

Now, on behalf of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, I would like to report to the General Assembly for your deliberation and comments. The report has been issued in writing. Here is a brief report.

two thousand and twenty-one Annual work review

two thousand and twenty-one The year was the centennial of the founding of the Party and the founding of the people's procuratorial system under the absolute leadership of the Party ninety Anniversary. Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the provincial procuratorial organs have adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, comprehensively implemented the instructions and instructions of a series of important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping to Anhui, and wholeheartedly supported Two establishment , Loyalty and practice Two maintenance We conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 11th Provincial Party Congress and the resolutions of the fourth session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress, faithfully performed the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, and made new strides in procuratorial work at a new starting point.

Over the past year, we have learned and practiced Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, and earnestly implemented the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era and the Provincial Party Committee Implementation comments , promote Four major procurators ”“ Top ten businesses Comprehensive, coordinated and full development. The provincial procuratorial organs handle various cases one hundred and ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and five Pieces, up year-on-year 14.7% Service to ensure the development of ten emerging industries and punish and prevent false lawsuits etc. twenty-eight The work of, eighteen Cases were rated as typical cases by the highest inspection.

1、 Consciously and actively promote justice, serve and ensure high-quality economic and social development

Resolutely safeguard national security and social stability We will severely punish crimes against national security, such as subversion of state power, heresy, and espionage. We should carry out the fight against mafia and evil in a regular manner, Prosecute crimes involving mafia and evil seven hundred and seventy-three people Maintain a high pressure on serious violent crimes such as homicide, robbery and endangering public security, and issue arrest orders two thousand four hundred and sixty-six Person three thousand four hundred and seventy-nine People.

Actively ensure the creation of influential Three regions and one district Formulation and implementation Service guarantees the development of ten emerging industries ten Comments Prosecution of criminal cases of infringement of intellectual property rights four hundred and forty-six People, up year-on-year 4.9% formulate Service Guarantee Implementation Opinions on the Construction of China (Anhui) Pilot Free Trade Zone Prosecute the crime of destroying environment and resources one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six People, bring public interest litigation on ecological environment and resource protection four hundred and sixty-four Pieces.

Follow up and serve the regional integration development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta deepen Cross regional judicial cooperation, formulate Shanghai Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Procuratorial Organs Serve the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta two thousand and twenty-one Annual Action Plan Anhui Edition And carry out activities such as interactive exchanges and judicial cooperation one hundred and fifty More than one show. Sign cooperation opinions with Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang procuratorial organs on anti smuggling, ecological environment protection, cross regional community correction, etc., and unify judicial standards

Fully support the healthy development of private economy Promptly introduce to boost high-quality development of private economy ten Major initiatives, Improve private entrepreneurs' direct appointment with the Procurator General, etc five Item characteristic system Deployment of criminal proceedings involving private enterprises Pending case Special clean-up and enterprise related cases focus on tackling key problems Pending case four hundred and twenty Cases, supervised the withdrawal of cases according to law one hundred and fifty-five Pieces.

Actively promote the improvement of social governance system Prosecute and disrupt the financial management order Crime nine hundred and ninety-seven people , prosecute money laundering crime forty-seven People, successfully handled the first batch of national Self money laundering Cases. Deeply implement the new era Maple Bridge Experience Implement the highest inspection Replies to complaints from the masses It is required that people's letters and visits are all in seven Inform within days Received, who is handling three Response rate of handling process or results within months 99.3% , up year-on-year nine Percentage points.

2、 Adhere to the People's Procuratorate for the People, and help speed up the construction of a happy Anhui

Safeguard people's life, health and safety We will do a good job in the prevention and control of regular epidemic situations and prosecute epidemic related crimes one hundred and one People. Lawsuit production and sales Poisonous poultry meat ”“ fake medicine etc. Crime three hundred and twenty-three people , claiming punitive damages from the violator up to one point two 100 million yuan. Urge relevant departments Door screening one thousand and one hundred Multiple cells, exclusion one point six Ten thousand security Hidden trouble points. For high-altitude parabolic Flywire charging , gas station scanning, payment and other security risks, and make and issue inspection suggestions to relevant competent departments seven hundred and thirty-seven And urge to eliminate hidden dangers one thousand five hundred and sixty-eight At.

Protect the people Money Bag Focus on combating public related economic crimes such as illegal absorption of public deposits and fund raising fraud, and prosecute seven hundred and one People. Jointly with public security organs Card break Action to prosecute telecommunications network crimes six thousand seven hundred and fifteen People, up year-on-year 34.8% , prosecute the crime of helping information network criminal activities three thousand two hundred and forty-three People, up year-on-year eight point five Times.

Highlight the protection of the rights and interests of special groups Prosecute the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration one hundred and thirty-nine People, Support for salary claim litigation one thousand two hundred and eighty-one Pieces, year-on-year increase 28.9% Stick to the highest inspection No.1 procuratorial suggestion And prosecute crimes such as sexual assault, trafficking and maltreatment of minors two thousand two hundred and thirty people Protect the elderly and women according to law And other legitimate rights and interests, and prosecute crimes such as abuse, abandonment and domestic violence two thousand six hundred and thirty People.

3、 Fully perform legal supervision duties and firmly safeguard social fairness and justice

Implement the criminal justice policy of "fewer arrests, cautious prosecution and cautious detention" The pilot program to reduce the rate of pretrial detention has been carried out in a solid way The law does not approve arrest ten thousand two hundred and ninety People, the rate of non capture increased year on year six point five Percentage points. Conduct in-depth review on the necessity of custody and supervise the change of mandatory measures one thousand nine hundred and fourteen People, up year-on-year 72.6% according to The law applies the leniency system of pleading guilty and punishment degree forty-nine thousand six hundred and ten piece sixty-five thousand six hundred and fourteen People, Jointly formulated with the provincial court twenty-three Common crimes Rules for the implementation of sentencing norms, and unified judicial standards for law enforcement.

Carry out litigation supervision according to law Improve the supervision of criminal proceedings Supervision and investigation organ files a case six hundred and ninety-four Pieces withdraw a case one thousand one hundred and ninety-four Cases, correct illegal investigation activities two thousand one hundred and sixty-five Pieces, year-on-year rise 49.1% Protest against a criminal judgment that is believed to be wrong five hundred and seven Pieces. Improve civil litigation supervision To lodge a protest or retrial prosecution against a civil effective judgment that is believed to be truly wrong proposal one thousand three hundred and twenty-two Pieces. The Provincial Court, the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Department of Justice have jointly formulated guidelines for preventing and punishing false lawsuits, Supervise the judicial organs to correct false lawsuits Litigation nine hundred and fifty-three Pieces, Relevant duty crime clues of transferred judicial personnel forty-five piece fifty-two people Strengthening the supervision of administrative litigation Effectively resolve disputes by urging and correcting violations, promoting reconciliation, judicial assistance and other measures, To help build a rule of law government Strengthening administration Trial supervision, yes, think there is a mistake False administrative judgment Propose protest or retrial seventy-one No. 1 in China.

Strengthen the protection of public interests Filing and handling public interest litigation cases five thousand four hundred and forty-one Cases, handling pre litigation procedural cases four thousand six hundred and thirty-three Pieces, respectively year-on-year rise 4.5% 6.1% , file a public interest lawsuit eight hundred and eight Pieces, year-on-year rise 19.2% Actively and steadily expand new areas of public interest litigation, handle public health, big data security, cultural heritage protection, etc case eighty-three Pieces, year-on-year rise 88.6%

Actively serve the overall situation of anti-corruption work according to law Under the unified leadership of the Anti corruption Coordination Group of the Provincial Party Committee, we strengthened procuratorial and investigative work, Severe punishment involved fourteen Cases of judicial corruption, directly put on file to investigate and deal with crimes committed by judicial staff by taking advantage of their functions and powers that infringe upon citizens' rights and impair judicial justice seventy-eight People, up year-on-year 90.2% Acceptance of duty crimes transferred by supervisory organs six hundred and forty-one Person five hundred and eight People.

4、 Under the leadership of the Party's political construction, continue to improve the quality and ability of the team

Deeply carry out Party history study and education Focusing on science, history and wisdom, Propaganda of Xi Jinping's idea of the rule of law with great effort has realized the full coverage of provincial and municipal chief procurators' propaganda in the Party school Focusing on credit enhancement of academic history and carrying out solid development Four Histories Publicity and education should guide the procurators to practice the great spirit of party building. Focus on learning from Shi Chongde, and solidly carry out a new round of deepening Three cases Warning education. Focusing on the history and carrying out Procuratorial work for the people Activities, organizing and implementing lawyers' Internet reading, judicial assistance to promote rural revitalization, etc fifteen Individual practical projects for the people

Carry out the education and rectification of the procuratorial team in a down-to-earth manner Build political loyalty, and carry out political education, warning education, and model education in a comprehensive manner. Eliminate the black sheep, and file cases throughout the year to investigate and deal with prosecutors who violate discipline and laws eighty-three People. We should rectify persistent maladies, vigorously Three regulations False filling. Strengthen the establishment of rules and regulations, Establish and improve seven aspects, such as rectification and discipline elimination, law enforcement, judicial restriction and supervision fourteen Item system. Carry forward the spirit of model, cooperate with the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate to jointly hold the honorary title naming and commendation conference, Comrade Wang Min was posthumously awarded National Model Prosecutor ”“ Outstanding Communist Party member of Anhui Province Anhui Province Civil servants satisfied by the people In the education and rectification of the political and legal team, the provincial procuratorate was rated as excellent Equality.

Continuously deepen the innovation of procuratorial management Strictly implement case - Piece ratio Quality evaluation standards. Implement the system that the hospital leaders take the lead in handling cases and attend the trial committee as nonvoting delegates, and the hospital leaders take the lead in handling cases twenty-eight thousand five hundred and thirty-eight Pieces, year-on-year increase 2.4% , attend the judicial committee as nonvoting delegates seven hundred and seventy-six Times. Promote public hearings in procuratorial work and conduct hearings on various cases three thousand five hundred and ninety-two Pieces

Focus on strengthening the construction of grass-roots procuratorates implementation “1234 Casting Soul Foundation Engineering, Cooperate with the local party committee to select and strengthen the leading group members one hundred and twenty name develop I solve difficult problems for the grassroots Special actions to help solve the problems restricting the development of grass-roots procuratorates thirty-six A complicated and specific problem.

5、 Consciously accept supervision and ensure that procuratorial power is exercised fairly and normatively according to law

Consciously accept the supervision of the National People's Congress and democratic supervision Earnestly implement the resolutions of the fourth session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress, and study and implement them item by item. Deliberately completed and fed back suggestions of NPC deputies fifty Cases and matters to be transferred forty-seven Pieces. Organize activities such as case evaluation and court trial observation eight hundred More than times, cooperate with the invitation of the Provincial People's Congress one hundred and sixty More than deputies to the National People's Congress sixteen Cross inspections were carried out in procuratorial work in cities.

Accept supervision and restriction on duty performance in multiple ways It is the first time to report the annual legal supervision work to the provincial party committee in writing. Explore the establishment Government inspection linkage Working mechanism. Assist the Judicial and Legal Affairs Commission of the Provincial Party Committee in formulating the Working Mechanism for the Connection and Cooperation between the Judicial and Legal Affairs Commission's Law Enforcement Supervision and the Procuratorial Organ's Legal Supervision. positive Cooperate with the discipline inspection and supervision team in the hospital to perform the supervision function, and supervise and inspect the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations.

Accept social supervision from multiple perspectives Organize and carry out the activities of the second new era procuratorial publicity week, and focus on holding press conferences fourteen Public procuratorial open day seventy-four Times. Report the handling of cases quarterly. Procedural information of cases publicly disclosed throughout the province ninety-six thousand five hundred and fifty-two strip , release important case information nineteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven Article. The openness and transparency of procuratorial work is at the forefront of the national procuratorial system. Actively invite people's supervisors to participate in activities two thousand eight hundred and seventy-two Person time, supervision and case handling two thousand three hundred and fifty-four Pieces.

Distinguished delegates, the achievements of procuratorial work in the province, It is the result of the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, It is inseparable from the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, from the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, from the strong support of the Provincial Government, from the democratic supervision of the Provincial CPPCC, and from the care and help of all representatives, members, and all sectors of society. Here, on behalf of the Provincial Procuratorate, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks!

At the same time, we are also aware of the problems and shortcomings. everything The performance of the legal supervision function is not enough, and the problem of unwilling and afraid to supervise still exists. Second The ability to supervise the performance of duties does not meet the new requirements of the new situation, there is still a gap in the ability to handle difficult and complicated cases and new types of cases, and the level of standardization and specialization of procuratorial and investigative work is not high enough. Third The structure of the cadre team still needs to be optimized, the talent echelon cannot keep up, the aging of the team and the unreasonable knowledge structure are still prominent. Fourth The supervision and restriction mechanism of procuratorial power needs to be improved, violations of discipline and laws still occur, and judicial irregularities have not been completely eradicated. For these problems and deficiencies, we will focus on them and make efforts to solve them.

two thousand and twenty-two Annual work arrangement

two thousand and twenty-two In, the provincial procuratorial organs will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought of rule of law, and deeply understand Two establishment The decisive significance of Two maintenance , completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and enhance Four Consciousness , firm Four self-confidence Seize the main line of serving and ensuring the success of the 20th National Congress of the Party, earnestly implement the spirit of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, strictly implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era and the Provincial Party Committee Implementation comments We will faithfully perform our legal supervision duties and contribute procuratorial power to building a higher level of safe and legal Anhui.

First, actively serve the overall situation of development and help build a modern and beautiful Anhui We will resolutely safeguard national political security, carry out the fight against organized crime in a regular manner, and implement Double tens Measures to promote Government inspection linkage We will strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. The second is to implement judicial measures for the people and continue to improve the well-being of the people Deeply implement the new era Maple Bridge Experience , grasp Replies to complaints from the masses And do a good job in resolving complaints related to inspection. Make great efforts to run the public Minor cases We will continue to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link them with rural revitalization. Third, improve the quality and efficiency of legal supervision and earnestly assume the procuratorial responsibility Strengthen the rigidity of supervision and promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work. We will intensify procuratorial and investigative work and resolutely eliminate judicial corruption. promote Four major procurators ”“ Top ten businesses Integrated development and integrated promotion. Fourth, adhere to strict control of the party's inspection, and strive to build a strong procuratorial team We will strengthen political development, conscientiously implement the regulations on political and legal work, and ensure the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work. Consolidate and expand the achievements of Party history study and education, political and legal team education and rectification, and promote strict, standardized, fair and civilized justice.

Dear delegates! In the new year, Provincial procuratorial organs We will closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, closely rely on the strong leadership of the provincial Party committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, be loyal, dutiful and brave, and fully perform various procuratorial functions, so as to speed up the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui with strong economy, new pattern, excellent environment, sufficient vitality and rich people Make new and greater contributions Strength, with outstanding achievements to welcome the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress!